Supreme God King

Chapter 3720: What

A secret void very close to Hanhuang Universe.

Hanhuang Universe has become a forbidden place, and no creatures are allowed to enter or leave.

In this hidden void, there is a white stone fortress floating.

In the fortress, dozens of **** kings are busy.

In one of the rooms, two **** kings were talking.

Of these two **** kings, one is the **** king of the Nine Tribulations, and the other is the overlord of the Ten Tribulations Peak.

In the middle of the two gods, there was a spar container on a long table. A black object was sealed in the container, like some kind of slime, still squirming slowly.

"The World of Meaning is planning to destroy the Hanhuang universe." Ten Tribulations God King said.

The Nine Tribulations God King squinted his eyes and his expression was a bit heavy: "Don't leave a living?"

"Yes. For so many years, no matter what method the meaning world uses, it has not been possible to distinguish 100% of a creature, whether it is a wolf clan." The King of Ten Tribulations rubbed his eyebrows, looking a little tired. "Not long ago, the world of meaning gave this ultimate creation a new name. First of all, it can be determined that this ultimate creation comes from a different species other than nothingness. With the characteristics of this ultimate creation, it is exactly named Heishui Alien. The creatures parasitic and metamorphose of the Heishui alien race are no longer called the wolf tribe, but the atrocity."

Nine Tribulations God King: "Heh...hehe..."

His smile was cold.

"After the Luotian Uprising, the Han Emperor's plague broke out, and various wolf races and madmen raged. Significant World has sent a large number of legions, and 12 million people participated in the battle. This scale is already similar to that of the Luotian Uprising. , But the casualty ratio far exceeds that of the Luotian Uprising that year. Although there is no clear data, you and I can guess that at least six million people have died in battle."

Speaking of this, the expression of the God King of Nine Tribulations was hideous and even distorted. "The number of casualties is still rising sharply every day. Many people believe that this will be the biggest crisis that the world of meaning has ever faced, and even a crisis that can destroy the world of meaning.

For many years, we have tried our best to eliminate this ultimate creation, but we have been failing. We are forced to abandon the Hanhuang universe and establish a blockade outside. All the creatures in the Hanhuang universe, no matter what, whether or not Being parasitized and unified are treated as wolf races. You and me, as well as the dozens of people in this fortress, have actually been abandoned. We cannot cross the blockade. In the eyes of the world of meaning, as long as there is one thousandth The possibility that we have been parasitized will definitely kill us.

After the blockade line was established, it was requested that the creatures who walked out of the Hanhuang universe should not be allowed to cross the blockade line for one step.

The cordon began to withdraw.

Has been retreating.

Eighty years ago, I was able to contact the cordon once in a while to report the situation here.

After that, I never heard about the blockade, nor did I respond when I sent it. In other words, the blockade was withdrawn again.

In the face of this plague, the world of meaning does not even have the ability to contain the plague, and can only reluctantly delay and continue to retreat.

This situation has lasted for 80 years. Today, the world of meaning finally sent a message, thinking of those of us who have been forgotten, but you told me that the message from the world of meaning is...returning to this ultimate. Naming the creation?

Why does the world of meaning think that I care about the name of this ultimate creation? "

The commander looked at his excited deputy and was silent for a long time before he said: "At least, the world of meaning is still doing things."

Nine Tribulations God King sneered.

The handsome said: "The World of Meaning has found out some secrets of this ultimate creation."

The deputy commander looked at the commander silently, without saying a word.

The commander continued: "The Heishui alien race is a kind of creature that has never been seen in the world, and even in all affiliated universes, documents, and legends."

He pointed to the black slime sealed in the crystal in front of him: "They have no exact physical structure. We can call them a Heishui alien race with such a mass of slime, but this name is not accurate. To be precise... this is a village. Or a town, or even an empire.

There may be hundreds, or thousands, or even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of Heishui aliens in such a mass of slime.

Each of them is very small, even so small that our naked eyes can't see it. Millions of them are gathered together and connected to each other to form the mass of slime we see.

They have no civilization, no system, no law, and almost none of everything we know in the world. They only have an instinct, the instinct to survive.

A single Heishui alien race is very small and very weak. In order to survive, they have only one way to go, which is to gather in large numbers.

On this road, they have two choices.

One is to gather with other black water aliens and then form a mass of mucus.

Second, self-reproduction.

Heishui aliens don’t need complicated processes. Each individual Heishui alien can reproduce on its own, as long as the energy is sufficient.

Meaning World got some specimens and did countless experiments. Finally, it was determined that a single Heishui alien that was invisible to the naked eye could have enough energy to multiply hundreds of times by drawing a grain of dust.

A Heishui alien race can reproduce 30 to 50 offspring in half a stick of incense after absorbing energy.

And every offspring that is reproduced, at the moment of birth, has matured and can continue to reproduce.

A Heishui alien race, as long as it draws enough energy, about half an hour, can form a mass of slime, which is an empire composed of hundreds of Heishui alien races.

This is a parasitic creature, a virus, a plague, they will not stop, they will do their best to absorb energy, and then continue to reproduce, they will not reach a perfect balance with everything in the world, their existence, As long as the energy and time are sufficient, everything we know can be destroyed.

There are more terrible.

The life force of the Heishui alien race is extremely tenacious. Even in the emptiness of nothingness, the Heishui alien race will not die, but will only enter a dormant state, waiting for a chance to recover. A Heishui alien race can dormant in nothingness. After 70 million years, it will corrupt and disappear.

As long as it feels other life forms or energy sources, the Heishui alien race will wake up without hesitation, and after awakening, even if it is in nothingness, a Heishui alien race can remain active for several years. "

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