Supreme God King

Chapter 3734: abnormal

The sword idiot has lived in the Eight Kings Universe Town Defense Agency for five years.

She originally said that she only lived for a few days.

When I first arrived at the Eight Kings Universe Defense Hall, Jianlun did not plan to stay very often. I just wanted to rest. After all, he had been in the void for tens of thousands of years and was somewhat exhausted, so I still had to take a rest and leave. She was a little confused as to where to go after the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department.

When she left Liuli Universe, she still had the status of the commander of the Blade Palace. She suddenly left, leaving without saying goodbye, leaving her post without permission, making the pillar of majesty extremely angry, because that was the second time that Jianlun had "escaped". Jian Mo is called by many people the first genius in the history of the world of meaning, and his reputation is not small, but after all, his qualifications are too low. Not long after he came out of the mountain, he committed two consecutive serious crimes that the majestic pillar could not tolerate, even if it was her family. There is no way to excuse her, so the Majesty Pillar and the Faen Pillar successively issued orders to arrest her.

She didn't want to be bound by any shackles. There was only one thought in her heart, that is, to find Meng Fan, and it was difficult for her to get interested in other things.

But for tens of thousands of years, she first arrived in the Sarah Universe from Liuli, because no matter how you look at it, Meng Fan is likely to escape back to the Sarah Universe, so after searching the Sarah Universe for many years, she got up again. , Continue to walk, through the land of omniscience, to the prehistoric universe, and set off again, until reaching the Eight Kings universe.

She is a little tired.

Pursuing a person for tens of thousands of years, but not even a trace is found, of course it will be tired.

After learning from the Chief of the Town Defense Department that both pillars were capturing her, she thought for a few days.

In the past few days, two things happened one after another.

The first is a letter from the family, and this letter is delivered to Jian Chi's hands via Chief Hei Yuankui himself.

The letter was written by an elder in the family. It is a generation higher than the eight-legged evil scorpion in terms of seniority. Jianzhu needs to call his ancestor. The seniority is a bit scary. The content of the letter is preceded by a few simple greetings. , Followed by innuendo reprimands, and then clearly told Jianzhu that she hates all restraints, including the family, but she can do whatever she wants, she can join the pillar of majesty as soon as she comes out of the mountain, and can get it after the first escape The status of the commander of the Blade Palace is all because of the family, what she hates, has been helping her.

At the end of the letter, I told Jianzhu,

Set off and return to the family.

Jianlun didn't care what the letter said.

What she cares more about is that she had just arrived in the Eight Kings Universe and received this letter in just seven or eight days, that is to say, her every move and where she was, the family knew.

Since the family knows, then the Majesty Pillar and the Faen Pillar must also know.

Why did the two pillars just order the town defense halls, halls, or Taoists everywhere to see her and arrest her, but they didn't directly act?

There are nothing more than two reasons. First, the arrest order did not convict Jianzhu, or even said that she was arrested because of what, and Taoists everywhere did not want to offend her family in order to capture Jianzhu.

Second, her family is still trying to protect her.

Two reasons, in the final analysis, are her family.

Pursuing Meng Fan to no avail, not even a trace, plus wanted by all parties, and a letter from the old man in the family, made Jianzhu hesitate for a few days. Since it is looking for a needle in a haystack, then go home.

A sword idiot is a sword, except for its sheath, other things are very casual.

It happened that within a few days after receiving the letter, the World of Meaning requested the Eight Kings Universe to pay tribute. The task of the tribute was first passed to the Town Defense Department, and then issued by the Town Defense Department, so Jianlun knew it soon.

At this time, Jian Chi said to Hei Yuankui that he hoped that Hei Yuankui would capture her, and then she would return to the world of meaning.

Hei Yuankui chuckled lightly and disagreed. He didn't want to do this kind of thing, and no Taoist was willing to do it, so he told Jianzhu that she could rest here for a few years, and then go back with the tributary team. , Can also be used as a "guide" for the tributary team.

So Jianchi agreed.

I stayed in the town defense department for five years.

Today is the day when the tribute team of the Eight Kings Universe will set off.

To reach the world of meaning from the Eight Kings Universe, even if it walks the space ladder, this team will have to walk thousands of years, even thousands of years, so the time limit given by the world of meaning is not the time limit for the tributary team to reach the world of meaning, five years Time is impossible. The time limit is for the tributary team to set off, and then the Town Defense Department will send a hand to count the goods and resources. After confirming that they are correct, some people sent by the Town Defense Department will go to the world of meaning at the same time as the team.

The deadline.

Therefore, half an hour ago, the Town Defense Department sent a few people to the Eight Kings Universe. They first joined the tributary team and counted the teams. After about a dozen hours, the tributary team would reach the town defense hall through the space ladder. The Defense Department is responsible for completing the relevant procedures and documents.

The sword idiot was sitting quietly in a courtyard in the town defense hall, her slender body, like a sharp blade, stuck to the ground, motionless, waiting for the tribute team to arrive more than ten hours later, she walked along.

At this moment, on the other side of the courtyard, a **** king hurried over, heading towards Hei Yuankui's bedroom.

Jian Chi's eyes were sharp, he saw the King of God panicked, and at the same time, he noticed that the King of God was holding a letter with a bright red seal.

That is an urgent letter in the world of meaning.

The sword idiot slowly got up, like a sleeping cat waking up, his whole body bends like a bow, and then slowly straightened, and then followed.

A few steps, he came to the door of Hei Yuankui's bedroom.

Hei Yuankui was ordering something to receive the tributary team. When Jianzhi arrived, he saw the legendary king coming behind Hei Yuankui. The king hesitated for a moment, obviously wondering if he should interrupt Hei Yuankui’s words made Jianzhu frown. Although she has always disgusted with these red tapes, when the boss is speaking, no matter how urgent the subordinates are, they should wait for a while, but this **** king behaves everywhere. In an eagerness to say something, he opened his mouth several times.

Hei Yuankui also noticed, turned around and looked at the **** king silently.

The other town defense officials who were preparing also looked at the **** king who spread the letter.

The **** king handed the letter in his hand to Hei Yuankui.

Hei Yuankui glanced at the red seal paint on it, his eyes flickered slightly, and he took out a small jade seal from his waist and tapped it on the seal paint to release the seal of the seal paint. Take out the letter.

Jian Chi can also see from here that there is no text on the letter, but something looming, like a mist, coiling around.

That is a kind of "qi machine code" in the world of meaning. Even if the God King of Ten Tribulations can unlock the seal, it is difficult to understand the meaning of those mists.

Hei Yuankui looked at the letter.

The expression became more and more solemn.

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