Supreme God King

Chapter 3736: core

Three thousand universes.

It is about 40,000 years away from the wisdom universe.

This universe is rather unremarkable, no matter from which angle you look at it.

The size of the Wisdom Universe is smaller than that of the Thousand Star Universe, and it is even more "petite and exquisite" compared to those close to the core.

However, all core universes were colonized by the world of meaning very early, and they were also civilized earlier and reached a higher level of development. There are many creatures, the civilization is prosperous, and they are also very good at using laws and spaces. Utilizing various laws and spaces requires the placement of many creatures, so the closer the universe is to the core, the larger the volume.

Although the Three Thousand Universe is not the core universe, it is already very close to the core world, but its size is much smaller than that of the outer world.

This is the first and second, although the vitality in the three thousand universes is very strong, the laws are relatively thin.

Third, there are no powerful creatures in the three thousand universes. Naturally, there are some **** kings living in them, but the number is too small.

Finally, the reputation of the Three Thousand Universe is also very small.

Three Thousand Universes are close to three universes, namely the Wisdom Universe and the Primordial Universe. Through these two universes, they can reach the Eight Kings Universe very quickly.

The Primordial Universe has a long history. When the world of meaning first expanded, the Primordial Universe also broke out large-scale uprisings and fought a long war with the world of meaning. Although it was finally defeated, the Primordial Universe was not hit or damaged. Until now, the Primordial Universe is still full of powerful people, such as the King of Gods. Among the many subsidiary universes, the comprehensive strength ranks very high. If it were not for some historical issues, the Primordial Universe could even gain the status of the core universe.

The wisdom universe was discovered a few years later than the primordial universe, about hundreds of thousands of years. Before the expedition to the world of meaning, a group of highly civilized creatures existed in the wisdom universe. Through some ancient documents, Today’s people know that the creatures that originally ruled the wisdom universe have evolved to the point of abandoning the physical body, because they are too pursuing spiritual power. Those creatures whose names are not even remembered now completely turn the souls into their bodies because they have abandoned them. In the flesh, they don’t have traditional ethical concepts, family concepts, and even morals and laws.

After arriving in the Smart Universe, the world was extremely shocked. In the descriptions of the first group of explorers, the lifestyles and cognitive methods of the rulers of the Smart Universe are all hard to imagine and understand. of.

This wise race has built countless libraries and knowledge treasures in the wise universe, and has developed philosophy, science, psychology, and so on to the extreme.

But it is strange that this race disappeared shortly after being discovered by the world of meaning.

Why they disappeared, what happened after the expedition of the world of meaning arrived in the wisdom universe, to this day, is an unsolved mystery, because history is too far away.

Therefore, the creatures living in the intelligent universe today are not the descendants of the rulers of the ancient era. There are a large number of outsiders among them. They are the descendants of the colonizers of the ancient world. They account for about 10% of the population of the entire intelligent universe. , The remaining 90% are some local creatures in the Wisdom Universe, such as the Monster Race.

But the world of meaning attaches great importance to the Wisdom Universe. Since colonization, it has been sending Taoists to the Wisdom Universe for direct management and construction, and actively teaches those uncivilized creatures in the Wisdom Universe, so that they can have wisdom and enter the martial arts. , Multiplying offspring and becoming the main body of today's wisdom universe.

In the war between the immortal road and the meaning road, the two sides broke out a small-scale conflict in the wisdom universe. It seems that it is not an encounter, but the two sides are purposefully competing for the management of the wisdom universe.

Until today, although the intelligent universe does not have a unified power, the system is quite loose, about 30% of the territory has been "transformed into people", that is, the descendant rulers of the colonists of the ancient world, and other lands are full of large and small trees. Tens of thousands of small kingdoms.

But the wisdom universe is a very magical place.

So loose, split into tens of thousands of kingdoms, but the number of **** kings in the wisdom universe, the number of peak overlords, is amazing. It is said that the number of **** kings in the entire wisdom universe exceeds 25 million, and the number of peak **** kings, It also exceeded ten. This is just the number of local powerhouses, and they are not counted as sent by the meaning world.

Moreover, the Taoists dispatched by the meaning world to manage the wisdom universe are generally of high status. Many Taoists in the meaning world also have the habit of going to the wisdom universe "vacation".

Finally, the Eight Kings Universe, this universe

Of course, Zhou's status and reputation need not be said much.

The three thousand universes that are close to such powerful three universes seem very inconspicuous, and they are often forgotten.

The volume of the three thousand universes is only one-fifth of the neighboring wisdom universe and one-seventh of the primordial universe.

"Some people say that the Three Thousand Universe shouldn't exist."

In the three thousand universes, on a small road in a large jungle, two people walked, a short old man, a tall, square-shaped man, the old man only wore a straw suit like a fisherman, and the man wore a black cloak. , Even the head is covered, only a dark beard on the chin flows out.

It is the old man who speaks.

"The world of meaning has always claimed to be the highest world. We don’t know whether it’s the highest world or not. But the world of meaning should really be the center of the world. If the era of reincarnation is not a deception, and the final nirvana has really happened, then the last time the last time Annihilation, all tangible and intangible beings collapsed into an infinitely small point, then exploded, forming the world we see in this era of reincarnation, then this point should be the position of the nine supreme universes, so from this aspect Look, the world of meaning is indeed the center of nothingness and all universes.

There are two things to prove. The first is the legend of the meaning world itself. The prophets who survived the last reincarnation period descended on the nine universes. Since those survivors appeared in the nine universes, then the nine supreme universes It should be the point of collapse, where nothingness and all worlds were born.

The second is distance. "

The old man stretched out his hand and clicked, and the grass in the distance burst immediately.

"From the nine supreme universes to the core universe, it only takes about 10,000 to 20,000 years, but from the core universe to the marginal universe, it often takes 100,000 years or 200,000 years. The more marginal universes are between each other. The farther away is, and outside the marginal universe, in the void, those hidden universes are farther away. It is said that the great emperor of your universe walked away when he reached the edge of the meaning world from your universe. Hundreds of millions of years? And earlier, it took more than a billion years for the meaning world to send Taoists to your universe?

If you treat each universe as a piece of dust, all this is well explained. The center of the explosion is densely covered with dust. The more it spreads out, the thinner the dust and the farther the distance. "

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