Supreme God King

Chapter 3756: Immediate crisis

Meng Fan has never heard of the name "Sword Chi", but he knows that the chief of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department is Hei Yuankui. Everyone in the Eight Kings Universe knows that, but generally speaking, a town The Defense Hall had only one immortal to lead, after all, the existence of the immortal realm was too rare.

Now, another immortal figure appeared in the defense hall of the Eight Kings Universe.

In the past few years, the Town Defense Department has sent out secret talks again, and news of investigations has spread. The so-called secret talks are concealed, but it is difficult to really hide the leaders of the Eight Kings Universe. For the investigation of the town defense department, these leaders also He knew it well, but pretended not to know.

Just six months ago, several powerful kings stepped into Weiyang Palace. The city defense regiment conducted routine investigations and found no problems, but soon a detective from the administrative hall discovered their identities.

And three years ago, the Town Defense Department ordered the Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef to strengthen alertness and maintain law and order. Although this was not an official order, it was the Town Defense Department who spoke after all, so the matter was still no small matter.

Because the town defense hall is very different from the main hall of the majestic pillar. The town defense hall is under the unified pillar and rarely directly manages a universe. This can be seen from many places, such as the town defense hall of the Sara universe. , Almost never interfered with the progress of Sarah Universe. To a certain extent, Emperor Hu'er had a higher power position and influence in Sarah Universe than the Defense Department.

The Eight Kings Universe also did not participate in the affairs of the Eight Great Kingdoms, and the town defense department was not involved in the establishment of the Big Kahuna Council.

If it is a hall of majestic pillars, you will have to intervene almost everywhere.

There is only one blade hall in the three big universes, but the commander of the blade hall is the leader of the three big universes, and all forces must look at the eyes of the blade hall.

Because the scope under the jurisdiction of the pillar of majesty is the border of the meaning world, or some strategic points, the border universe is usually the latest sphere of influence of the meaning world, and because it is far from the meaning world, it is stationed in The halls of these frontier universes are given various arbitrary powers, such as edicts, by the world of meaning.

However, the world managed by the Town Defense Department is generally closer to the world of meaning, and has a higher degree of development. Some power leaders in the universe are simply descendants of Taoists in the early years, so the management of the world of meaning is relatively loose.

However, the management is loose and the status is very high. Meng Fan came to the Eight Kings Universe and learned more about the world of meaning. There are sixty-six subsidiary universes, and there are about thirty defense offices. The specific numbers are unclear. The total length of every town defense hall is immortal.

The majestic pillars are scattered everywhere in the halls. Only the more important borders will have the immortal seat, and the other borders are generally seated by the king of the ten kalpas.

From these places, it can be seen that the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department directly ordered, even if it is not a formal plain text, it is just a sentence, which is unusual.

And besides Hei Yuankui, another immortal figure appeared in the Eight Kings Universe Town Defense Hall, which is also unusual.

Meng Fan felt that something was going to happen.

But what is it?

Meng Fan lives deep in Weiyang Palace, never showing up, never going out, but everything that happens outside, he knows that there are quite a few members of the Big Kahuna Council who have gone out of the Weiyang Palace, and many of them were even the City Defense Corps before. And the members of the direct line of the administrative hall, their loyalty to Weiyang Palace is in some cases higher than their loyalty to the Great Reef Council. If anything happens, the members don’t know, the news has been sent back to Weiyang Palace.

For example, the current speaker of the Big Kahuna Council was the leader of a team of the City Defense Corps. After the establishment of the Big Kahuna Council, because he had made many contributions to Weiyang Palace, he was granted the status of a councillor. Later, he worked carefully. Be cautious. With some relationships and influence in the parliament, the senior officials of Weiyang Palace began to cultivate him deliberately, mainly Zhao Wuye and some senior officials of the administrative hall. Resources, contacts, and various assistance were provided. Later, this person entered After the Seven Tribulations, he became the new speaker not long ago.

In addition, the Big Five are the leaders of the Great Reef Council, and Meng Fan is recognized as the real "emperor" of the Great Reef. Everyone knows that when you do anything, you only need to put Palace Master Weiyang first. , There can be no mistakes.

At the same time, Meng Fan also has several incarnations.

After Daoshu Jufan left, Meng Fan couldn’t show up. If something really happened, Meng Fan needed to go out, it would be too inconvenient. So before Daoshu Jufan was going to replace Meng Fan to the world of meaning, he and Meng Fan , Using the flesh of the two Seven Tribulations Kings captured in the War of Unifying the Great Reef in the early years to create two incarnations, one Meng Yin and one Meng Shi, relying on Meng Fan’s power, Daoshu Jufan’s calculation ability, and The majestic resources of Weiyang Palace, the two incarnations only took a few years. In terms of physical power, they went from the seven calamities to the eight calamities. After that, Meng Yin became the guardian of the sky-eye formation as an independent identity, replacing Meng Fan spied on the plants and trees of Weiyang Palace, while Meng Shi was sent by Meng Fan to the Big Kahuna Council and became a member of the council.

In addition to these two powerful avatars created and cultivated by the use of the Seven Tribulations King’s flesh, Meng Fan actually has many avatars, but these avatars do not have very good conditions, so most of them are not high in realm. There are a few One Tribulation Kings, others Yes, they are all incarnations of the realm of gods, but these incarnations wander around the corners of the Great Reef, and many of them are merchants, wandering in the eight kingdoms of the gods, and as Meng Fan's eyes and ears, watching everything.

Therefore, although Meng Fan stays at home and is fully meditating and feeling immortal, he still firmly controls the Great Reef.

After all, the Great Reef is his amulet and an important mask.

But even so, Meng Fan still doesn't understand what the Town Defense Department has done in recent years.

Since he doesn't understand, that is to say, it is not a matter of Eight Kings Universe.

Meng Fan is in control of everything inside and outside the Eight Kings Universe. If he doesn't know why, then it must not be what happened in the Eight Kings Universe, it can only be what happened outside.

Meng Fan's soul revolved like a violent storm, carrying out calculations that made the Daoshu Giant Sail beyond reach.

After various calculations, Meng Fan believes that there are only three reasons.

First, it is the sequelae of the Luotian Uprising. Although the Luotian Uprising did not affect the Eight Kings Universe, there are many reports that in some universes, the aftershocks of the Luotian Uprising are still continuing. The attitude of the hall, it is very likely that a fugitive from the Luotian uprising hid into the Eight Kings universe.

Secondly, it was the problems in the world of meaning that caused this kind of turmoil. If that was the reason, Meng Fan wouldn't have to make any guesses, because he couldn't guess.

The third... is the least possible reason among Meng Fan's cognition.

It is these years that there have been rumors in the distant frontier universe, that... plague.

The Eight Kings universe extends in all directions, and all kinds of news can be heard. A few years ago, there were rumors that a "plague" occurred at a certain boundary in the world of meaning.

This news did not attract much attention. Plagues and diseases are not things in the world of the gods, but the distress of ordinary people.

But after hearing the news, Meng Fan thought about it. Let’s not talk about the plague, how could it happen within the sphere of influence of the world of meaning, even if it happened, would it spread to the Eight Kings universe?

And this news appeared more than once.

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