Supreme God King

Chapter 3763: now

In a blink of an eye, two hundred years have passed.

The last outpost of the Eight Kings Universe was completed.

Because these outposts are far away and many facilities are not complete, it is difficult to communicate between them. Basically, each of these outposts is an independent individual and does not communicate with other outposts.

There is only a caravan authorized by the Town Defense Department to travel between these outposts, but a caravan simply cannot provide such a large number of outposts, so some outposts have stalled due to insufficient resources, and even Deserted, and the construction and maintenance of these outposts also cost a lot of money. They were easily abandoned. The Town Defense Department could not accept it, so they began to authorize some civilian caravans to allow them to pass.

And the farther the outpost is from the town defense hall, the more caravans are authorized, and the more relaxed the authorized qualifications.

Among them, there is a rather inconspicuous outpost.

Only a few thousand creatures lived on this outpost, all of which migrated when the outpost was built that year. Among these creatures, there are only a few **** kings, and most of them are still in the realm of gods.

This outpost was built on an unstable star, so the thousands of creatures that came are still in the stage of reclaiming wasteland and stabilizing the law of stars. Caravans will come three times a year, and usually, occasionally there will be some lone merchants. Arrived, delivered some supplies.

Not long ago, a damaged ship arrived at the outpost. I don’t know how long the voyage has passed. Most of the ship has been corroded. It was found by people patrolling around the outpost and searched for the ship. After not finding any creatures or corpses, they disintegrated the ship and used it as raw materials.

This is not a big deal. Near the nothingness of the huge universe, there are often some debris, especially the Eight Kings Universe has established thousands of outposts. In this emptiness, there will also be some discarded materials from the outposts, or die. Merchant ship.

The officer of the outpost only made a very simple record and put some small pieces of the ship's wreck into the warehouse, so that if someone came to investigate the matter in the future, the source of the ship could be determined through this wreck.

In the record, the officer wrote that the ship was made of metal spar, and it looked good. By decomposing the ship, 12 tons of usable spar, two tons of various metals, and other materials were obtained. A hundred jin, but there is only one kind of material, and its properties and value cannot be confirmed. It is a material that the chief has never seen. This is also normal. The chief recorded that this material also looks like a spar and is pure black. There are more than five hundred pieces, the largest being smaller than a goose egg, irregular in shape, and very light weight. There is a substance similar to a solidified liquid in the spar, but it is impossible to determine what it is.

This type of spar was useless, so it was discarded, and among the small pieces of debris that the officer put away, there was also one.

After recording these contents, the chief went to work on other things.

Twenty days later.

In the warehouse, the black spar, little by little, melted on its own and became a liquid.


The border of the world of meaning, the Boundless Universe, the First Empire, after two hundred years of rule, has officially replaced the Boundless Main Pavilion and became the new overlord of this universe.

Over the past two centuries, the First Empire built a huge capital.

All kinds of forces, large and small, merged into the First Empire, and many other forces surrendered to the First Empire.

The First Empire has established a complete alliance system. Various forces that surrender to the First Empire are added to this system. For example, some forces have an alliance relationship with the First Empire, and some forces are subject to rule. The First Empire has the right to speak in all matters of the First Empire, and some forces remain basically independent, but still pay tribute to the First Empire.

The First Empire now occupies more than 20% of the territory of the immeasurable universe, and it is expanding at a very fast rate. It is vertical and horizontal, constantly disturbing the situation, and systematically triggering small-scale wars, and then intervening in the war to increase its influence. Earn benefits, or use force and diplomacy to annex the territories of other forces.

Because of the collapse of the Wuliang main pavilion, there has been a large vacuum in the Wuliang universe, a vacuum of power, a vacuum of territory, a vacuum of trade, a vacuum of prestige, a vacuum of influence, a vacuum of order, etc., because in the past these matters were managed by the universe. , So after the fall of Boundless Universe, many forces have their own minds, but no one is as fierce as the shabby room.

Shaochao defeated the Boundless Universe. First, it filled the prestige vacuum. Everyone needed to see Shaocha's intention to act. Then Shaocha resolutely established the first empire, and began to stir the current situation, and its influence became greater and greater.

In addition to these, over the past two centuries, the First Empire has also paved thousands of avenues that traverse east, west, north and south, as well as hundreds of thousands of post stations, reclaimed hundreds of millions of miles of wasteland into fertile land, and built more than 20,000 ships for transportation. And the flying ark of trade, cultivated a seven-horned dragon horse and became the most popular mount in the immeasurable universe. It also established more than a dozen towns and promulgated a very sound code, and the First Empire launched in the past two centuries Many of the wars in China were launched based on codes. As long as any force in the immeasurable universe dared to violate the codes, the First Empire would take action.

In these two hundred years, the First Empire has established its own rule.

But for Zhan Tian Giant and Gu Xin Ao and others, this is not enough.

What they want to do is to unify the entire immeasurable universe.

The World Congresses have already contacted them, and within a thousand years, another team will be sent, but this team is not very large, it is estimated that there will only be a dozen people, and it will also be composed of the young elites of God King Universe and Calculus Universe In addition, the team will carry thousands of memory fragments for communication, and also try to establish a method that can directly convey information from the world of meaning to the universe of the king.

The God King Universe must make every effort to learn knowledge and understand the meaning world.

In the follow-up, more teams will arrive in the Boundless Universe.

In order to completely transform the Boundless Universe into a suitable outpost, Zhan Tian Giant and Gu Xin Hou decided to unify the entire Boundless Universe within a thousand years.

But at the same time, they must also be defensive.

Although the world of meaning is currently busy and flawlessly caring about the infinite universe, and even before, the world of meaning seldom pays attention to the infinite universe, but it still cannot be careless.

Therefore, the First Empire must try its best to disguise itself as a local rising power, and the members of the First Expeditionary Army must also have complete identities and be mixed into the beings of the immeasurable universe.

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