Supreme God King

Chapter 3765: history

Hanhuang universe.

In the last several hundred thousand years, it has gone through several stages, with great ups and downs. This universe, which has been calm and peaceful in the past, is a paradise and prosperous, is now indifferent and will be remembered.

It all began many years ago. The people of Hanhuang Universe accidentally observed a huge and unprecedented fleet that was heading towards Hanhuang Universe. It meant that the world recognized this as an alien invasion for the first time, and immediately sent a Taoist master to organize defenses. And suppress the alien.

Hanhuang Universe, who has enjoyed peace for many years, was panicked for a while.

However, after the Taoist arrived, he judged that this fleet was a "joke".

The fleet's movement speed is very slow. According to inference, the civilization that this fleet belongs to has not even developed to the law level, but has made use of technology, machinery and other forces to achieve nihilism.

In fact, the world of meaning has very little contact with the outside world, and the dominance of the world of meaning over the sixty-six subsidiary universes has led to the lack of diversified development of these universes. In terms of martial arts, culture, civilization, etc., they all converge to the world of meaning and the nine supreme The universe, if the people of the king of the universe are here, they will say that this is a fleet created by scientific and technological civilization, but its level of development is very low, not to mention that it is on the same level as the calculation universe, that is, it is incomparable to the infinite realm. Too much.

What is surprising is how such a low-level civilization navigates the void?

However, the Taoist of Hanhuang Universe did not think carefully. Instead, according to the original plan, he waited for many years, just like a tiger sitting on the shore, waiting for a little turtle to swim across the river with difficulty and arrive. In front of him, although the tiger could cross the river to find the tortoise, the world of meaning had issued strict orders, so the Taoists did not move.

Then the fleet arrived, and then the fleet was wiped out.

The whole war ended simply.

Hanhuang Universe, which has been in a panic for many years, is quite inexplicable. Later, when I talked about it for a while, I often laughed, and some people would feel ashamed. How could an adult be frightened by a baby with a pacifier?

This war has also been hyped up by the world of meaning, letting many affiliated universes know that Big Brother is still a big brother, a different kind, just a weak barbarian, not to be afraid.

But the world of meaning is not blindly arrogant. They are very cautious. They must guard the orders from several Taoists and cannot attack. Even if the opponent is a baby with a pacifier, they can see one or two, so the world of meaning Immediately explored the source of this huge fleet, found the universe where the law was thin, the vitality was thin, and even the cosmic barriers were thin, and could be easily broken, and then ordered two Taoists to go and destroy that universe.

This matter has not been publicized, and not many people know it. The people of Hanhuang Universe are alive step by step, and they don't care.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the Taoist master who was ordered to destroy the universe returned, but only one returned.

One of them is dead.

And the one who came back was also dying.

The Taoist master who managed the majestic hall of Hanhuang Universe immediately blocked the matter and sent the news back to the Eight Pillars of the World of Meaning.

This incident caused a small wave.

On the one hand, some people think that there must be something else in this matter. It is impossible for a universe of such a small size to have the ability to kill the Taoist master, but on the other hand, there are also some other smells that are quite serious.

Finally, the world of meaning requires careful investigation of this matter.

But the world of meaning didn't think about what it meant.

They could not think of it, and no one in this world could think of it.

Except for the hall commander stationed in Hanhuang Universe, and the dying Taoist who has experienced everything personally, no one can understand the horror of this matter.

Before long, the dying Taoist master died.

Then, somewhere in the Hanhuang universe, a small plague broke out, three people died, and all the dead turned into corpses.

Thousands more are missing.

In the next few months, there were continuous outbreaks of epidemics in various places and corners of the Hanhuang universe.

It looks like some kind of ordinary disease.

But even the **** king was "sick".

Later, at the Hanhuang Cosmos Hall, someone finally found out the culprit of the illness, and began to call this strange, almost invisible creature that can only be seen by tens of billions of individuals together as the "ultimate creation". It was the creature that was officially named Heishui Alien by the World of Meaning.

The commander-in-chief of the main hall knew all this at first and witnessed it with his own eyes. He went beyond the rules, issued several edicts, monopolized many areas, and also made many countermeasures. It can be said that everything he did is generally effective, but It's all right. It's a pity that his power is limited, and the contempt of the world of meaning also leads to too slow support. At the same time, the power of the ultimate creation really exceeds the imagination of the world of meaning and the commander.

So a year later, the epidemic was out of control, and more than one-tenth of the Hanhuang universe became the hardest-hit area, and the ultimate creation adapted to incubation and disguise in the short-term evolution, and it was impossible to judge who was infected.

Immediately afterwards, the "wolf clan" appeared.

It was later the "atrocious" officially named by the world.

The atrocities are the creatures that are infected by the Heishui alien parasites and are completely controlled and turned into puppets. Under the control of the Heishui aliens, the atrocities usually pretend to be first, although you will find some abnormalities if you observe carefully, because In this period, the Heishui alien race has not yet fully adapted to the carrier of the "king of god", and the evolution is not complete enough, and the powerful willpower of the **** king is also a huge resistance to the control of the alien race of Heishui, but the simple atrocious Disguise, and purposefully approach other "targets", allowing the Heishui alien race to expand faster.

Immediately afterwards, there was an incident where an army of atrocities attacked the majestic hall.

Although the army of atrocities is tens of millions, it is still very difficult to attack the hall of Hanhuang Universe. The attack has been unsuccessful for many years, and the meaning world has sent a large number of apostles to support. At this stage, the meaning is Although the world has not yet been able to confirm what the ultimate creation is and what power it possesses, it has also realized the seriousness of the matter.

When the main hall was under siege, it also lost control of Hanhuang Universe, and Hanhuang Universe fell more quickly.

The Hall of Emperor Hanhuang persisted for 16 years.

Later, it collapsed.

Because inside the hall, one of the commanders' most trusted subordinates has become a Heishui alien.

Although it has not been possible to determine when this cron was infected, it was mentioned in the commander's last last words that this cron may have been infected before the main hall was besieged, and he believed that this cron was very Possibly, it is the "monarch" of Heishui Alien.

The word monarch appeared in the diary of the commander of Hanhuang Hall very early. He was at the forefront of the confrontation with the Heishui alien race. He collected enough information and intelligence, and tried his best to return these news to the world of meaning. It may seem that he is great, but in fact, he is very helpless. When the veil of the Heishui alien race was lifted little by little, it caused great panic in the world of meaning and began to gradually block the Hanhuang universe. This commander must stay. On the front line, he couldn't get out of Hanhuang Universe.

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