Supreme God King

Chapter 3767: Unsolvable problem

It has been almost three thousand years since the last time that the meaning world sent a spy death team to Hanhuang Universe for investigation.

Yi Housheng set foot in a once-famous city in Hanhuang Universe-"Glory Fort".

This city, in very ancient times, was the site of the World Expedition, and later became the site of the Majesty Hall. Later, the Majesty Hall was moved away, but the Glory Fort remained the "accompanying capital" of the Majesty Hall.

After Yi Hoshen came, he saw nothing, Heishui aliens, no atrocities, no stones, no trees, no city walls. All the buildings in Glory Castle once disappeared, leaving only the bare ground.

Suddenly, Yi Housheng was a little strange. He checked the coordinates again and again by observing the law, until finally determined that this was the Glory Fort.

Yi Housheng said: "The behavior trajectory of the Heishui alien race is quite diverse, and there is no certain rule. It seems that this is in line with the third behavior line of the Heishui alien race."

He is using a superb method to talk to people in the distant world.

"I saw."

There is a sound. Yi Housheng squatted down, twisted a bit of dirt with his fingers, and rubbed it at his fingertips: "The Heishui aliens have only three basic behavior modes: lurking, brutality, and devouring everything, but after evolution, their behavior is more difficult to figure out. I think Heishui

The alien race must have evolved a considerable degree of wisdom. ""In the world of meaning, including the Hundred People Group, there are many people who believe that the Heishui alien race does not possess extremely high wisdom. If there is, then their evolutionary speed is too fast, so fast that we can imagine. , You know, can exceed ours

It is difficult to imagine. Is there anything we can't think of? "Why did we send the team responsible for establishing the formation and destroying the Hanhuang Universe be destroyed by the impact of the Heishui alien race at all costs?" "Yi Housheng said lightly. "If they really don't have high wisdom, I won't be here, the Hundred People Group,

It's just a group of old people who deceive themselves and don't want to face the crisis. "

"I'm also a member of the Hundred People Group." "So I was right." Yi Housheng's voice was very cold, and his body slowly vacated. "It now appears that Heishui Alien Race is indeed the ultimate creation. Apart from being unable to shake the immortality, the ultimate creation is almost invincible, and the ultimate creation is very likely.

Destroying the known world is only a matter of time. This kind of creature is very small, even if it is immortal, if you don't look closely, you will ignore its existence. They have a very strong life will, can dormant in nothingness for millions of years, and can survive in any environment. They have amazing reproductive capacity. As long as an individual has sufficient resources, it can develop into a collective empire with millions or even tens of millions of individuals within half an hour. They are very good at adapting, being able to parasitize in any creature’s body, and adapt to this creature’s

Body structure, in addition, we can also assume that they have evolutionary capabilities beyond our imagination. All of the above are their advantages, and the world of meaning, now, has the ability to completely destroy this species?

As long as there is a Heishui alien, a tiny Heishui alien who is thousands of times smaller than the dust, he can continue to reproduce and breed crazily.

One is enough. Nowadays, in order to block the spread of the plague, the world of meaning has paid a huge price. Even so, there are still rumors of Heishui alien races in the Wisdom Universe. If now, the Hundred People Group wants to deceive itself, then this world,

It will be destroyed.

Of course, Heishui Alien could not threaten immortality.

Maybe everything will disappear, but immortality is still immortal. "This is not bad. "The voice was a little bit ridiculous. "Maybe, one day, the known world is gone and all the creatures have disappeared, but we are immortal and still exist. No matter how powerful the Heishui alien race is, they will not be able to threaten us. In the end, the Heishui alien race will perish because they have nothing to eat, starve to death, or kill each other, and then we will create a new world on the ruins. There are too many problems in the old world, too many troubles, and so many more

Crisis, so many heterogeneous, so many intertwined relationships, it is better to ruin them and start over. "Yes, not bad." "Yi Housheng was expressionless, he hovered higher and higher. "Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the Heishui aliens first appeared, they could only infect ant-like creatures, and they could not withstand a single blow in front of the king. Taoism,

Will be swallowed by them, hundreds of thousands of years later? "

The voice was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking, and then said: "So you think they have been evolving?" "And I believe that their wisdom is getting higher and higher, and they are getting better at thinking. They have three basic behavior patterns. , Lurking, brutality, devouring everything, do you really think that these three behavior patterns are random? Including lurking,

Isn't it their intention? "

Yi Housheng hovered to an altitude of thousands of feet.

The world is at his feet.

He looked into the distance.

Glory Castle and the surrounding area were bare for tens of millions of miles. There was nothing but mud, at least in the visible range, nothing.

So Yi Housheng continued to circle.

Then he found out.

With Fort Glory as the center, it is a huge "pit".

Because the farther you look, the land gradually rises.


Yi Housheng's brows twitched.

He stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction.

"have you seen it."

He asked.

A dozen breaths of silence.

"I saw it."

In the direction of Yi Housheng's fingers, at the end of the pit, there was a huge tower.

This tall tower is about two hundred feet high and is made of metal and spar, which is very textured.

"Hanhuang Universe does not have such a building, what is it?" the voice asked.

Yi Housheng moved slightly.

The world under his feet has changed.

It seems like the vicissitudes of life.

However, this is not a change in time.

But Yi Ho was alive. He crossed the space, but the speed of the cross was so fast that the illusion of time passing appeared.

There was no one in a thousand Xumi, and Yi Housheng came to the sky above the tower.

In the high tower, a dazzling red beam of light was ejected. Outside the high tower, there were densely packed, like ant-like shadows walking around. If you look closely, you will find that it is a person.

Lots of people.

They are working silently, moving various resources into the tower, and some people are beating the tower, it is craftsmen.

In addition to the towers, there are many pavilions and buildings.

None of these people communicated with each other, and no one directed them, but their cooperation was flawless and there was no gap.

Yi Housheng looked to the other side again.

He saw a huge pasture.

And a huge wall that stretches for millions of miles.

Those city walls are the fences of the pasture. This ranch is wandering all kinds of creatures, the number is very large, completely crowded in a small space, there are many people flying above these creatures, throwing all kinds of messy food into the fence, and people grabbing all kinds of Cubs of creatures, also

When thrown inside, these creatures cannot live together, and some are natural enemies of each other, killing each other, rotting corpses everywhere, and the people who raise them don't care.

At the other end of the ranch, there was a stranger sight.

Uncountable people gathered together, digging the soil on the ground, the stones beside them, and eating them in big mouthfuls.

Others are eating each other.

Be silent. The person who was eaten also had a calm expression.

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