Supreme God King

Chapter 3770: power

In history, it was not normal for Taoists to destroy the universe, but it was not uncommon.

The world of meaning regards the world that is too far away as the "outside", because it is too far away, there is no way to effectively rule, and it is impossible to establish a subsidiary universe. Therefore, before the immortal road appeared, whenever the world of meaning discovered the universe outside, it sent a Taoist master to act as a supervisor. This Taoist master sometimes took millions, thousands, or even hundreds of millions of years. Time to reach

Reach this universe. After arriving, the Taoist master made a judgment. If he believes that this universe has no decent civilization and a low level of development, he will keep this universe and live in this universe, monitoring all the movements of this universe, once he finds out This

It is possible that a law-level civilization will appear in the universe, and this universe will be destroyed.

If after arriving, the Taoist discovers that a powerful civilization has been born in this universe, he will immediately destroy it. Later, because of the emergence of the road to immortality, the world of meaning struggled inwardly and cared about the outside world flawlessly. Many Taoists who acted as regulators also lost contact with the world of meaning, which was tantamount to being abandoned. outer

The world has given an order to destroy the universe. Later, because of the emergence of a heterogeneous crisis, the world of meaning began to send a group of new Taoists, or apostles, into the void and explore the unknown universe. This time, the orders they gave were very simple and rude, regardless of them.

It will be destroyed at all stages of the development of the universe encountered and will not be retained.

Therefore, it is conceivable that over the years, even at this moment, someone from the outside world is destroying the universe. But nothingness is vast after all, and the distance between the universes is also unimaginable, and the farther away from the world of meaning, the greater the distance between the universe and the universe, so it is not easy to find a universe, and it is ordered. Dao masters who step into the void, search for the universe, and destroy the universe must all be low-ranking Dao masters. This task can be said to be a punishment. You have to walk in the boundless nothingness and find one by chance. Universe, reuse

For many years, to destroy it, no one wants to accept this kind of task.

There are many ways to destroy the universe, but at the root, there are nothing more than two. The first is to change the law structure of a universe, such as distorting a law, removing a law, or enhancing a law. This method is the most used in the world of meaning, and it is also the most effective, specifically for those A universe with complete laws and absolute balance. This universe has existed for many years, and the laws in it have been conceived and developed for many years. The birth and death of countless generations have finally formed a delicate balance. This is the only universe. Will be born

A true "rule-level civilization" was born, and the other worlds with unsound laws, no matter how powerful civilizations appeared to be born, were not regarded as true civilizations in the eyes of the world of meaning.

In the face of a universe with sound laws, completely pulling away from any law of this universe will cause the law system of the entire universe to instantly become unbalanced, causing a series of chain reactions.

But it's not, it's that simple.

First of all, it is very difficult to completely remove a law from a universe. The Eight Kings Universe has quite sound laws, and the most powerful law is the most illusory law of Qi machine. Meng Fan has performed calculations. If he wants to take away the Qi machine law of the Eight Kings Universe, then he needs to sleepless. Endless

Time of year. This is because Meng Fan is immortal, and the understanding of the law, many people who transcend the world of meaning, if they are an ordinary peak **** king, the overlord of the Ten Tribulations, who want to take away the law of Qi in the Eight Kings universe, there are not dozens of them. Ten thousand years, all

It's hard to do. However, in a balanced universe, the laws of extraction do not need to be completely removed. As long as a part of it is removed and some imbalances are caused, it is enough to cause various natural disasters. Then the strong in the Eight Kings universe will definitely respond, and very It’s easy to find Meng Fan, because when Meng Fan takes away the rules, his actions are very big, and he cannot stop. Once he stops, the rules that were taken away will automatically be restored, or because of being taken away And the resulting vacuum is

The law fills up.

In the end, even if this rule is taken away, it is like taking away the pillars of a pavilion, but it may not be able to make this pavilion collapse, perhaps more rules are taken away. In the history of the world of meaning, there have been some universe destroyers. They did not specifically take away a certain law. Instead, they first created a heaven-like existence in a universe, became the "leader" of all the laws, and then controlled them. This

To destroy this universe by a heavenly way is to change multiple laws at once. In the final analysis, destroying a universe by changing the law is basically a universal means and the most effective means in the world. Only the pinnacle **** or immortality can do this, and it takes a lot of time. , There are many prerequisites, especially the absolute keenness of the law. From the chaotic and complex law system, the law that can really cause large-scale imbalances can be found, forming a domino effect. One law collapses, and other laws continue.


But as long as you step into the Ten Tribulations and understand the core laws of everything, you already have the ability to destroy a universe. In addition to mobilizing the laws, the second method is more clumsy. It breaks the barriers of the universe and exposes it to nothingness. All the laws and vitality in it will flow into the nothingness and be completely drained. and so

Clumsy, one is that the barriers of the universe are very strong, which is much more difficult than taking away any law alone, and the other is that a universe with sound laws has the ability to quickly heal even if one barrier is broken.

Whether it is to modify the law or break the barriers, it takes a long time and consumes a lot of force.

The destruction of Hanhuang Universe was very sudden. Moreover, the speed of destruction is also very fast. According to various rumors, it took less than a year before and after the appearance of the vision to complete destruction of the Hanhuang Universe. There are even legends that the Hanhuang Universe can only be destroyed from the appearance of the vision to the destruction. For dozens of days, but

It is that among the various events that destroy the universe, none of the universe is destroyed so quickly. Generally, the laws of a universe are modified, causing collapse and various visions, and it may take tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years, to finally collapse. .

Therefore, among Meng Fan's various deductions, the destruction of the Hanhuang universe has a possibility that makes Meng Fan's hair creepy.

That is, someone completely destroyed a law of Hanhuang Universe in an instant.

Just for a moment.

For other laws, there is no time to fill in the blanks, and there is no time to automatically bridge them, and there is no time for reaction. There is even more than one law that may be destroyed.

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