Supreme God King

Chapter 3772: Old paper pile

In the gloomy, dark, huge library, all the bookshelves are made of dark wood, the walls are also black spar, all the bookshelves have hundreds of layers, up to eighty feet, and densely packed books , There are paper, crystal

Stone runes, wooden slips, stone tablets, everything.

Most of these books are covered with dust.

There is only one person walking between these dusty bookshelves that have not known how many years have passed.

This person is Yi Housheng. Yi Housheng's expression was indifferent. He occasionally took out a book to look through, and then put it back quickly. There were also some books that were sealed, but in front of Yi Housheng, these seals did not seem to exist. He did not destroy the seals. Natural translation

Opened the book.

It seems that he is looking for something.

Passing a bookshelf, at the corner, a woman appeared in front of him.

The woman obviously did not expect that there would be others here, so she was surprised.

Yi Housheng glanced at her and whispered, "Sword crazy."

The woman frowned: "Your Excellency?"

"Yi Hoshen."

The sword idiot still frowned.

She has never heard the name.


She knows that there is a Yi family among the families of the Twelve Avenues, but compared to other families, the Yi family is very low-key. It is said that there are very few Yi family members.

Jianchi only knows this. She has never seen the Yi family. Because Yixin only has swords and has no distractions, she has never thought about how a small family like the Yi family can stand in the family of the Twelve Avenue Masters.

"What are you looking for?" Yi Housheng asked. "This is my job." Jian Chi replied casually, taking out a very heavy book like a large slate, and cleaning the dust on it. "A few days ago, I became the administrator of this library, responsible for sealing these

The books that have been stored for many years are sorted and summarized. "That's a very heavy job. "Yi Housheng said." The post library was originally a warehouse in the library of meaning. All books that are considered outdated will be stacked here. We have the habit of preserving knowledge, even if a book looks

It is worthless, and we are not willing to discard it. Over the past countless years, the post-library does not know how many books have been stored, and I don't know. "

"Outdated?" Jian Chi asked curiously.

Yi Housheng pointed to the book in Jian Chi's hands that was being cleaned up: "This book itself is a diary, and the text in it may exceed 50 trillion. The Taoist who wrote this diary should appear on the road to immortality. Died before."

"I don't understand history, but this diary should be important historical data."

"History, we don't lack." Yi Housheng smiled. "But no matter the details, no one will learn from the historical data recorded with every blink and every breath."

Jian Chi thought for a while and opened the book in his hand casually. Sure enough, I saw a paragraph that recorded what this Taoist wore that day, why he was wearing it, where he was going, what people he saw, his perception of this person, and what realm he was, what strength, and what Identity from

What family, etc.

Too detailed.

Jianzhu shook his head: "This kind of thing really cannot be used as historical data."

"The Taoist who wrote this log had no intention of letting the contents of it spread to future generations." Yi Housheng took the log. "This is to recreate the rebirth thing."

Only then did Jian Mo understand that he couldn't help but nodded. If he wanted to reproduce, of course, the more detailed the record, the better.

"There are too many such things here, and you may be busy for a long time."

"I want to serve here for three thousand years."

"Family punishment?"

Jianchi couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Yi Housheng's question.

"You are too laissez-faire, and your temperament is too sharp. You have done a few things that made Chi Jia very angry. After returning to the world of meaning, one is to punish and the other is to polish your character and calm you down." Yi Housheng said.

Jian Mo was even more surprised. What Yi Housheng said just now was the meaning of family. After returning to the world of meaning, Jianzhi first met her grandfather and was scolded by his grandfather, and then found a rather boring position for her, as the administrator of the largest library in the world, and was also responsible for the management of the library of old books.


The sword idiot had always been cold-tempered, so he nodded casually, and then accepted the position. "Chi Jia Xiao Nineteen, meaning the world’s first genius, stepping into immortality at a young age, no matter what you do, the family is always reluctant to abandon you. There are many geniuses. I have only seen a few geniuses like you in my life. , So punish you, but also

To temper you, your family loves you very much. After saying this, Yi Housheng walked to the next bookshelf, suddenly stopped again, and said back: "Didn't find Meng Fan?" "

Jian Chi looked at Yi Housheng quietly, without saying anything.

Yi Housheng did not continue to question either.

After that, these two people, in the huge back library, each did their own thing.

Jianchi silently sorted out the books, categorized and stored them.

Yi Housheng looked at it casually, and it seemed that there was no purpose, and it was nothing but idleness.

Finally, when Yi Housheng picked up a square stone, his expression changed slightly.

He ran his finger across the stone. It turned out that this ordinary-looking stone was a spar, and it recorded a lot of content.

If you look closely, you will find that this is also a log.

Just like the diary that Jianchi took before, the things recorded in this diary are also very detailed, and everything is written.

The owner of the log is named Cao, and his name is Cao Xun.

Seeing his identity, he is also a Taoist master. Looking at some time remarks in the log, we know that the time when the Taoist lived was hundreds of millions of years before the immortal road appeared. His father was Cao Baodai, who was born in the second supreme universe. He was quite powerful and had status. People, also

One of the founders of the world of meaning. Although Cao Xun is just a concubine of his father, and his father has hundreds of children, Cao Xun's status is not high, and his talents and talents are not outstanding, but he is gentle, easy-going, and Work very focused,

The wind evaluation is good. When he was 14.45 million years old, he entered the ten realms, became a Taoist master, and successively held a number of small and no small positions, and finally volunteered as the supervisor of a universe. The universe in which he worked was not yet the rule of the world of meaning at the time. However, in the process of supervising this universe by Cao Xun, he managed the universe very well and became the absolute emperor of this universe, and he was also him. , After kind

This effort raised this universe to the level of a subsidiary universe.

This universe is called Hanhuang universe. Cao Xun was called Hanhuang at the time.

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