Supreme God King

Chapter 3774: Clean up

"After the death of Cao Xun's son, his attitude changed a lot. After all, it was his only son. The death of his son is also full of mysteries. How exactly did he die, why he died, and who did it are not clear, but This is not a conspiracy, immortal war

There are many such things in the middle, maybe some guy in the Fa'n pillar felt that this person was a threat, so he assassinated him. At that time, Cao Xun had ruled the Hanhuang Universe for many years, almost 500 million years ago. Although he was an outsider, the Hanhuang Universe developed in his hands for 500 million years. The heavens, the earth and the Qi are all in his hands. In the hands of Hanhuang Universe, he and Hanhuang Universe no longer distinguished each other, so after his son died, he made it clear that he was the enemy of Immortal Road. Many people in the Cao family fled to Hanhuang Universe, except for the Cao family. Others supported Some people on the traditional road to immortality also escaped to Hanhuang

The universe, a rough estimate, the Dao masters of the Path of Meaning gathered in the Hanhuang universe at that time may have more than 30 people. Their children and relatives may add up to several thousand people, so they became an important stronghold of the Path of Meaning at that time. . In the eyes of many Taoists on the Road of Immortality, Cao Xun has become an enemy, but Cao Xun sticks to the Hanhuang Universe, and there is no way to do it on the Road of Immortality. The Pillar of Faen has failed to assassinate him 437 times. , Just step into the Hanhuang universe,

Just arrived at his home court.

This stalemate lasted for many years. From the beginning of the war to the end of the war, Cao Xun had always been a vassal in the Hanhuang universe. Later, he became the head of the Cao family. He was originally the concubine of the Cao family. Although the methods and strengths were good, he was the head of the Patriarch. This result was only because the Cao family’s direct descendants died one after another in the war, and finally became Cao Xun’s. After the nephew was executed in the world of meaning, although the position of the head of the family should be passed on to the nephew’s son in principle, the nephew’s son was just born at that time and was protected by many dead men in order to save his life and secretly sent to Hanhuang. universe

, So at a Cao family meeting in Hanhuang Universe, Cao Xun became the head of the family. "

"The family was slaughtered, and his son was killed." Yi Housheng's eyes flickered: "Enough reason."

"More than that." The man became more serious. "At that time, the Taoist masters of the Immortal Road were angry with Cao Xun, which surpassed their anger towards other Taoists on the traditional road.

"Huh?" "I don't have much contact with Cao Xun. Although we are of the same generation and the same age, the meaning world back then, I don't know that there are hundreds of Taoist families, three or four small families. There are hundreds of thousands and millions of people in a big family. It’s impossible to know all of them. But I was an ombudsman and participated in a lot of government affairs. I was on the forefront of the war several times. There were many people with the Faen pillar. Communication, I still have some impressions of Cao Xun. Back then, Cao Xun was in the dark

The kill level is very high, and how the assassination level of the Fan Pillar is set and calculated has always been a secret.

However, one thing is certain.

Cao Xun stepped into immortality. "

Yi Housheng's eyes changed.

It becomes... very complicated.

There is anger, but also a hint of killing intent. The man felt Yi Housheng’s attitude and continued: “From the very beginning, Cao Xun did not oppose the road of immortality. There are many evidences that Cao Xun is even interested in the road of immortality, which is why the road of immortality has always been Try to win over Cao

Xun, before Cao Xun's son was killed, Cao Xun had obtained a lot of information about immortality, and even some immortal crystals, which was a very precious thing at the time. And these things were given to him by those who tried to win him over. In the early days of the war, meaning still had the absolute upper hand. After all, the road of meaning was the foundation and tradition of the world of meaning. In order to win over allies, the road of immortality was at that time. Taoist

We have used all available methods to give away immortal crystals, although there are not many things, but they are not alone. Cao Xun is very interested in immortality. He spent a long time studying immortality. Later, he became an enemy of the road to immortality. It was not because of his different ideas and beliefs. It was just because his son and his family were slaughtered, but he was sure Did not give up immortality

Road, Lord Luo, who is the Pillar of Faen, met Cao Xun before the war, and he had negotiated with Cao Xun several times during the war. He told me that when the war was about to end, Cao Xun had indeed entered. immortal. Later, Cao Xun certainly judged that the war was over. At that time, there were very few Taoist families on the road of traditional meaning. The leaders of the eight pillars became the people of the road of immortality. The neutrals also began to lean towards the road of immortality. No longer swing, in

Within the world of meaning, there is no place for the Taoist of the Path of Meaning, and the Taoist of the Path of Meaning is basically kept in the subsidiary universe.

So Cao Xun escaped from Hanhuang Universe, with the few remaining Cao family members, and fled to nothingness.

This kind of thing was also very common back then.

The so-called life and death, but within a single thought, there was still a fluke mentality that year, those who escaped slowly, were imprisoned if they were lucky, and those who were bad were killed directly.

Cao Xun was a person who ran quite early, and he ran quite fast. However, none of the major pillars can accept Cao Xun’s escape. The Faen pillar and the knowledge pillar received a task at the beginning. The Faen pillar’s ​​task is to hunt down Cao Xun, and the knowledge pillar’s ​​task is to search all of Cao Xun’s logs, Literature, post

Physical things, everything, investigating Cao Xun’s secrets, these two tasks are not easy, but both the Fan Pillar and the Knowledge Pillar realize that to complete this task, they need to cooperate.

They want to reproduce Cao Xun. Using Cao Xun’s diary and all of Cao Xun’s records, he recreated a Cao Xun. For the knowledge pillar, as long as he can reproduce a Cao Xun, he can get all the answers they want, and for the Faen pillar Say, go to mang

It is impossible to search for a person in the vast emptiness, but if the exact same person can be reproduced, the Pillar of Faen can judge the direction and direction of Cao Xun’s escape through the research and deduction of this reproduced person. position.

When they were ready to do this, they found that they couldn't do it at all.

They searched a large number of Cao Xun's logs, but without exception, all were missing. In the world of meaning, the traces of Cao Xun were also deliberately erased. After investigation, it was discovered that when Cao Xun decided to fight the Immortal Road, he trusted his people closely and destroyed all traces of his youth. Obviously , Cao Xun was early

As expected, it may be just a precaution, but no matter how you look at it, Cao Xun's mind is extremely meticulous and there is no loophole.

So to this day, the several pillars have not been able to reproduce Cao Xun, and there is no clue about Cao Xun. No one knows where he is. As an immortal, according to convention, as long as there is no news from him, it can be concluded that he is still alive. "

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