Supreme God King

Chapter 3787: Whitewash

When Luo Tianzheng was young, he did not obtain the status of Taoist master. Moreover, he was not called Luo Tianzheng. His real name was Luo Xiang, a name in the world of meaning and somewhat ridiculous. This shows that the Luo family was indeed born. high.

Luo Tianzheng’s youth has always been a mystery. When his father died, Luo Tianzheng was only in his twenties. He was a real young man. After that, under the name Luo Xiang, he wandered in the world of meaning and the nine supreme universes. Yi Housheng clearly remembered some of the materials he had read. When Luo Xiang was young, he went to the nine supreme universes not because he wanted to strengthen himself through travels. He did so only because after his father died, Some of his efforts in the meaning world were unsuccessful. He hoped to be able to enter the eight pillars and has been failing.

Of course he would fail. At that time, his background and realm were very low. In the world of meaning, the background of his Taoist family is extremely ridiculous, and there is no backing. At that time, he was just because he did not know enough about the world of meaning and had a kind of blindness. Confidence, think that you can enter the eight pillars.

After hitting a wall several times, even after being ridiculed and ridiculed by others, he reluctantly left the world of meaning and went to the nine supreme universes.

In the nine supreme universes, he got his own "luck" and served as a servant in a huge manor built by a Taoist family. Because of his hard work, he climbed a little bit to the position of a housekeeper. However, this housekeeper has a lot of water. First of all, the manor where he worked, although it belonged to the Taoist family, was not established by any real Taoist, but was established by a distant relative of a certain Taoist in the name of the Taoist.

Secondly, there are dozens of housekeepers in this huge manor.

But Luo Xiang showed his tolerance at this time, and many people later laughed at him.

In order to be able to climb higher, he changed his surname and first name.

Because Luo Tianzheng always wanted to cover up this period of history, whitewashed himself, and did a lot of things, so he didn’t know who the Taoist family he worked for was, he only knew that he changed the family name to Here to please his master.

But Yi Housheng knew that he changed his surname to Zhen.

The Zhen family, at that time, was also a Taoist family of a certain scale, not as good as the Wang family, but it also had some weight.

In addition to changing the surname to Zhen, what Luo Xiang's name was changed to, but there is a clear record, because in many of the remaining letters, there are inscriptions, and he calls himself "grassroots."

Change of name and surname in order to please the master, the purpose of changing the surname is of course needless to say. As for the purpose of changing the name to grassroots, it is to appear humble and submissive in front of the master, and his name is also quite prominent among dozens of housekeepers. , Soon, let his master remember him.

At this stage, Luo Xiang's realm should be the Three Tribulations, Four Tribulations God King, and it is certain that he has not reached the Five Tribulations.

These things, Luo Tianzheng can hide most people, but it is difficult to hide Yi Housheng.

Because at that time, Yi Housheng carefully investigated the dog crowd, and the dog crowd was once regarded as an unstable factor by the Hundred Group of people, and Luo Xiang was inextricably linked with the dog crowd.

Yi Housheng knew that the realm of Luo Tianzheng during this period was the Three Tribulations or the Four Tribulations, and he also experienced a modest setback—failed to hit a higher level.

It failed to hit a higher realm. This is quite rare in the world of meaning and the nine supreme universes.

However, Luo Xiang did fail. It can be seen that Luo Xiang was a little dull in some respects. Later, when Luo Xiang’s rising process, some of his enemies mocked him, they would also mention this incident, saying that Luo Xiang His talent and talent are only at this level.

During this period, "Zhen Caogen" not only failed to attack the realm, but also experienced a huge emotional injury.

Before Zhen Caogen became a housekeeper in the manor, he met a woman who was a casual cultivator. Although this woman had no background, she was not a collateral of the Taoist family, but just an ordinary, scattered from the nine supreme universes. Xiu, but it seems that he has a good talent. He has been cultivating, relying on himself to become a **** king.

There are few records about this woman. What we can know is that this woman and Luo Xiang, later Zhen Caogen, and later Luo Tianzheng, are quite dependent on each other. I don’t know why they met, but they When we met, it was when Luo Xiang entered the manor. The two people could say that they struggled together, struggled together, and spent a long period of time together.

But during the time when Zhen Caogen failed to attack the realm, the woman left him.

The reason is unknown, even if it is Yi Housheng, it is not clear. After all, that period of history is too far away, and it happened in a small place in the nine supreme universes, a small person.

After experiencing these things, Zhen Caogen was obviously a little sad, because he was almost driven away by the manor because of unsatisfactory work several times. He finally knelt at the Zhen family manor for several days and nights before letting the Zhen family leave himself.

After a few more years, Zhen Caogen returned to normal and found a partner.

This woman is today, Luo Tianzheng's wife who rarely shows up.

Later, Luo Tianzheng spent more energy to cleanse his wife than to cleanse himself.

This woman was born quite well. She came from another Taoist family at that time, the Huang family. Although this family was smaller than the Zhen family at the time, it was a real Taoist family. The father and eldest brother of this woman were both Is the Taoist.

But the woman’s birth is not so good. Although she comes from a real Taoist family, she is not born of a regular wife or a concubine. She is a slave child, and she is even her own mother. Nobody knows. After she was born, her mother disappeared.

Therefore, the status of the woman in the family has not been very high. Therefore, she left the family very early to find her own mother. When she left, she said that she would never rely on the family for a little bit in the future. Out of your own world.

Because of her young life, the woman has deviated from the right way. She began to practice some "evil ways" that are not known to the world of meaning. Moreover, she searches for books and exercises about these evil ways.

In the end, she really cultivated a dual cultivation technique, harvesting yang and nourishing yin, and began to seduce men, no matter what man, as long as she has enough yang, she will take action. After the cloud and rain, she will drain her body and mind to nourish herself. In order to continuously improve their strength and realm.

Then, while wandering, the woman arrived at the Zhen family manor, and then she met Luo Xiang, then named Zhen Caogen.

Many materials show that when the woman met Luo Xiang for the first time, she had been extracting Luo Xiang’s yang energy. At the same time, the woman also interacted with some other housekeepers of the Zhen family, a son of the Zhen family’s manor, and other casual cultivators. , Both maintain a dual repair relationship.

And among those housekeepers, some are friends of Luo Xiang.

This is why Luo Xiang tried his best to clean up the woman.

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