Supreme God King

Chapter 3795: Unify the world

Meng Fan walked in the primordial universe. He crossed mountains and rivers, lakes, oceans, fields and prosperous cities. He even forgot the purpose of this trip. He enjoyed it very much.

Enjoy, a little selfless.

"Too many years."

Meng Fan said unconsciously.

If it were not for stepping into the prehistoric universe, Meng Fan would have even forgotten how many years he had left the Divine King universe.

Many things can't be remembered without reminding them.

Sad alone is never sad enough.

The sadness of being accompanied is the real sadness.

When Meng Fan left this continent, he also saw the long stars.

The Primordial Universe and the Divine King Universe are still different in many details. For example, the Great Wild Universe has a large, complete, huge land, which is much larger than the sum of the several Dao Worlds of the Divine King Universe.

After all, God King Universe has experienced countless baptisms and divisions of the heavens, so it turned into thousands of broken worlds. Later, it was completely through manpower to connect these worlds together. Unlike the primordial universe, the primordial universe has not experienced it. Because of these processes, there are more than a dozen very huge continents in the primordial universe. The smallest of these continents has an area equivalent to four future heavenly courts, and the largest one is equivalent to dozens of future heavenly courts.

In addition to these huge continents, there are also some "islands". Of course, the area of ​​these islands is also amazing, and islands with a length of tens of millions of miles can be seen everywhere.

Between islands and islands, and between mainland and mainland, there are vast oceans. However, these vast oceans are not real oceans, but stars.

That is, what Meng Fan saw at this moment, the stars are full.

Meng Fan was able to infer the evolutionary trajectory of the Primordial Continent. At first, the Primordial Continent should have been a large and complete world. Later, because of the ups and downs of the law and the slow expansion of the universe itself, these continents began to split, and what is today It looks like, those star seas are actually the dust and debris after the continent split.

The level of development of the Primordial Continent is higher than that of the God King Universe when Meng Fan left hundreds of millions of years ago. Almost all places have cities, all places have ports, various caravans come and go, and many more. The huge ones are obviously huge furnaces, sky cities, teleportation formations, and medicine fields built by some giant forces.

Meng Fan continued to stroll.

He kept listening and watching, and gradually realized that there are millions of independent forces, large and small, and thousands of famous and influential forces in the primordial universe, but the real leader is nine. A giant force.

These nine giant forces are different. Three of them are huge sects, four are ancient empires, one is the society, and the other is the chamber of commerce.

The reason why these nine powers are truly giants is that these nine powers all have the Ten Tribulations Kings.

There are a total of thirteen **** kings of the Ten Tribulations in the Great Universe.

Nine of them are the leaders of the nine giant sects.

The other four are all the guest officials of these nine Big Mac sects, and, not the guest of a specific sect, these four eight kings are often the guest qing of two or three Big Mac sects.

At first glance, the Primordial Universe is not a unified universe, with millions of large and small forces, thousands of influential forces, and nine powerful giants.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that the Primordial Universe, like the Divine King Universe, is a whole.

This is a similarity.

The Divine King Universe is also divided into thousands of forces, large and small, but the world conferences have a lot of power. When Meng Fan left, the power of the world conferences was not small. Later, they were managed by the One. The world conventions have become the supreme power of the true king of the universe.

The world conferences not only control the military power of the entire **** king, the power to formulate laws, law enforcement power, the highest academic and cultural interpretation power, sanction power, administrative power, etc., all the highest powers are controlled by the world conferences With.

Moreover, after so many years, the God King Universe has long since become a whole in substance. For example, a young God King who has just served in the World Congress may be of the Dragon Clan, but he was a graduate of the highest school and later went to Taoshan. Enlightenment, traveled in some border worlds, and finally entered the world conferences. After taking office, he married a woman from a deserted race and left his household registration in the future heaven.

The Divine King Universe has long been a whole. The distinction between races and the world has become more and more blurred. Even the Demon Realm, which has always been "introverted", at the beginning of the Seventh Age, no longer closed the country and allowed some people to enter the Demon Realm to learn. Magic Way.

The only special case in the King Universe is the Kun Clan, whose status has not been high in the King Universe, and it is also difficult to integrate into the big collective of the King Universe.

The Primordial Universe is very similar to the Divine King Universe in many respects.

Although there are so many huge forces in the Primordial Universe, it can be seen from the fact that the four gods of the Ten Tribulations who do not have their own forces and only serve as the guest of the other giant sects, it can be seen that they are a whole.

These sects are all two or three of the Big Mac sects. They are interspersed with each other and communicate with each other. Moreover, the leaders of these sects are related to the leaders of other Big Mac sects, and even some relatives. , Their families have intermarried.

The simplest example is Ren Xifeng. Ren Xifeng herself was the leader of a giant sect. Her position was taken over from her father’s generation. Her cousin married another giant sect. She herself was also another one. The guest of the Big Mac sect.

In addition to her cousin who is very close by blood, she has various distant relatives, who are elders and disciples of other giant sects.

This is a good example.

But in the true sense, there are two proofs that the primordial universe is a whole. One is the peace alliance. Since the establishment of the peace alliance more than a billion years ago, the internal regional disputes in the primordial universe have disappeared. It was basically eliminated in the prehistoric universe.

The second one is the university alumni association.

Although the University Alumni Association has long since disappeared in name, Meng Fan discovered that in many cities, there are some academics, and their essence is no different from the University Alumni Association.

The Peace Alliance is equivalent to an official alliance. The 13 Big Macs are all veterans in the Peace Alliance. They communicate with each other and are all friends. In addition, there are tens of thousands of forces represented in the Peace Alliance. The power of the alliance is not big or small, but it manages very broadly, quite similar to the world conventions.

The societies of various names are the alliances of the people, which constantly promote the integration and interaction of the people.

These two kinds of organizations also turned the primordial universe into a whole.

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