Supreme God King

Chapter 3799: Two worlds


At the fingertips of the primordial emperor, a ball of ruled filaments like cotton wool appeared.

Meng Fan had never seen this kind of law, and even... he couldn't understand this kind of law.

It is a unique law of the prehistoric universe.

This is relatively rare. Because all the laws of the universe attached to the world of meaning are not fully developed, generally there are only more than 1,000 laws, and a few or even a few hundred laws, so since Meng Fan stepped into the world of meaning, he has never found that he has never seen it. of

Laws, almost all universes have only basic laws and some laws derived from them.

For example, in good fortune, yin and yang will be derived, which are actually the basic laws. There is also a reason, that is, the level of development of the laws of the God King Universe is too high. When Meng Fan left, the number of laws of the God King Universe had reached three thousand. The three thousand laws were all transformed into the true meaning of the Great Dao. balance,

This kind of world, if measured only by the standard of law, is the "perfect world".

There is no such perfect world in the world of meaning.

Later, on the basis of the true meaning of the Three Thousand Great Dao, Shenwang Universe independently researched and derived more than 1,000 laws.

Therefore, it is too difficult to find a law that Meng Fan has never seen before.

However, the Hundred Nothingness that the Honghuang Tiandi showed to Meng Fan at this moment was a law he had never seen before.

In Meng Fan's opinion, this kind of law is somewhat like cause and effect, but it is more complicated than cause and effect, and it also has some good fortune and five elements.

Meng Fan took this group of laws and held them in the palm of his hand. After a while, this group of laws fused. The cotton-like shape was transformed into steel, which was extremely smooth and reflected the long blue light, and then it became A drop of water.

The eyes of the Emperor Honghuang couldn't help narrowing.

This move of Meng Fan, changing to a third person, is very difficult to understand, even if it is a powerful immortal Taoist master in the world of significance, but Meng Fan and Honghuang Tiandi can be seen at a glance.

Meng Fan is using his own rules to stimulate this group of impossible rules.

At this moment, what happened in Meng Fan's hands was not a collision of laws, but a collision of two universes! In the repeated stimulations, Meng Fan basically determined that the basis of this rule of hundred is more than 30 basic laws such as Yin and Yang, good fortune, five elements, cutting, sky, thick soil, etc. I don’t know at which moment. , Maybe the ancient Hong

In the famine era, these laws merged into one in the collision with each other and became a group of brand-new laws, and then after years of beating and tempering, they became this kind of laws called "Hundred Nothings" by the gods of the prehistoric universe. .

The original intent of the Hundred-Four Rule is indeed very similar to cause and effect, but it is more complicated than cause and effect, which means that this kind of law is weaker than cause and effect.

The rule, the simpler, the stronger and the stronger.

Such as the law of space. The law of space is the most basic law recognized by all the world. It is generally believed that the law that was born first in this world must be the law of space. The law that was born first in every universe is also the law of space.

Based on the law, the law of gravity is derived, and the law of gravity itself is also one of the most basic laws. The so-called final annihilation means that all the laws have disappeared, and in the end only the laws of space are left, and then the laws of space erupt because they are not restricted by other laws. After the eruption, they begin to collapse due to lack of support, and finally become a nothing.

The limit is small, the point that cannot be measured, this is the final death.

The simpler the rule, the stronger and stronger.

But this sentence is not complete.

The more complex the law, the more vast, more mysterious, and less flawed.

Everything is mutual, there are advantages and disadvantages. If the law of causality is the synthesis of all qi mechanisms, mysteries, ideas, thoughts, thoughts, and destiny, then the law of impossibility can be regarded as the movement of all matter, controlling cause and effect, and deriving all qi mechanism changes, even using gas

Planes attack the enemy, and if you master the Hundred Impossibility, you can penetrate all the changes in tangible matter in this world. These two laws also have some overlaps. One hundred cannot infer all tangible changes. Then when this deduction reaches its extreme, invisible changes can be inferred, and causality can infer all intangible changes.

Many tangible changes can be inferred.

Meng Fan grasped his hands tightly, and was crushed to pieces.

He looked at the prehistoric emperor. The emperor said: "The Hundred Impossibility is the first to be discovered by a great power. This great power lived before I was born. He used the Hundred Impossibility to achieve the invincibility of the world, everything, the past and the future, are in his eyes. Inside, you can see clearly

, Daneng spent many years thinking about how to name this rule. In the end, he decided to use the word "nothing". "

"All tangible things, no matter how they change, will have only one result in the end, withering away." Meng Fan said.

The Honghuang Tiandi nodded his head: "All things must have an end, so there are nothing, all beings are like this, you and me are like this, and so will the ultimate extinguishment."

Meng Fan was quite touched.

Honghuang Tiandi: "The Hundred Unable to Rule is the most powerful law of the primordial universe, and I know that your universe has even more powerful laws."

"Many years ago, there was a river, which bound the souls of tens of thousands of gods and kings." Meng Fan slowly said. "When this river flows, there is a saying that fate will never come out, and cause and effect are invincible."

The Honghuang Tiandi listened quietly and didn't say anything. After all, he didn't know what cause and effect were, or what destiny was.

Meng Fan opened his palm.

A bunch of white silk threads appeared.

If you look closely, you will find that this group of white silk threads is very similar to the cotton wool-like law that was just revealed by the prehistoric emperor, but it is indeed cotton wool, which looks more complicated, chaotic, and muddy.

As for the white silk thread in Meng Fan's hand, when you look carefully, each thread is distinct and independent, but there are interspersed with each other. Although chaotic, it is obvious that it can be "reasoned".

"Causality." Meng Fan said.

The Honghuang Tiandi also took over this rule.

He watched carefully.

Then, like Meng Fan, he began to use the laws of the wild universe to stimulate cause and effect.

However, the result was completely different. Previously, Meng Fan used the laws of the God King's universe to stimulate the Hundred Unable Principles, and there were more than a dozen changes in the Hundred Unables. However, when the emperor used their laws to stimulate cause and effect, he discovered that all the laws are as easy as a stone cow entering the sea. Causal

Swallowed, dissolved.

This is not to say which law is stronger and which law is weaker.

To be impossible is to react to all forces.

But causality is not the case. You can regard the Hundred Impossibility Rule as a real empire, birth and death, cycle and beginning, and the long time must be combined and the long time must be divided, and the law of cause and effect is like the law of heaven, eternal operation, eternal change.

The causality between everything and everything will always exist.

The existence of the rule of a hundred is dependent on all tangible forces.

Therefore, no matter what laws the Honghuang Tiandi uses to stimulate cause and effect, it will be assimilated by cause and effect and become a part of itself, that is, become a thread, so at first glance, there is no change.

Honghuang Tiandi also crushed this group of laws.

He solemnly said: "The power of cause and effect is indeed very strong, at least comparable to that of a hundred incompetence, but there is no destiny, and cause and effect are invincible, so to speak..." "Brother Dao, please forgive me, destiny, I cannot show "Meng Fan said lightly. "There are two reasons. First, as a last resort, I don't want anyone to see fate, including myself. Second, if I show the law of fate, it may have an impact on the entire primordial universe. The most likely is, The laws of the Primordial Universe are unbalanced. After all, this is not another universe. The Primordial Universe has sound laws and forms a perfect balance. Once unbalanced, the impact will be too great."

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