Supreme God King

Chapter 3801: truth

Looking at the big picture, looking at history from a longer, longer, and broader perspective, it is difficult to judge the future of a universe through one thing.

In the age of the sages of the God King Universe, the power of the God King Universe surpassed the prehistoric universe in all aspects, but because the way of heaven was too strong, it led to the destruction of all living beings and everything restarted. When several explorers of the world of meaning first arrived in the primordial universe, the emperor was excited. The knowledge and philosophy of the meaning world, as well as various theories, made the emperor of the empire very yearning, and it was the first time, including the emperor.

All the creatures in the primordial universe know that there are other universes besides them.

Unexpectedly, the subsequent gradual colonization of the world of meaning and cultural importation caused rounds of resistance in the primordial universe, and finally caused war. The emperor could not help but sigh, just like cause and effect. There is no creature in this world that can truly control their own destiny. Everyone is affected by the thread of cause and effect. If connected as one, a small change will cause infinite


After comparing history, Meng Fan and Honghuang Tiandi began to discuss philosophy and culture in depth.

This discussion is quite lengthy and even tedious.

Because both the philosophy and culture of God King Universe, or the prehistoric universe, are very complicated.

Thousands of races were born in the God King Universe. Each race has its own culture, its own philosophy, its own theory, and finally evolved its own Tao. Although the culture of the primordial universe was destroyed after the colonization of the world of meaning, the trajectory of history was obstructed or even stagnated, and it did not evolve so many brilliant philosophies. On the contrary, the primordial universe was meaningless in many ways. The world has been affected and even assimilated. However, in the once brilliant era of the Primordial Universe, there were more races than the Divine King Universe, and it was as early as the era when the Divine King Universe and the Divine Race was born.

With many small ways of heaven, countless independent cultures have been born.

Later, the Great Alumni Association of the Great Universe caused another round of Renaissance, and various ancient philosophies, traditions, and cultures were restarted, which made the culture of the Great Universe move forward by a large margin.

The cultures of these two universes are too complicated.

However, it is interesting that the cultures of the two universes have many similarities.

It's humanity. Speaking of this, Meng Fan couldn't help but think of the Central Emperor. Perhaps the Central Emperor’s speculation is really correct. Humanity is the avenue. The ancestor of humanity was the first to discover this avenue and named it Humanity, and it continued to enrich. ,strengthen


Almost all creatures in the world have developed to a certain degree, and their civilization model will be very humane. Later, because of the invasion of the meaning world, the culture of the primordial universe tended to be unified and no longer diversified. The ancient cultures merged with each other, coupled with the culture of the meaning world, gradually formed some cultures very similar to humanity, such as systems, such as

Ethics, such as morality, such as identity class, etc.

This lengthy discussion about culture and philosophy ended after a few days. In the end, Meng Fan had the most important dialogue with Honghuang Tiandi.

These conversations are difficult for many giants present to understand, and at the same time, they are infinitely beneficial to Meng Fan.

It is the discussion of immortality.

Ever since Meng Fan stepped into immortality, there has been a lot of confusion, panic, and a feeling of difficulty in distinguishing right from wrong.

Outsiders naturally can't see that Meng Fan has gone through so many ups and downs, life and death, his joy and anger, not outsiders can see, but deep in his heart, there is a huge torment.

In the last few days of the conversation, the Honghuang Tiandi helped him a lot.

Before being sent into the Luotian Universe, the Emperor of Heaven had already stepped into immortality, which had been several billion years.

At the same time, Honghuang Tiandi also knows many secrets of world blockade, and many of these secrets are related to immortality.

Hong Huang Tiandi first discussed the truth with Meng Fan. They discussed the fairy gods, the beliefs, and the gods or monsters that the power has turned into. It is really difficult to distinguish the true from the false. The Honghuang Tiandi also believed that there is no true and false in this world, and everything is reasonable. , Everything that is known exists. For example, a mortal imagines a kind of creature in his mind. Then from the moment he fantasizes, this kind of creature is born. It exists and is real. Existence is only in his mind, but one

This creature existed until he looked at it. For this, Meng Fan pondered. Many years ago, he stepped into a great world. The leader of that great world was named Qin Taichuan. The great world was completely wrapped by the law of gravity, all other laws. ,

They were all distorted by the law of gravity, causing time and space to overlap, so before stepping into that vast world, Meng Fan met countless time and space self, and those "self" were actually the concrete manifestations of all possibilities. For example, if a wooden box is placed in front of a person, the person will guess what is in the wooden box, maybe it's food, maybe it's wine, maybe it's jewelry, it can be anything or nothing, In short, there is

The possibilities are endless.

Then when there is a meow in the wooden box, the person can infer that the box contains a cat.

So, what cat is it?

Black cat, white cat, male cat, female cat?

Or, the cat is going to die soon. The moment I opened the box, I saw a dead cat?

There are also many possibilities, but the possibilities have become fewer, which is the collapse of reality.

Finally, when he opened the wooden box, he could know everything, all possibilities, collapsed into a reality.

Infinite possibilities collapse into a reality. Are those possibilities false?

Not really.

Before reality collapsed, everything could be reality.

Meng Fan had experienced this superficial theory a long time ago.

In the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Meng Fan gradually understood these.

He also vaguely understood.

If, at the moment he stepped into immortality, he really saved his sister...

Possibly, that is reality.

Then, Meng Fan discussed his panic with Hong Huang Tiandi.

That is, when he was constantly changing the past at the time of immortality, he suddenly realized that he might just be an incarnation created by another powerful existence, and his destiny has never been in his hands.

Regarding this, Honghuang Tiandi's answer is-it is possible.

Although Honghuang Tiandi has not had such a panic, he is not a normal creature after all, or that he is not Meng Fan, but he told Meng Fan that anyone will have different panic and panic at the moment they step into immortality. fear.

This is instinct.

The younger, humble, and ignorant people are, the more blindly confident they are, and they think they are omnipotent and know everything.

The more powerful, noble, and knowledgeable people are, the more they think they know nothing. This is the unchanging truth.

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