Supreme God King

Chapter 3805: Edit the past

Cao Xun has used many primitive creatures in this universe to create a large number of stranger creatures during his millions of years in this universe.

Yi Housheng looked at everything quietly with Cao Xun's eyes.

But suddenly.

Everything is blurred before his eyes.

The deduction of Cao Xun is over.

In this universe, Cao Xun used the blood of various creatures in this universe to create at least hundreds of thousands of creatures. These hundreds of thousands of creatures have nothing in common and no laws. Cao Xun seems to just want to What to look for in the chaos.

Finally, Cao Xun seemed to have found it.

But when Yi Housheng was about to reach the most critical step in his deduction, his deduction failed.

Yi Housheng stood between the swamps with a solemn face.

There are only two possibilities for deduction to fail.

The first possibility, which makes Yi Housheng hard to believe, is that Cao Xun has stepped into the second step of small immortality.

The realm of immortality, to escape the law, is difficult to deduct, and there are only a handful of great abilities like Yi Housheng, who can create cause and effect out of thin air, and deduct immortality, but this deduction is very difficult, and many details are not clear.

If at some point in the past, Cao Xun stepped into the second step of the small immortality, then this kind of deduction would undoubtedly be even more difficult.

But Yi Housheng finds it difficult to accept this possibility.

It is quite rare for Cao Xun to step into immortality in the era of the immortal war. In that era, Luo Tianzheng, the top giants who now control the world of meaning, had just stepped into immortality.

After leaving the world of meaning, how can Cao Xun go one step further and step into the second step of small immortality?

Promoting in the immortal realm is completely different from promotion below the immortal realm and is not a concept at all.

It does not mean that you have gone through so many hardships, tempers, surrendered your heart, and you can break the shackles and move forward when you have an epiphany and thorough understanding.

In the realm of immortality, in addition to breaking away from the law, the spirit has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is necessary to continuously consolidate the spirit and gain insight into the truth of all things. What is more important is to transform oneself, every part, and every inch into immortality.

The so-called small immortality means that the flesh is immortal, and the flesh is not restricted by the laws. The laws of time, space, yin and yang, five elements, etc., can hardly affect the flesh. Then theoretically speaking, when the final dying comes, all dharmas Annihilation, all the laws have disappeared. When it collapses, all living creatures will be extinct, whether it is an ant or a **** king, but the flesh of the small immortal realm can withstand the annihilation of all laws.

There is also the qualification to survive one final death and step into the next cycle of death.

But apart from the Taoist masters of the immortal realm of the meaning world, the creatures of other universes have misunderstandings about immortality.

It seems that as long as you step into immortality, you will be able to pass the final death?


It's just qualified.

If you have not stepped into immortality, then when the final death comes, there is only one result, which is death, eternal death.

Stepping into the small immortality, when the final extinguishment arrives, you can resist it. It is like a violent storm and all living beings disappear instantly, but the first step of the small immortal can still stand for a while in the violent storm, but still It may be destroyed by violent storms, or it may be that the violent storms lasted too long, and the small immortal did not persist until the end, and fell.

Among the countless deductions of the world of meaning, the first step of the small immortality, the possibility of being able to survive a final death is one in ten.

So, what is the second ladder of small immortality?

There are five steps in total.

Use the easiest way to understand.

The first stairway of small immortality can be regarded as entering the house and becoming immortal. It is like the law has transformed into the true meaning of the avenue, and the true meaning of the avenue has condensed the monument of immortality. The monument of immortality is eternal and immortal in the world of living beings, and then it is stronger and stronger than the monument of immortality. , Is the immortal crystallization, the first step of the small immortal is to transform the flesh into the immortal crystallization.

If we say that the body of a creature is a body of flesh and blood.

The first step of the small immortality can be understood as a body of bronze.

Then, continue to refine, further enhance the strength of the physical body, transform every particle into immortality, and then temper every immortal particle to be stronger and stronger, so stepping into the second step of small immortality.

It can be understood as a body of iron and stone.

The third ladder is the body of steel.

Approximately this can be understood.

That is, the physical body is getting stronger and stronger and more indestructible.

Immortality is a stage where the body is constantly changing, becoming stronger and more "eternal".

Why does Immortal Crystal have five levels?

The fifth-class immortal crystal, theoretically speaking, as long as the quantity is sufficient, and enough time is given, a peak creature can continue to refine the immortal crystal, and then step into the first step of the small immortal.

But if you want to step further into the second step of the small immortal, although you can also refine the fifth-class immortal crystals, the effect is minimal, and you need a lot of pure, stronger and stronger fourth-class immortal crystals.

And so on.

Five-class immortal crystals, corresponding to the five steps of small immortality.

The world of meaning has a very superficial description of the five steps of small immortality.

That is the body of bronze, the body of iron and stone, the body of steel, the body of silver, the body of gold, and the body of diamond.

Although superficial and even a bit ridiculous, it does vividly show the appearance of the five steps of the small immortality. To put it bluntly, the so-called small immortality is purely physical immortality. The so-called five steps means that the flesh becomes stronger and stronger. More and more powerful, less and less affected by the law.

Basically, stepping into the fifth step of the small immortality, you have absolute certainty to survive the final death.

In the countless deductions of the world of meaning, the first step of the small immortality is one in ten, the probability of passing the final death is one in ten, the second step is three in ten, and the third step is ten. Fifth, the fourth step is seven out of ten, and the fifth step is more than nine out of ten.

Theoretically speaking, in fact, the fifth step, the possibility of passing the final annihilation, is 100%, and there will be no possibility of any fall, but this percent of Baidu has passed the final annihilation, referring to the physical body.

That is to say, after stepping into the fifth ladder, one hundred percent can survive the final nirvana, but there is a very small possibility. It is only the flesh and the soul that survive the final nirvana, and still die in the final nirvana.

No matter how powerful the little immortal is, it is just a physical immortal.

The real immortality is the medium immortality.

Immortal soul.

Although after stepping into the immortal body, the immortality of the body has caused some transformations in the soul, but this transformation is very small. The people of the small immortal realm are not essentially different from the souls of the peak creatures, but the small immortality is because of the flesh. Being strong, ignoring the law, makes the soul more free, and can see through all the laws, all true and false.

Many people, at the moment they step into the small immortality, have the illusion that their soul is strong enough to ignore all laws and become immortal, can see the past, can modify the past at will, and even think, As long as they change the past, they can really change reality.

This is just an illusion.

It is an illusion that is easy to produce in the process of a peak creature, from being a creature to being immortal.

But it cannot be said that this is a complete and complete illusion.

The moment the body transforms from a living creature to an immortality, the soul will also make an instant leap. At that moment, the soul will reach a "fuzzy" state, blur all boundaries, blur all rules, blur all order, you can see that it is impossible to see What has arrived, but in the final analysis, it is nothing but nothing.

Whether it is true or false, it is nothingness.

The true soul is transformed into immortality, after stepping into middle immortality.

Once stepped into the middle of immortality.

The power of the soul is unimaginable.

It is not impossible to tamper with the established past.

Yi Housheng's creation from nothing is an example.

If he wants to, he can do it.

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