Supreme God King

Chapter 3811: Three cores

There was no sound from the other end of the small ancient fire for a long time.

Hei Shouyi had difficulty digesting Yi Housheng's words.

Although the Heishui alien race is now the biggest crisis in the world, and as the Heishui alien race breaks out again and is completely out of control, this secret is no longer a secret.

Many universes have noticed the Heishui alien race, and because of the strict blockade of the meaning world before, they have never given an accurate and credible answer. Instead, the Heishui alien race has become more and more wicked, causing greater panic.

But many Taoists in the world of meaning are relatively calm.

There is only one reason.

No matter how raging the Heishui alien race is, they all have a ceiling, but they cannot threaten immortality.

Because of this, Heishui Alien will never be able to step into the world of meaning.

Maybe, just maybe, one day, the nine supreme universes will fall, but the world of meaning will never be in any danger.

But if Heishui Alien can break the ceiling of immortality.

Then everything has changed.

Yi Housheng did not wait for Hei Shouyi to give him a reply, and continued: "You enter the Yi family secret realm in my name, and tell the Yi family the news."

The black head was stunned: "Enter the Yijia secret realm?"

Although Hei Shouyi has been Yi Housheng's assistant for many years, he has also obtained huge benefits invisibly, but Hei Shouyi has never entered the Yi family secret realm.

The Yijia Secret Realm is a world of meaning and the residence of the Yijia.

The secret realm was established in the most prosperous part of the world of meaning.

But let alone stepping into it, many Taoists in the world of meaning have never even known the existence of the Yi family secret realm.

The Yijia Secret Realm is there.

But only a handful of powerful Taoists in the Hundred-Man Group could see it.

"You should see my elder brothers, or my younger brother." Yi Housheng said slowly. "In addition to telling them the news, I also told them what I meant. I hope to start the highest resolution in the Hundreds. The topic is..."

Yi Housheng fell silent.

Hei Shouyi is very accustomed to this situation. He doesn't say a word and never interferes with Yi Housheng's thinking.

After a long time, Yi Housheng said: "The three cores, immortal matter, war, and plague."

"I understand."

"I will rush back to the world of meaning soon."

The small fire of the ancients went out.

In the world of meaning, at the top of a mountain that is entirely made up of natural spar, Hei Shouyi sat on the spar stool, tapping the round table lightly with his fingers, he turned his head and looked to the east.

On a vast plain paved with a pure black spar, there are many strange buildings.

At the end of these buildings, there is an oval, pale white, half-egg shell building. This building is huge, and all the pavilions look small and humble in front of this building.

Hei Shouyi stood up and walked towards the building.


Meng Fan has returned to the Eight Kings Universe for a year.

From the moment he left the prehistoric universe, he lost contact with everyone in the prehistoric universe.

In fact, he can establish an effective and quick connection with the emperor. They even discussed this point, and they are quite minded, using the law of resonance to establish communication, there may be a delay of several hours, but it is enough.

But after thinking about it, they decided to give up this idea. It was too dangerous to do so. Once the world of meaning detects the slightest strangeness, then the two people with the highest rewards in the world of meaning will be arrested at the same time.

So after returning to the Eight Kings Universe, Meng Fan no longer had any contact with the Primordial Universe.

But those things that he had seen in the prehistoric universe made Meng Fan unforgettable for a long time.

In addition to the Honghuang Tiandi helping Meng Fan analyze immortality, there is also the Heishui alien race.

At first, Meng Fan heard all kinds of news and speculations about the Heishui alien race from Jiuwuyang’s mouth, but he frowned and didn’t care too much, although the Heishui alien race has repeatedly emphasized that the Heishui alien race may now be a world of meaning. The biggest crisis he faces, and in front of the Heishui alien race, whether it is the world of significance, or Meng Fan and the great emperor, are enemies, but Meng Fan still finds it difficult to attach importance to Heishui alien race.

The plague is too far away for Meng Fan.

It's like an emperor who has enjoyed endless splendor and wealth. He heard that someone starved to death. It is not easy to understand.

After stepping into the realm of God King, Meng Fan has never heard of the word "plague". Although the air of black death is very similar to plague, in the final analysis, it is not. It’s not a living being, nor is it a plague, created a force that all living beings, including gods and kings, cannot resist.

But Heishui Alien is a real plague.

At that time, after Jiuwuyang made many explanations, he also understood in his heart that it was difficult for him to make Meng Fan pay attention to a plague outbreak from his heart.

Even the Nine-Five Yangs can hardly understand why a plague threatens the safety of the known world.

But this is what happened.

After Meng Fan returned to the Eight Kings Universe, he didn't pay too much attention to the matter mentioned by the Nine Five Suns, but - this year, he began to hear some interesting news.

No matter how the town defense department blocked it, news about the Heishui alien race began to flow through various channels. Meng Fan also knew the three words "atrocities." There are even rumors that the Hanhuang universe was destroyed for the sake of Destroy the Heishui alien race.

But these, Meng Fan couldn't think more.

He has not seen the Heishui alien race.

For him, everything about the Heishui alien race was just a legend.

At this moment, Meng Fan put all his thoughts on another matter.

How to obtain the fourth-class immortal crystal?

Over the years, Meng Fan has been insisting on refining the fifth-class immortal crystal, but no matter how much he refining, he has found that it has almost no effect on improving the immortality of his physical body. He has understood that if he wants to continue to To take a step forward, you must obtain the fourth-class immortal crystal.

But except for the world of meaning, no other universe can find the fourth-class immortal crystal.

So next, he has only two paths to go.

One way was told by the Heavenly Emperor, to build the Lost Furnace and refine immortal crystals by himself.

But as Meng Fan and Honghuang Tiandi said, even if they knew all the materials, even if they got the fine drawings of the Lost Furnace, it was still impossible to rely on the power of a universe in the Primordial Universe to create a magical furnace, except for the world of meaning. Who can do it.

So, it's the second one.

Step into the world of meaning.

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