Supreme God King

Chapter 3813: Superimpose

After more than a dozen meetings in the parliament, it was considered that some specific things were discussed. The discussion about immortal matter was the most intense, involving many aspects, mainly the management power of the lost furnace held by the world of meaning, and the Many affiliated universes are open to exchange for immortal crystals, and some of the debates that had settled down in the early years have now been turned up again, and the troubles are too much.

The discussion of war appears to be much dull. In fact, before the Luotian Uprising, the last large-scale war in the world was an immortal war. Prolonged peace changed the structure of the world of meaning. In the outside world, war may be Normal, but in the world of meaning, war is only accidental. At least for a long period of time, the Hundred People’s proposal did not mention war. When making many plans, war was never a factor that must be considered.

So although there is a word war in the bill, few people discuss war specifically.

The controversy surrounding immortal matter has not yet ended, and some people have set their sights on the word plague.

Although the news is blocked, the Taoists of the world of significance know about the plague.

The members of the Hundreds Group are always paying attention.

However, from the beginning of the outbreak of the plague to today, even if the Hanhuang universe was destroyed because of the Heishui alien race, the discoloration of the defense halls of many affiliated universes has changed, which can mean the members of the hundred people in the world. The reason is that I don't want to talk about the Heishui alien race.

In Yi Housheng's words, the stronger the Taoist master, the more he likes to deceive himself and others.

"Survival has always been accidental." Yi Housheng looked at him. Hei Shouyi filled the Qiongye Yuye for him. He looked at the liquid that was already higher than the cup, but because of the liquid that had never overflowed, he said lightly. "This truth is understood by the pinnacle creatures, and any creature with the Tao can understand it, even a moth that fights fire, but people who step into immortality will not understand it. For them, survival is already inevitable. , Survival is not something they consider.

I saw how hard an immortal made to kill himself, and even created a monster that threatened the safety of the known world.

When survival becomes inevitable and Taoists have unlimited lives, it will be difficult for them to consider other issues. If they live for a long time, and if peace is long, they will be dying. "

Yi Housheng looked outside the mansion, his gaze was somewhat complicated: "Hei Shou Yi, you said that eternal life is right or wrong."

"Eternal life?" Hei Shouyi hesitated. "What is immortality? Immortality is definitely not. I still don't have a complete certainty that I can survive the final death. As long as there is no complete certainty, eternal life is a luxury."

"Then I will change the question." Yi Hoshen said. "Is immortality right or wrong?"

"What we have been pursuing can never be wrong." Hei Shouyi said.

Yi Housheng: "When life is limited, we will pursue things higher than life, such as glory, such as status, such as historical records, such as faith, such as family affection, such as descendants, etc., because life is limited, When the end is always over, we dare to take risks, but when life is unlimited, those things that were once considered to be higher than life become insignificant, the highest glory, the memory of future generations, and the descendants are not immortal. If we can live forever , Who cares if others can inherit their own mantle?

What is higher than life? "

Yi Housheng asked again.

Hei Shou Yi said: "meaning."

Yi Housheng nodded: "So this world used to be a world of meaning."

It used to be.

"I guessed that this proposal will not produce a result." Yi Housheng's tone became more plain, even a little cold. "What I want is the attention of the Hundred People Group. If they still don't realize the threat of the Heishui alien race, and still think that they will be high when they step into immortality, then one day, everything will die."

Yi Housheng stood up: "Come with me to the Hundred People's League Assembly. I want to amend the bill."

Hei Shouyi followed closely behind.

After taking a few steps, Hei Shou righteously said: "Old Yi, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen. Tell me, have you reached eternal life?"

"Infinitely close to eternal life." Yi Housheng answered directly without covering up.

Hei Shou righteously said: "But you think about death, why? Because of the final death?"

"Because I have seen really terrible things, things that make immortality ridiculous." Yi Hoshen said. "You are right, it is the final death."

Yi Housheng paused for a moment, then suddenly sighed.

"That is loneliness that no one can bear."


There was only one figure in the space ladder connecting the Eight Kings Universe and the Primordial Universe quickly.

Ren Xifeng.

This space ladder, because the blockade of the Eight Kings universe is already in a half-waste state, even if Ren Xifeng is the pinnacle **** king with a high-level pass, she has a lot of setbacks to enter and exit the space ladder. At this moment, she has just walked. Seven percent of the distance.

It will take many years to truly return to the prehistoric universe.

She was a little anxious.

One, she hopes to rush back to the prehistoric universe as soon as possible, hold a funeral for her comrades who have died in battle, and their friends since childhood, so that his body can return to his hometown as soon as possible.

The second is that Honghuang Tiandi has launched a series of plans.

Third, she hopes to see Palace Master Weiyang in the Great Universe.

Hong Huang Tiandi did not say wrong, nor did she guess wrong, Palace Master Weiyang has indeed stepped into immortality.

While Ren Xifeng was still working **** the road, Palace Master Weiyang had already set off easily, went to the prehistoric universe, visited the prehistoric emperor, and conducted in-depth discussions.

But at this moment Ren Xifeng was a little upset. She had just walked less than 10% of the distance, but she heard that Palace Master Weiyang had left and returned to the Eight Kings Universe.

The letter from the Emperor Honghuang to her is that, don’t worry too much, she and Palace Master Weiyang will always see you again. Palace Master Weiyang travels through the space so fast that even the Emperor Weiyang can’t match it. This kind of mysterious law, for Ren Xifeng, the journey of hundreds of years to thousands of years, Palace Master Weiyang may only need a few days to complete, so Ren Xifeng will never be able to catch up with Palace Master Weiyang.

So Ren Xifeng shuttled through the space ladder so lonely.

In these years, she has never seen anyone else in the space ladder.

None of them.

But suddenly.

Ren Xifeng felt it from the other end.

The direction of the prehistoric universe.

A rather tyrannical force, coming forward and backward, will hit him at any time.

Ren Xifeng couldn't help but stop his figure quickly.

And made some precautions.

In the world of meaning, the encounter between the peak hegemons often does not have much defense, especially in the space ladder.

However, in the first place, the space ladder nowadays has long been meaningless to supervise the world, because of the blockade and also because of the significance world, a large amount of manpower has been transferred to the wisdom universe.


At this moment, the breath coming from both the positive and negative directions was so powerful that Ren Xifeng felt threatened!

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