Supreme God King

Chapter 3818: tyrant

When the central emperor released a faint golden light, it was his origin that was spinning fast, releasing the power of the world, hitting all acupuncture points in his body with a frequency of hundreds of times each moment, and getting through the body and soul.

At the same time, his vitality and life span began to burn.

Fight to the death.

There must be a decision to die!

Also at this moment.

Meng Fan woke up in the depths of Weiyang Palace!

And after three moments.

Jumped out of Weiyang Palace.

Hei Yuankui saw that the Central Emperor began to run his power, and it was running at an overload, constantly burning blood and life, Hei Yuankui narrowed his eyes, and he could see the laws in the Central Emperor's body, as thick as Optimus Prime. , Such a powerful law is rare. Hei Yuankui had only seen such a powerful law in one place before.

The prehistoric universe.

The laws of the primordial universe are extremely sound and strong, and they have all been transformed into the supreme laws. The strong and native creatures in the universe, the creatures who have attained the Tao, are combined with the laws. There are sound and powerful laws in the flesh, and the laws have even become Their roots and blood.

But this person said that he did not come from the prehistoric universe.

It doesn't matter where he comes from.

Because he had already clearly expressed the meaning of fighting.

Hei Yuankui quietly watched the Central Emperor break through his limits time and time again, frantically increasing his strength.

With each breath, the sense of power released by the central emperor doubled.

Hei Yuankui didn't know why Central Emperor would do this.

I don't understand why he risked his death to resist and didn't want to be censored.

At least at the moment when Central Emperor showed such terrible power, Hei Yuankui believed that he was not an atrocity. Although he knew that many of the atrocity, they all evolved perfectly, were very good at hiding, and could hide so much that he could not even see him. At the point where it came out, the atrocities were after all creatures infected by the Heishui alien race. No matter how perfect the fusion was, there was no way to fully exert the fighting power of this creature before.

However, at this moment, the combat power displayed by this man full of imperial aura is at least one of the best among the peak creatures Hei Yuankui has seen!

Any of Hei Yuankui’s apostles...No, even if they were the two Taoists who served as his deputy, none of them were the opponents of this man. Even if the two of them joined forces to confront this man, May not have the upper hand!

Very powerful, which makes Hei Yuankui very interested.

But in the final analysis, it's just the pinnacle creature.

Hei Yuankui silently watched the Central Emperor continue to improve his strength, his body's strength was infinitely close to saturation, he did not move, only slightly squinted his eyes to watch.

Then, the central emperor's move to increase his strength stopped.

He has completely reached the limit.

At this moment, the central emperor’s eyes and pupils disappeared, only bright red, and his hair turned into black and red, fluttering arrogantly, his cloak disappeared completely and turned into a red gold robe, his arms slowly Lift up, sleeves flying domineering.

All over his body, he exudes an astonishing domineering, and also, evil spirit!

At this moment, the central emperor is no longer a humanitarian leader, the great emperor holy king.

Because of breaking through the limit time and time again, the Central Emperor entered an unprecedented state and became another existence.


In the history of humanity, none of the great leaders recorded has been called a tyrant.

Tyrant is a very negative evaluation of the emperor in the history of humanity.

It's just negative, but not demeaning.

Throughout the history of humanity, there are many kings, all tyrants, who have been mocked and abused by later generations, and some have even been nailed to the pillar of historical shame.

But many tyrants are only one step away from the holy king.

Some tyrants have even greater influence and contributions to humanity than the Holy King!

For example, in the history of humanity, the first emperor was a true tyrant. The reason why he was the first emperor was because before him, the leaders of humanity were all called the emperor, which was later called "the ancient humanity". "The Son of Heaven" was him who proclaimed himself emperor for the first time and created the title of emperor. Later, the word emperor replaced the emperor and became synonymous with humanitarian leaders.

This person is also called the First Emperor.

At the same time, there have been mixed praise and criticism.

But no humanitarian scholar dared to insult this person. They can only say that this person was too atrocious, too cruel, and too harsh on both the Li people and the ministers, but this person is by no means faint, and he is recognized as a strong person. .

When the first emperor succeeded to the throne, he was just one of many humane kings.

At that time, humanity was in a state of division.

Since ancient times, humanity has always been divided for a long time.

He established a system of prefectures and counties and elected talented ministers and officials. He did not look at virtue, but only on ability, and worked hard to govern and reform the country.

He also established a military merit system, strengthened production and trade, and developed a large number of military weapons.

Why is he a tyrant?

Because he waged thousands of wars, large and small, in two hundred years, and continuously annexed other humane countries, slaughtered 470 cities, and killed 8 million soldiers!

In order to consolidate his rule and power, he put his mother under house arrest, executed and ransacked many ministers who disagreed with him, and eliminated all foreign forces in the court, such as those married concubines from other humane countries who were killed by him. And when killing someone, he must even sit down and kill all his relatives and friends.

Under the rule of Li Min, whoever dares to refute him will be buried alive.

Two hundred years later, he unified all the humane world he knew at the time and built a huge empire.

His empire was prosperous and magnificent, but under the rule of the Li people, it was miserable. The harsh laws made everyone at risk and were cautious, and officials did not dare to make any mistakes.

Outside the empire, those monsters, ghosts, and barbarians did not dare to approach his empire. Wherever his army went, all the enemies were corpses all over the wild, and there was no grass.

He was extremely cruel internally and externally.

However, after a lapse of tens of thousands of years, he once again unified the humanitarian world and established a series of effective bureaucratic and administrative systems, all of which were inherited and imitated by later humane empires. He was the first of all, although he was a tyrant. But many people worship him and respect him.

the most important is.

For the first time, he created the word Emperor.

Because he didn't want to call himself the emperor.

He once wrote a handwritten book by himself.

Man will conquer the sky.

These four words were created by him.

He never thought that he was the son of heaven.

He even wrote a book called "Heavenly Questions", questioning the way of heaven, and why he has the power to surpass people.

The humane world of God King Universe no longer fears ghosts and gods, no longer worships heaven and earth, no longer has true religion and belief, only believes in oneself, it starts with him.

And he is the number one tyrant in the history of humanity among many people!

At this moment, the central emperor continues to break through his own limits. He is no longer the saint king, philosopher king, Tao king, benevolent king, and overlord in the humane civilization. Tyrant of power!

In humanitarian studies, all the leaders in the early days of the Dao era were evaluated.

Emperor Bowu, the Central Emperor, and many ancient emperors are all called Saint King.

The ancestor of humanity is called the king of philosophy.

As the first king of God in the early days of the Dao era, Meng Fan is difficult to define, but generally speaking, the humanities are willing to call him the king of philosophy.

Zhantian Giant is considered to be a standard Dao King.

The Old Demon Emperor is called the Overlord, and there are some theories that he should be regarded as the Dao King.

But at this moment.

The central emperor did not expect that for many years of studying in the world of meaning, and the blessing of the three emperors, at this moment, he is facing an immortal statue that inspires all his powers, and all five states of saint king, philosopher king, Tao king, benevolent king, and overlord appear. , The five kings, the real emperor, go one step further and become a tyrant!

The Central Emperor raised his arm, waved Fang Qiu, transformed into a torrent of humanity, and crashed into Hei Yuankui!

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