Supreme God King

Chapter 3825: Join hands

The atrocities from the Wisdom Universe, Wandering Ark, and Eight Kings Universe Outposts gradually gathered to form this rare wave.

In fact, they should have entered the Eight Kings universe all the way.

It's like a muddy river running into the sea.

But they failed to do it.

Hei Yuankui ordered the destruction of the space ladder connecting the Wisdom Universe and the Eight Kings Universe a few months ago, and then this space ladder was destroyed.

The collapsed space ladder made the tide of atrocities coming from the Wisdom Universe almost completely destroyed.

Although the number of atrocities killed from the Wisdom Universe is numerous, they are not considered powerful. Among these atrocities, the ones who can truly be called powerful are some six-kata and seven-kata kings, and among hundreds of millions of atrocities, eight kalpas. There are only a handful of **** kings.

They are walking in the space ladder, and as the space ladder collapses, they should also be destroyed.

But they didn't.

It's not because of how powerful these atrocities or the Heishui alien race that controls them.

But when the Space Ladder was just destroyed, these hundreds of millions of atrocities suddenly turned around, stepped out of the Space Ladder, and merged with the atrocities at the Outposts of the Eight Kings Universe.

This is not because of luck.

It is not a coincidence.

When the space ladder was destroyed, the Heishui alien race still in the ladder received a signal almost at the same time. This signal was not complicated, very weak, very simple, and even very instinctive. It was a danger.

Then hundreds of millions of atrocities immediately decided to adjust their direction and leave the space ladder.

It's that simple.

It is not clear who sent the signal, even the Heishui aliens.

But they did just that, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and stepped out of the space ladder.

Before the Heishui alien race stepped into the world of meaning, the Heishui alien race had some differentiation.

This division is not a division of race or thought, but a very simple division of chaos and order.

The Heishui alien race itself is chaotic, disorderly, driven only by instinct, but when their survival is in crisis, the things imprinted in their bones billions of years ago will be awakened, and they will actively or passively make changes. , This change is often orderly.

For example, they will suddenly enter a collective dormant state. This is orderly. If some individuals enter a dormant state in a chaotic situation, some individuals are still driven by instinct to swallow and reproduce, then the dormant individuals will be eaten. , And individuals who refuse to enter dormancy will still perish due to insufficient energy.

And they actively evolve, learn some systems, cultures, and ideas of the world of meaning, reduce or even stop multiplying, try to balance with nature, etc., which are all signs of order.

But this is not to say that the Heishui alien race has been evolving in an orderly manner.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Heishui alien races are sometimes orderly and sometimes disorderly, depending on whether they need it. When their survival needs order, they are in order. When their survival is not a problem, their resources are sufficient, and they can develop crazily. Just return to disorder.

In the Heishui alien world, order and disorder coexist, they are not contradictory, and even complement each other. When expansion and rise, they enter a state of disorder. When they have to make some plans, such as the purposeful spread of the population , Co-evolve, or when they want to attack somewhere, they are in order.

Disorder is understandable.

But it is still difficult to say what has allowed a large number of Heishui alien races to change from disorder to order in a short period of time, and without hesitation for collective self-dedication.

This can be a simple guess.

For example, they also have some basic social structures, or can they have simple spiritual communication?

Or in the dark, all Heishui alien individuals actually have some commonalities and can have some resonance?

Or, because of the monarch.

No matter what the reason, this reason made the hundreds of millions of atrocities in the space ladder escape a catastrophe.

However, the loss is still great.

When stepping out of the space ladder, the law changes from existence to nothing, causing a large number of weak atrocities to turn into dust in an instant, and some atrocities are unable to step out of the barriers of the space ladder at all, and in the end, they are also related to the collapse of the space. The stairs disappeared together.

Most of the atrocities from the Wisdom Universe died because of the collapse of the space ladder this time.

The rest quickly merged with the atrocities at the outpost.

Immediately afterwards, the arks that had been ordered many years ago and went to the Eight Kings Universe finally caught up with the army and merged into the army.

The structures and evolutionary levels of these atrocities are completely different.

Those atrocities lurking in the outpost may have experienced the baptism of the Hanhuang Universe and the Wisdom Universe, and have changed their bodies several times. They have also drawn a lot of memories, thoughts, martial arts, and spirits from many bodies. , Very powerful.

The atrocities from the Wisdom Universe may have a lower evolutionary level than the atrocities at the outpost, but they will not be too different.

As for the atrocities from the Hanhuang universe, their mode of thinking is still relatively simple. Although they have also completed a complete evolution in the Hanhuang universe and began to think about the relationship between living things and nature, they still have many aspects. Inadequate, especially in hiding yourself. Being able to effectively hide themselves is not just to say that they are good at hiding, it means that they can skillfully use the various powers of the new carrier.

But no matter what, they gathered into a torrent of 200 million atrocities.

Rush to the Eight Kings universe.

It also appeared in front of Meng Fan, Central Emperor and Hei Yuankui.

Hei Yuankui quickly realized what those waves meant.

It took Meng Fan a dozen breaths, and as the atrocities got closer and closer, he vaguely understood what it was.

That is the Great Universe, the Heishui alien race that Jiuwuyang and He said.

Two hundred million.

Among them are at least three million **** kings!

Meng Fan saw that at the forefront of the tide, those who rushed madly were the kings of gods. One, two, three, and four calamities were the most, and there were some scattered five, six, and few seven. Robbery.

They were expressionless, could not see any emotions, and didn't seem to know that they were tired. They just ran like this, some, because of the long rush, their bodies were exhausted and even ruptured, but they were still indifferent. Considered taking a break even for a while.

The sound of the squally wind and sea is getting closer.

Meng Fan looked at Hei Yuankui.

Hei Yuankui also looked at Meng Fan.

It can be seen that Hei Yuankui is very tangled at the moment, his brows have been twisted together.

"If you leave at this moment, the Eight Kings Universe Defense Hall will be a group of dragons without a leader." Meng Fan said. "To support the Wisdom Universe, most of the officials of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department have been transferred. Now the total number of officials and apostles in the entire Defense Department is only 20 or 30. If you leave again, the Eight Kings Universe will fall."

Hei Yuankui said, "This is my universe."

"Okay." Meng Fan shook his palm, and the Yuanjie Bow disappeared immediately.

He faces the tide.

"I never thought, one day I will say this, join hands."

Hei Yuankui was startled: "Why?"

Of course he did not understand.

Meng Fan did not answer either.

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