Supreme God King

Chapter 3834: Evolutionary essence

"What is evolution?"

In the Eight Kings Universe, the place where the Diamond Kingdom meets the Great Reef is called "Langmang Mountain". It is a gentle and low mountain range. From a distance, it looks like a small wave hitting the coast, but the terrain is gentle, but still It is a mountain range, and the trend is somewhat complicated, so there is no commercial route in this mountain range that connects the Kingdom of Diamonds and the Great Reef.

A few years ago, the Great Kahuna Council and several officials of the Kingdom of Diamonds had a dialogue. They wanted to jointly develop Langmang Mountain. It is estimated that a dozen trading towns will be built here, and then the mountains and rivers will be dug out. Establish all kinds of roads in time, then this barren mountain range will become prosperous, and nothing else, relying on the resources of the Kingdom of Diamonds and the trading capabilities of the Great Reef, there will be no depression here.

After the decision, within a few years, some craftsmen from the Great Reef and the Kingdom of Diamonds uprooted all the trees in this mountain range, leaving behind the bare mountains and rivers. Businessmen from all over the country also began to fund this project in return. After the trading town is established, they can obtain some land and privileges here.

At this moment.

On a hill, stood a king of ten calamities.

He is three feet tall and has large arms and a sense of strength. He is wearing a gold and purple armor and helmet with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky.

I don't know what he is looking at.

Above the sky, there is a blue sky, and there are no clouds.

Beside him, there are more than a dozen gods.

The realm of these **** kings is in the seven calamities, eight calamities, and there is also a nine calamity.

The tall man is named He Lushan.

Not the native **** king of the Eight Kings Universe, but also a foreign **** king.

He comes from the wisdom universe.

Many years ago, just three years before Hei Yuankui gave an order to review the entry and exit of the **** king, and set up an outpost, he entered the universe of eight kings in search of immortality.

After stepping into the Eight Kings Universe, He Lushan took the same path as other **** kings. He first served as a guest officer in the Eight Kingdoms of God, earning fame, status, and gold. He also established a caravan on the Great Reef and pulled up a little bit. I had a small team of my own, and later recruited a few staff and some disciples.

However, this team is far inferior to the teams of the giants on the Great Reef. To this day, Helu Mountain only has a caravan of 300 people, and has its own mansion in the Diamond God State, and in Langman Mountain. On the edge, there is a field of one hundred thousand acres of its own, planting spirit grass and refining pill, nothing more.

But he had gathered a dozen **** kings around him. Although there were not many in number, they were considered elite, and their realm was not low.

He Lushan raised this question, what is evolution?

The dozen gods behind him were expressionless and did not answer.

He Lushan whispered: "The evolution of thousands of sentient beings is not evolution, but change. Whether each change is good or bad depends on the destiny. There is no such thing as evolution in this world. One eye becomes two eyes. It's farther and wider, but when the sun is dazzling, one eye is always better than two eyes.

So evolution does not exist, everything is change. As for whether the change is right or wrong, it only depends on the choice of destiny.

This is our previous thought.

But until we step into the world of meaning, we finally understand that evolution exists.

What our ancestors did in the past is actually evolving.

That’s right, each of our generations of the same race has its own characteristics, similar to each other, but they are indeed different. These differences are good and bad, and we cannot control them, but we can sacrifice ourselves for our own population. If an individual has Disadvantages, this individual will kill itself and allow other similar species to devour it, ensuring the continuous optimization of the bloodline.

Each generation may only kill a few bad individuals, save a few good individuals, and try to let the blood of these good individuals pass on.

In this regard, our advantage is that we reproduce very quickly.

Every day, an individual can reproduce hundreds or even thousands of offspring.

In other words, every day we can independently choose hundreds or even thousands of times to survive the fittest, preserve good blood, and then make future generations surpass us.

The same is true for the meaning world.

Their so-called martial arts, cultivation, and our evolution are essentially the same, but they don’t need to be superimposed from generation to generation. What they practice is themselves, and they don’t give all their courage and responsibility for their own species. So we can only focus all our energy on improving ourselves, but we must admit that they are doing very well, because no matter what changes occur, there are two changes that are always good, one is the solidity of the flesh, the other is the strength of the soul .

Either tenacious or smart.

Their cultivation is like this, constantly making their bodies stronger, and constantly making their souls more complicated.

The speed of their evolution is certainly not comparable to ours, but their theories and ideas are beyond our reach, so we learn. "

He Lushan stretched out his hand and clicked on his temple: "When the first ancestor stepped into this place, he still didn't understand how to control everything here. He just survived reluctantly.

Then he gave birth to thousands of children. His children are different from him. He is an immigrant and his children are natives. So some of his children can adapt here, some can’t adapt, so those can’t adapt. Yes, some chose self-destruction, some left here and entered other places. "

He Lushan pointed to his chest again: "Maybe it is here."

Then point to his abdomen: "Maybe it is here. Every individual is different. Before stepping into the world of meaning, our ancestors hate this difference. What they hope is that all individuals are equally strong, but they step into the world of meaning. After that, we understand that the root of evolution is change, and the characteristics of change are different. Diversified individuals can do different jobs and deal with more complex environments. Some individuals like to hide, they are responsible for hiding, and some individuals have emotions. , They are responsible for emotions, and so on.

All individuals cooperate with each other to achieve balance and tacit understanding, and maintain diversity and the ability to understand and adapt to the environment.

Then, generation after generation. "

He Lushan pointed to his head again: "Individuals living here, by the fifth generation, have fully adapted to everything here and began to use everything here.

Then, a perfect fit.

When we can perfectly control the peak creatures, our evolutionary path has actually come to an end.

All this took about 150,000 years.

But we still have a ceiling.


Many years ago, we discussed with other groups how to break the ceiling of immortality. We have made many efforts and attempts, but we still cannot infect immortality and still cannot threaten immortality.

I put forward a plan.

The plan I put forward is just one of the countless plans, and it is not worth mentioning.

But my plan succeeded.

Here, I successfully refined an immortal crystal.

Although this achievement is small.

But babies can grow into giants.

This also means that we can take this road.

So I sent a signal.

This signal is transmitted through various twists and turns, various ups and downs.

Before, I didn't know if this signal of mine was transmitted to other species.

It seems that I have arrived. "

He Lushan still looked up and looked at the sky.

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