Supreme God King

Chapter 3838: Strange circle

Three hours later.

The millions of **** kings gathered around Langmang Mountain raised their heads and could see some visions on the sky.

In the light blue sky barrier, there appeared some red light.

Hei Yuankui narrowed his eyes.

Those dots of red light are hordes of atrocities crossing the barriers of the universe.

The birth of the cosmic barrier is very complicated.

At the beginning of the birth of the universe, the universe was just a mass of matter gathered because of the law of gravity, disordered and chaotic, but everything would be ordered, so other laws were born.

When enough laws are born in a universe, the cosmic barriers derived from the laws will gradually form.

The barrier of the universe is an aggregation of forces such as law, matter, vitality, and energy.

With the passage of time, as the history of a universe becomes longer and longer, and as the laws of a universe become more and more powerful, creatures become more and more prosperous, and various forces float on the edge of the universe, forming A hard shell, this is the barrier of the universe.

Only the Ten Tribulations God King can rely on his own strength to pass through the barriers of the universe.

Because the King of Ten Tribulations is a "cosmic power", they have understood the core of the law of all things, and they can rule themselves into the barriers of the universe at the moment they touch the barriers of the universe, and then pass through the barriers silently. .

God kings below ten calamities, want to cross the barriers of the universe, are not so easy. They often need to rely on brute force to break the barriers of the universe. When a **** king strikes the barriers of the universe with brute force, he will also encounter the barriers of the universe. "Fight back".

This is order.

Therefore, in various universes, if the **** kings below the ten calamities enter and leave the universe, they must use other forces, such as the space ladder, such as the teleportation array, such as the help of other **** kings of the ten calamities, and so on. Overcoming the barriers of the universe.

Therefore, Hei Yuankui saw that more than 100 million atrocities had been divided into thousands and hit the barriers of the universe.

Then a large number of atrocities turned into dust.

They were furiously counterattacked by the laws of the universe.

After a quarter of an hour, there were already tens of millions of atrocities who died because of the impact on the barriers of the universe!

Meng Fan was right.

These atrocities are not lions, but swarms of flies. Let the barriers of the universe kill them.

The number of atrocities who died within a quarter of an hour was more than Hei Yuankui, Meng Fan, the Central Emperor, and dozens of other peak gods killed all in one hour.

According to this trend, among the over 100 million atrocities, there may not even be a hundred who can pass through the barriers of the universe.

That is, the individuals of the seven and eight calamities.

There are only a few hundred of these individuals.

But everything can't be that simple.

Because Meng Fan said, there will be tens of millions of atrocities crossing the barriers of the universe.

Hei Yuankui didn't know why Meng Fan could make this inference.

But in the battle outside the Eight Kings Universe, Hei Yuankui knew that Meng Fan had come up with a formula, a formula that could deduce the atrocities and the Heishui alien race, relying on this formula, Meng Fan found these atrocities The leader and kill him.

Hundreds of breaths passed.

The impact of the atrocities on the barriers of the universe weakened.

They realized that if this goes on, most of them will fall beyond the barriers of the universe.

Hei Yuankui frowned.

He saw that outside the barriers of the universe, the atrocities gradually gathered from scattered individuals to vaguely form a whole.

The haze filled Hei Yuankui's mind.

If, these atrocities once again gather as a whole.

Just like at first.

Then 100 million tens of millions of atrocities attacked one of the barriers of the universe at the same time...

Hei Yuankui stood up slowly and drew his black and white double-color epee from the ground.

He decided to rush out and disrupt the tide of atrocities.

Although he knew that in the face of such a large wave of atrocities, he could do very little, but he still had to do it.

But suddenly.

He stopped.

The looming wave of atrocities once again dispersed, became messy, and turned into independent individuals. These independent individuals became crazy like headless flies crashing into the barriers of the universe, knocking on the barriers of the universe. Hit circles of ripples, and then turn into dust.

Hei Yuankui watched carefully.

He saw it.

Meng Fan.


Beyond the barriers of the universe.

Meng Fan crushed an atrocity.

A quarter of an hour ago, thousands of atrocities collectively hit one of the barriers of the universe, and they died and fell in large numbers.

Then their algorithm changed.

They realized that if this continues, they will be exhausted before breaking through the barriers of the universe.

So they restarted calculations, using this algorithm, using instinct, they quickly selected a suitable leader from the tide, and gave the decision to this leader, so this leader became a new " monarch".

Under the orders of the new monarch, all the atrocities were transformed into a collective, and jointly launched an impact on the barriers of the universe.

But before the first impact, they fell apart again.

Because Meng Fan figured out who the new leader they chose was, and instantly shot to kill the new leader.

Without the leader, countless violators who temporarily gave up the right to make decisions were in a short-term "dementia" stage. They were driven entirely by instincts and attacked the barriers of the universe with their individual power, so a large number of violators disappeared.

After beheading the new leader, Meng Fan stood motionless in nothingness. The surrounding atrocities attacked him, but they couldn't get close to him within three hundred meters. In front of immortality, these "flies" were useless. The place of war.

The Central Emperor stood quietly beside Meng Fan with his hands on his back, watching the crowds of atrocities scurrying around.

Meng Fan continued.

After a hundred breaths.

Meng Fan discovered that the algorithm has changed again.

The wave of atrocities is electing a third leader.

When the algorithm gradually focused on one place.

Meng Fan shifted his eyes and looked there.

And locked a atrocities of the Seven Tribulations.

Immediately, his figure flickered, and he appeared next to the Seven Tribulations atrocities, and a long river of meditation gushed out of his palms, swallowing him instantly, leaving no trace.

The atrocities broke up again.

Just like that, it went over and over again.

The atrocities elected new leaders time and time again, trying to transform all individuals into a collective, and then attack the barriers of the universe together.

When the algorithm began to work, Meng Fan also began to deduction.

When a new leader was born, Meng Fan rushed over without hesitation and beheaded him.

Then the atrocities spread out again, attacking the barriers of the universe, and then turning into dust.

An hour passed.

Meng Fan has already killed 17 elected leaders!

And the atrocities are constantly changing between order and disorder, and have attacked the barriers of the universe several times. There are already more than 30 million, turned into fans!

The tide of atrocities has fallen into a vicious circle that cannot be broken.

They could not threaten Meng Fan.

So this vicious circle should continue infinitely.

Until all the atrocities were buried outside the barriers of the universe.

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