Supreme God King

Chapter 3845: will

The fluctuation of the law of gravitation soon affected the land around the Langman Mountain for thousands of kilometers, and the spread was faster and faster.

The first to suffer is those "sanxian towns".

On the border between the Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef, there are many free trade towns and free ports. These settlements do not belong to any power in law. They are the so-called Sanxian towns.

A large number of cities and towns rose from the ground, torn into pieces by gravity in the air, forming squally winds and waves as high as hundreds of meters, and gathered towards the central battlefield of Langmang Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, there are some border fortresses, cities, and a large number of villages in the Great Reef and Diamond Kingdom.

The Grand Marshal of Diamond Kingdom is right.

Hei Yuankui’s crazy enhanced law of gravitation, once out of control, its final power may destroy the Eight Kings universe!

Although the Eight Kings Universe is very powerful, the laws are also very complete, the history is long, and the aura is strong, but an immortal statue can still destroy this universe with all its strength.

In the face of immortality, the universe appears fragile.

The Langmang Mountain battlefield has become an abyss that swallows all things, and everything thousands of meters can not escape from the huge mouth of this abyss!

What's more frightening is that a large amount of matter is pulled or squeezed into powder dust by gravity before reaching the "Abyss", turning into ash fragments, and then turning into a mass of chaotic matter.

This gravitational pull lasted for nearly a thousand breaths.

The fluctuation of the law of gravity caused thousands of kilometers of the earth to be directly peeled off a layer of skin. Almost all towns and villages have disappeared, and the sky is full of strong winds and law turbulence.

And thousands of kilometers away, it's also not easy.

Even farther places, although not directly pulled by the law of gravitation, the law of gravitation caused the "tsunami" overwhelming the sky, the distant city, but almost all the tall buildings were cut off, a large number of Li people were also swept away by the wind. Because of the reaction force formed by gravitational pull, it set off thousands of meters of dust, spreading towards the surrounding.

At this moment, if someone is outside the barriers of the Eight Kings Universe, condescending and looking at everything, they will definitely be stunned.

This wave of fluctuation, even at the height of the Eight Kings Universe, is still visible to the naked eye from the angle of overlooking.

The Eight Kings Universe is an "ellipse", and the whole is a whole continent. The so-called seas and oceans are just some lakes on the continent from a distance. The thick vitality, dust, and energy fill the whole place. On the continent, a layer of colorful clouds and fog is formed. Outside the cloud and fog layer, there is a barrier that looks almost completely transparent, that is, the barrier of the universe.

At this moment, looking from the outside, you can see one end of the Eight Kings universe, there is no light at all, no stars moving, that is the Great Reef, where the law of light has almost disappeared, but the law of darkness is very powerful.

Beside the Great Reef, there is a pure white world, which is the Kingdom of Diamonds.

At the junction of the two worlds, a cosmic barrier was cracked like a glass that had been hit by a heavy blow. This crack was not big, and from the outside, it seemed to be only the size of a grain of rice.

Below the cracks, on the earth of the Eight Kings universe, a large amount of dust rose into the sky.

The storm formed by the dust has covered one-fifth of the Great Reef and one-eighth of the Diamond Kingdom.

But after a thousand breaths of gravitational fluctuations, it suddenly disappeared.

this moment.

The town defense hall and dozens of outposts crashed down!

Because of the pull of gravitational fluctuations, the speed of the town defense hall at the last moment reached the extreme of normal speed!

At the same time, everything within thousands of kilometers, whether it was creatures, towns, or mountains and lakes, was pulled towards Langmang Mountain.

The gravitational fluctuation also stopped at this moment.

But the influence of the fluctuation of the law of gravity is not over yet.

Previously, because of the sudden strengthening of the law of gravity, it stopped abruptly, as if someone grabbed all the laws abruptly, pulled it to the limit, and then suddenly let go.

The consequences can be imagined.

A huge earthquake occurred at this moment in both the Great Reef and the Kingdom of Diamond God!

The earthquake affected almost all the border areas of the two huge forces. The earth split and the mountains shattered!

Some continents were even directly cocked by the huge force!

The earthquake occurred instantaneously and tended to end after a dozen breaths.

Soon after, the law storm began to sweep through.

The various forces and materials that had been pulled over by gravity before flew back quickly when the gravity "let go", and the terrifying law storm cut the earth again.

The law storm raged in the diamond kingdom, until it reached the largest city in the east of the diamond kingdom, and it was further weakened by the many formations of this city, and then stopped.

On the other side, the law storm destroyed almost everything on the western side of the Great Reef, but the area and depth of the Great Reef are much smaller than the Diamond Kingdom. According to this trend, this storm may continue to blow across the entire Great Reef!

But this force decayed after advancing thousands of kilometers.

Because of three people.

King Jinding, Yan Mixu, and Xuan Dewu three peak **** kings, because they left the battlefield early and returned to the Big Reef, they activated the frontier defense formation of the Big Reef. When the storm struck, the three rushed into the storm. Shattered a wind eye in the law storm, and then consolidated the space with the law, greatly weakening the storm.

So the storm stopped hundreds of miles away from Dewuzong.

Haodang Mountain, Weiyang Palace, and the seat of the Great Reef Council were not affected by the storm.

Xuan Dewu walked out of the storm dust with a solemn face, and glanced at Yanxu who was hundreds of meters away.

"It's over." Yan Mi said.

Xuan Dewu narrowed his eyes, "I hope."

Langmang Mountain on the edge of the battlefield.

He Lushan stood quietly on top of a mountain.

His broad palms grasped the neck of a Seven Tribulations Divine King. The Seven Tribulations Divine King swayed and was about to be blown away by the law storm at any time. It was He Lushan who caught him.

Here, the law storm is still pervading, but it is gradually weakening.

After a hundred breaths, everything was completely calm.

He Lushan also released his hand.

But the result is still unknown.

Because thousands of feet thick dust is still permeating.

"Hei Yuankui." He Lushan said in a calm voice without any emotion.

"Our fellow clan..." A **** king of Eight Tribulations made a sad voice. "I can't feel the existence of any comrades."

In the center of Langmang Mountain battlefield.

In the dust.

There are no traces of survival.

Suddenly, a figure came out from the dust.

Meng Fan.

Meng Fan moved forward slowly.

After thirty steps, he came to the center of the battlefield.

He saw Hei Yuankui panting heavily with his legs kneeling on the ground and his whole body covered with mottled blood.

He is the center of the gravitational storm.

The town defense hall also hit him directly.

Even though he was the second step of the small immortal and suffered from the "falling sky" of the town defense hall, he also bleeds and was injured.

Hei Yuankui gasped for a moment. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head with difficulty and glanced at Meng Fan.

"How is it?" Hei Yuankui asked.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes, his eyes turned pale, and everything around him turned into numbers in his eyes.

He glanced around, and said to Hei Yuankui: "There is not one left."

Hei Yuankui lay weakly on the ground.

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