Supreme God King

Chapter 3849: giant

"I'm looking for a solution, a solution to the Heishui alien race, a solution to all alien crises."

Yi Housheng's voice gently echoed around the Darkest Fortress.

"Heterogeneous crisis does not mean a word that existed since the establishment of the world. This word appeared after the immortal war. Because of the rejection of the outside world and creatures, the appearance of aliens is always a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of Taoists.

After the road of immortality appeared, Taoists began to part ways with all beings. Before immortality, Taoists were no different from all beings. They were just creatures. Although not many creatures that emerged from many affiliated universes later became Taoists, they were not. No, we don't even distinguish each other.

But the road to immortality allows all Taoists to see another possibility, a real method that can be immortal, but this road is very narrow and resources are limited. Therefore, after the immortal war, the world of meaning has gained benefits and status. The Taoist masters will begin to exile those who have been far away from the world of meaning. This is to reduce competition and also to reduce the variables. The heterogeneity becomes a crisis. "

After Yi Housheng said, he looked at Meng Fan for a moment, and said: "The immortal war has many evil consequences. Taoists' methods of solving problems have become simple and rude, and their thinking and philosophy have stagnated. This is inevitable and helpless. Limited, thought, philosophy, and civilization will develop. This is our way to expand the breadth and depth of life. When life is unlimited, all of this loses its meaning. Too long life makes us not eager to expand the depth and breadth of life. After all, the length is enough.

The simple and rude style of acting has caused serious consequences. The exiled Taoist spread the secrets we once kept to various universes. The Heishui alien race is also a by-product of the immortal war. Soon, we don't even wear clothes. All civilization, morality, and philosophy have been abandoned by us. So problems arise, but no one wants to look back and pick up clothes.

I found a way to solve the heterogeneous crisis.

It is not a closed-door policy, but an inclusiveness.

I hope to promote the passage of new bills and bring the world of meaning back to what it was billions of years ago, and continue to absorb new things, new forces, new philosophies, new ideas, fill in the blanks of us, and inspire what we already have. The potential to complement us and strengthen us. Now, this is still a very general concept, but I hope to turn this concept into reality, and your existence proves that my idea is correct. You not only stepped into immortality, but also helped the Eight Kings Universe to eliminate black Water interracial.

The question is, do you believe what I said? "

Hearing Yi Housheng's question, Meng Fan solemnly said, "Is there any way I can't believe it?"

Yi Housheng couldn't help but smile.

This is not an equal dialogue.

Meng Fan is very powerful. In Yi Houshen’s eyes, compared with those Taoists who have just stepped into the little immortal world, Meng Fan is even a little too powerful, even relying solely on his own strength, Yi Housheng believes that the meaning world may not have anything. A small immortal Taoist of the first stairway can confront Meng Fan.

Even Meng Fan has the power to collide with the second step of the small immortal.

If Meng Fan is allowed to hold that bow, then Meng Fan even has the power to fight the third step of the Immortal!

This also means that even at this moment, Meng Fan has stepped into the world of meaning. Among the more than two hundred immortal Taoists, Meng Fan is still a very powerful existence. I am afraid that only those Patriarchs and the leaders of the eight pillars can surrender him.

But this is just an objective comparison.

The world of meaning is a huge concept.

Meng Fan didn't know the true power of the meaning world.

At least this conversation at this moment is absolutely unequal. The strongest arrow shot by Meng Fan disappeared like a mist in front of Yi Housheng. There really is no reason for Yi Housheng to deceive him.

"You want me to be your pawn." Meng Fan said.

Yi Housheng hesitated: "If this is your way of understanding, you can say the same. In my opinion, to correct some of the past mistakes in the world of meaning, you must pay a huge price. The person who can do this is not someone A Taoist master, a leader of a certain eight pillars, but we can only change the family. To make some changes, we need an opportunity. Being regarded as the strongest alien in history is the best opportunity. If I can Let the world of meaning accept your existence, then the closed country will open a gap. In my opinion, the world is the general trend, all laws are unified, and it is better to block. It is the rejection of the world of meaning that creates the crisis of the heterogeneity and immortality. The war caused the bell of silence to move faster and faster. I don’t want to see the final death. Few people in this world hope that the final death will come. I just want to delay the final death. If the final death is one Floods, then I want to dredge the floods."

Meng Fan's mood was ups and downs.

Yi Housheng's words made his thoughts quite complicated.

Because of his ignorance of the world of meaning, it was difficult for Meng Fan to trust anyone in the world of meaning, whether it was Hei Yuankui or Yi Houseng.

Yi Housheng continued: "Destroying the tide of atrocities invading the Eight Kings universe, you have proven your worth. Everything in this world is a transaction, such as family affection, love, and politics even more so. You have proved yourself to the world of meaning. The value of the world, the Taoists of the meaning world will consider accepting you. Once a gap is opened, everything will become easier. Especially at this moment, the Heishui alien race has become a big problem in the meaning world. The victory of the water alien race is already a good bargaining chip.

I have no way to give you any promise. Although my words have some weight in the world of meaning, there is still no promise. So I am here today and just want to make a simple transaction. You can give me an answer as long as you show any willingness and meaning. If the world can cooperate, we can continue. "

"Since it's a deal, if I give you this answer, I guess, what you gave me is to let me go." Meng Fan said.

Yi Housheng smiled again: "Yes, it's not fair, but there is no unfairness in this world."

"I want to ask a question." Meng Fan said.

Yi Housheng nodded.

Meng Fan: "Have you ever shed blood?"

Yi Housheng's brows twitched, and after a moment of contemplation, he said, "Flowing past."

"How long has it been."

"Many years ago, I almost forgot when it was." Yi Hoshen said.

"From the moment I stepped into immortality, there has been a nightmare bothering me." Meng Fandao. "I am afraid that I am really just an ant, controlled by some powerful force without knowing it. Before you appeared, my fear had almost dispersed, but when you appeared, this fear appeared again. ."

"You want to kill me." Yi Housheng said calmly. "Understandably, if there is a huge monster above my head overlooking me, I want to kill him, too. About this...I can give you an answer.

The behemoth does exist, but not me.

A behemoth can change all reality, distort all laws, destroy all visible and invisible, or resurrect a person who has been dead for billions of years.

But I can also tell you that the behemoth has never done this before.

Will you play with ants?

too boring. "

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