Supreme God King

Chapter 3853: ally

"In Yi Housheng's opinion, the heterogeneous crisis is just our own troubles." Hei Shouyi and Hei Yuankui stood at the door of the new hall, watching batch after batch of second-level puppets being sent, and then lined up neatly. The apostles inspected and installed the Eye of Thunder.

In these days, hundreds of second-level puppets were sent to the town defense hall every day. The manufacturing speed was already quite fast. The Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef used almost all their strength, but in Hei Yuankui’s view, it was still not enough.

Hei Shouyi continued: "No matter from which point of view, the immortal war will definitely break out. First, the Taoists of the traditional road will fight against the Taoists of the road of the immortality. They must defend their vested interests. Even if all Taoists agree with the road of immortality, this road that is not too wide will surely lead to killing, and eventually it will lead to war.

Yuan Kui, you have personally experienced this period of history, and it is clear that how many of the new army generation was killed in the struggle for power after the victory of the war, and their families were exiled? "

"I know." Hei Yuankui's voice was a little deep, as if thinking of something. "After the war, many of the new troops were shown offenses and then sent to court. Others didn't mention them, but I had 17 indictments, not to die, but enough for me to stay in jail until the end."

"In that chaotic, unclear era, it was too easy to find someone’s guilt. It was just a means of fighting. It just happened. In the end, our eleven families survived the fight. The family is not bad, it is considered to be retired. The Chi family was too strong back then. In order to achieve a balance, even the brother of the previous patron was abandoned.

"Eleven families."

"Yes, there are only eleven big families in the meaning world, and the Yi family doesn't count." Hei Shouyi said, holding his hands behind his back, and stepping forward, looking old-fashioned, but calm and steady. "Walk with me."

Hei Yuankui followed Hei Shouyi's side.

"The immortal war will definitely break out. After that, in order to balance the world of meaning, to prevent the counterattack of the road of meaning, or to control limited resources, or to control the limited resources, in short, most of the Taoists will be exiled, especially It is the Taoists who are far away in nothingness, this is also inevitable."

"But the resources are already sufficient." Hei Yuankui said solemnly.

Inadvertently, he told a huge secret.

Hei Shouyi glanced at him. Hei Yuankui realized that he shouldn't say something, so he lowered his head.

The black head thought for a moment and smiled: "What you said is not a taboo. At least it is no longer a taboo in the Hundreds. Over the years, we have found many ways to refine immortal crystals. The output of Lost Furnace is very stable. The world of meaning is willing, in fact, it is completely possible to build seven or eight lost furnaces. The body of meaning has this ability. The reason why it does not continue to build is that the number is just right now. In the eyes of many Taoists, the lack of immortal crystals is a problem, but more It is even more problematic. They think the road is very narrow, and they have been running on a narrow road for many years, but it suddenly widened. They don’t know what to do.

Everyone wants to be a king, and the king does not want everyone to be a king. This world is like this, it was like this in the past, it is like this now, it will be like this in the future, maybe it won't be like this in the next era.

Still come back.

The immortal war will definitely break out, and the exile of the Daoist will definitely happen, but what happened later, the meaning world did not do it right.

Immortality has changed everything and the thoughts of Taoists.

The long life makes them careless about meaning and philosophy. They become conservative, obsolete, and have no interest in things outside the world of meaning, in order to prevent other universe creatures from breaking their order, or in other words, increasing Unexpected variables, they began to become closed-door, so there was a different kind of crisis.

Alien crises are actually very easy to solve.

A mortal knows that the flood cannot be stopped.

As long as we spread our arms again to welcome other universes, restore the previous order, and send regulators, then many problems will be solved, and the world of meaning today is far stronger than before the Immortal War, and we can also do better than in the past. The meaning world is better.

The hard part is not spreading arms. "

"It's thought." Hei Yuankui said.

Hei Shou righteously said: "More than that, the real difficulty is to break the inherent order.

Everything in the past, whether right or wrong, has existed for billions of years. This has formed a stable order. If the path of meaning in the past was tradition, then today's immortality has also become a tradition. It is difficult to break, because once it is broken, no one knows what will be faced. The variables are terrible. The most terrifying thing is that the variables may affect the interests of many people. "

"Big brother, in my opinion, this matter seems unsolvable." Hei Yuankui was very serious.

Everything Hei Shouyi said is actually an understatement, but the things hidden in these understatements are very scary.

Just as the immortal war broke out that year, are all the Taoists of the road of meaning opposed to immortality?

of course not.

Wang's family has a Hu'er emperor, and Cao's family has a policeman.

This is true of other major families.

But for various reasons, the war is about to break out. Those who stick to the path of meaning are powerful Taoist families. The ancestors of most families are the founders of the world of meaning. They are invincible giants one after another. It is difficult to accept the impact of new things on their power.

Order, interest, power, tradition, ideas, variables, too many problems.

"Of course there is no solution in your opinion, and in my opinion, there is no solution, but Yi Jia may be able to do it." Hei Shouyi stretched out his hand and patted Hei Yuankui on the shoulder. "Yi Housheng is going to do this. He knows how difficult it is, so he has to use a lot of power, even a different kind of power. He hopes to delay the eventual dying, even if it delays for a year. For a hundred years, everything is good."

"So..." Hei Yuankui looked at his brother. "Big brother means that Yi Housheng also needs us."

"Wrong again." Hei Shouyi smiled.

Hei Yuankui was taken aback.

"Yuan Kui, you have to remember one thing, remember clearly, it’s not that Yi Jia needs us, but we need Yi Jia. No matter when, we will all be allies of Yi Jia. What Yi Jia thinks is right, we will To do it, what Yi Jia thinks is wrong, we have to oppose it."

Hei Shouyi turned his head and saw another batch of dozens of second-level puppets arrived.

"In the past, I thought everything was very difficult. It was when I just stepped into the Eight Pillars. At that time, I just wanted to do more for the family and pick up an extra tile to protect you from the wind and rain. Later, I After immersing in the Eight Pillars for a long time, I can see everything clearly and thoroughly understand everything, so I don't think it is difficult. Whatever tricks, I will know the true and false as soon as I pass by. At that time, I became proud.

Later, I started to help Yi Housheng, and found out that everything was easier than I thought.

There is not much choice and thinking.

As long as it means Yijia, that's enough.

Since then, I have also become humble. "

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