Supreme God King

Chapter 3899: Blood feud

Moreover, Dao Zhai should have met Luo Tianzheng. This is recorded in many serious historical materials. Because many dog ​​people of the Luo family and some collaterals were killed, Luo Tianzheng was so angry that he personally attacked. Many historical sources believe that Luo Tianzheng fought against Daozhai in Luotian Universe.

In short, Dao Zhai left many legendary stories back then, and had a history of confrontation with many emerging overlords at that time, such as Hei Shou Yi, the leader of the Hei family today, the most powerful figure among the unified pillars, Luo Tianzheng is the law The unquestionable leader of En Pillar is also one of the top powerhouses in the world today. In addition to these two, an uncle of Jianzhu, as well as the Pillar of Knowledge, a well-known big man, The veteran overlord, known as Inohwarang, also had contact with Dao Zhai.

According to inaccurate statistics, Dao Zhai killed many people in the world that year. It is difficult to count the dogs who died in her hands, because the dogs never saw the end, and the Fan Pillar never announced the lives and deaths of the dogs. Or other activity records, but there are at least seven Taoists who died in the hands of Dao Zhai.

Five of them are from Luo family, that is, Luo Tianzheng's eldest son and several of his collateral grandchildren, and the other two are from two small families.

Born in the attached universe, stepping into immortality, beheading seven Taoists without being caught, Dao Zhai was the most murderous criminal in the world at the time. She was jointly offered a reward by several pillars and was offered a reward of ten first-class immortality. crystallization!

The amount of this reward may not be considered very high today. Meng Fan, known as the First Alien, was rewarded with ten first-class immortal crystals, while the emperor of the wild was rewarded with fifty.

However, the value of the immortal crystals back then is completely different from today's immortal crystals.

Back then, the number of immortal crystals was still quite scarce, and the Lost Furnace had not been created yet, and the world of meaning was still looking for all possible ways to pursue immortality.

In other words, the immortal crystals of the year were scarce and very valuable.

And today's immortal crystallization, compared to the past, has been "inflation" a lot, maybe six or seven times.

In particular, the attitude of the meaning world to immortal crystals back then is completely different from today. All Taoist families back then guarded the immortal crystals strictly, never exposed, meaning the many satellite universes outside the world, even what immortality was. Unclear, many people have never heard of it.

Today, there are already several subsidiary universes that can be exchanged for immortal crystals.

If calculated like this, this knife studio, placed today, may be rewarded with fifty first-class immortal crystals, or even more!

You know, even Meng Fan, who is known as the first anomaly, and the highest-rewarded transgressor, did not kill the Taoist Master.

It can be seen that Dao Zhai was a "hateful" character in the eyes of the world of meaning.

The time that Dao Zhai was active in the world of meaning is about a million years from her appearance to her disappearance.

In the end, Tozai lost.

Regarding this record, it is also vague. I only know that Dao Zhai has been wandering in many affiliated universes for many years. As for why she killed Luo’s parents in the first place, no one knows. In fact, behind the legend of Dao Zhai is Many unknowns.

In short, in the end, Dao Zhai was discovered by the Pillar of Faen and returned to the Tianzun Universe, and then the masters of the major pillars, and a few immortals, went to encircle and suppress the Dao Zhai together. Lost to "flee from waste", while escaping, the extremely curved blade was also left behind, and was taken back to the world of meaning by some Taoists.

Later, the extremely curved blade was handed over to the body of meaning. The task of the body of meaning was to use this artifact to predict the whereabouts of Dao Zhai. Obviously, it was necessary for many Taoists at that time, especially Luo Tianzheng. Grab the Dao Zhai, or kill the Dao Zhai, only a stone in their hearts can fall.

However, the body of meaning did not calculate where the sword fast was. After that, the sword completely disappeared, and the extremely curved blade has been preserved by the body of meaning.

Later, there are still many records about the sword studio, but in Jian Chi's eyes, they are basically rumors.

The legend of the sword studio, after the disappearance of the sword studio, passed for tens of millions of years before it gradually disappeared.

Jianlun was a little at a loss.

The story of Dao Zhai originated in legends and ended in legends. There are too many legends and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, so it seems anticlimactic.

It's even nondescript.

Jianzhu was curious about Daozhai.

But no matter how she looked for it, she couldn't find any other useful, exact, record about Dao Zhai.

The sword idiot only knows that this sword studio has hatred with the world of meaning.

What Dao Zhai did, her expectations, and her avenues were all so vague.

But her aversion to the world of meaning is clear.


"Blood hatred."

Extremely curved blade made a hoarse voice, simple four words, but it seemed to tell an ancient story.

And Yin Gu has been cut in half!

Yin Gu is in a very fragile stage.

Because of Meng Fan’s full blow, the Metaverse Bow, God King Universe, and Meng Fan’s own power were all pressed on Yin Gu’s body in an instant. This attack was so terrifying that Yin Gu’s flesh and bones appeared different. Degree of damage.

At this moment, Zhiji Benjian suddenly awakened.

After waking up, Yin Gu said that.

He revealed his identity, said he was from the Yin family, the Taoist master of the world of meaning, and was ordered to come to punish Meng Fan and destroy the universe, and gave orders to Extreme Bending Blade.

But what Yin Gu did not expect was.

After the Extreme Bending Blade listened to it, he launched an attack on Yin Gu without hesitation!

Yin Gu was at the most vulnerable moment. At this moment, even if he confronted Meng Fan head-on, Yin Gu was a bit difficult. He was suddenly awakened, and the extremely curved blade of the third step of the small immortal was chopped off, and he was immediately cut in half!

There is no way, no splendid means, it is a pure beheading.

Yin Gu had a hideous face and tried his best to grasp his lower body with both hands, to heal together again.

"Where is this?" Zhiji Bend did not look at Yin Gu, but asked Xiang Meng Fan.

Meng Fan solemnly said: "God King Universe."

"The Void World?" Zhiji Bian asked.

Meng Fan didn't speak, but he held the Yuanjie bow across his chest, ready to shoot!

The extremely curved eye still stayed in Meng Fan's mind.

"In the emptiness, it is rare to have such a powerful universe. It seems that Dao Zhai is right...How far is it from the world of meaning?"

"Very far." Meng Fan said. "If there is no eternal fire, it will take thousands of years."

"So that's it." Zhiji Bendhan thought for a moment. "You'd better put down the bow in your hand and continue to face me. I might not be able to help but cut you. I slept for too long and just woke up. I don't want to use too much force to do it, and it hurts my mind."

Stop talking.

The extremely curved blade floated towards Yin Gu.

"As for the Taoist in the world of meaning, there is one, kill one."

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