Supreme God King

Chapter 3903: Creator

A beam made of natural spar, 333 feet long, was carried by several gods and sent to the "temporary restricted area."

The so-called temporary restricted area is the edge of Daxi County, where Meng Fan and Yin Gu fought.

At the same time, many natural spar girders were created. These girders are the craftsmanship of the craftsman's empire, which will be tempered by the future heaven and the Buddha world.

Dozens of them have been built, but this is not enough.

The world conventions are preparing to completely blockade the temporary restricted area and turn it into a cage, because Yin Gu is still imprisoned there.

The skeleton of this cage is these three hundred feet long beams.

Outside the prison, there are still many **** kings who are creating spiritual barriers. They already know that the law has little effect on Yin Gu.

Everyone is very busy, but when they are busy, they will always chat.

It wasn't Yin Gu who almost broke into the source of the heavens, nor the Ten Tribulations Divine Kings that suddenly appeared in the Divine King universe. They only talked about one.

The Great Emperor is back.

After a lapse of hundreds of millions of years.

In the eyes of most **** kings in the **** king universe, the creation of the great emperor is just a legend.

There are not many **** kings who are still alive from the Dao era to this day. Without exception, they are all big brothers. They are all gathered in the world conferences or lead some Dao worlds. They are also the leaders of the entire God King universe.

Except for these people who stand at the center of the God King universe, the vast world, the realm masters, or managers, and leaders of the 3,650 realms, more than ninety-nine percent of them, are the **** kings who have not experienced the Dao era, and Divine kings born after the Seventh Epoch accounted for most of them, with an average age of less than 30 million years old, and there are many leaders of the new world, who are only two to three million years old, so young are not enough.

Not to mention the leaders of these new worlds, even in today's world conferences, there are only a handful of people who have actually seen Meng Fan in person.

More people learn about Meng Fan through books, documents, and legends. For them, when they travel, they can reach places where Meng Fan has been, or where they fought. It is already the closest to Meng Fan. At the moment, I was fascinated, as if I was on a pilgrimage.

For the young **** king of the **** king universe, Meng Fan's concept is very real and very illusory.

The so-called truth is because more than half of the most important academics among the highest schools today are devoted to the Dao era. When it comes to the Dao era, there are a few characters that must be carefully studied. Meng Fan ranked first. , Chaos Great Emperor, Bai Buxian, Central Great Emperor, Bo Wu Emperor, Champion Hou and so on, all rank behind.

In addition, some popular scholars, such as the study of heaven, the evolution of sentient beings, and the history of many great roads, are important disciplines of the highest institutions. No matter which one is the most important discipline, Meng Fan always appears in the study. Between the lines.

Naturally, it is needless to say that the discipline of the evolution of sentient beings is a very important part of the vitality mechanism, and Meng Fan has always been regarded by mainstream disciplines as the king of the universe who inherited the vitality mechanism and was born against the heavenly vitality mechanism. Almost all talks about it Articles about the evolution of sentient beings always end up with Meng Fan's body. Although there are quite a few articles with other views, they are not mainstream.

As for many researches on the history of the Great Dao, Meng Fan’s role is even more important. Most scholars agree that there are only two results in the normal historical laws of the God King universe. Failure, and then the coexistence of many avenues, and then after a long period of time will merge, many avenues began to compete, and finally decided on a new leader, and this leader is probably humane.

But humanitarianism did not succeed.

Heaven did not win.

Meng Fan completely changed the historical trend of God King Universe.

At the same time, Meng Fan, as the "king of the universe" born by adhering to the many luck and luck of the universe, the heavens, and the gods, he is also the co-lord of ten thousand ways. This is because in addition to the heavens being controlled by him, the gods He can also control any avenue in the universe.

In addition to studying knowledge and always studying Meng Fan, the pattern of the God King's universe and some of the greatest creations all began in Meng Fan.

Such as the torrent of mind.

For example, the source of the heavens integrated with the future heaven.

For example, the three eyes of God King Universe.

To this day, these things that are affecting every living being all the time, and continue to benefit more living beings, come from Meng Fan.

And the pattern of today's world was created by Meng Fan.

Although those new worlds occupy 80% of the volume of the King’s Universe today, these are the merits of the One, but the center of the King’s Universe is still the world conventions and the future heaven, and then extended, there are many great worlds. Today’s God King Universe, no matter how it merges, many Dao worlds still retain their own culture, Dao, philosophy, thought, and system. This pattern was determined by Meng Fan, because anyone who knows a little about history knows that it was defeated in Meng Fan. After the Emperor of Heaven, as long as he is willing, then he will easily unify the entire God King universe.

Many years ago, the leader of the highest school and the teacher of many gods, Wang Haicheng, once said that the emperor of the day was swallowed by Meng Fan. Meng Fan already has unlimited power and can do everything he wants, but he sends these powers. Gave us.

In other words, the old way of heaven has disappeared, but Meng Fan has become a new way of heaven.

Moreover, it is much stronger and wiser than the Heavenly Dao that has ruled the God King Universe for tens of billions of years. If he wants to, he can continue to follow the route originally set by the Heavenly Emperor, and he will establish a new rule and a new one at a faster speed. world.

But he did not do so.

Many people tremble with shock when they read history and see the final battle.

Meng Fan swallows the emperor, he is equal to the perfect reception of all the powers of the heavens, he can freely control the truth and infinite laws of the three thousand great avenues, as well as the source of the heavens, he inherits the luck of the people, his wisdom, mind, calculation and other abilities , Is the strongest king of the universe, no one can match, and he was also the leader of the most powerful future heaven of the king universe at that time, and the inside of the future heaven, after years of fighting and tempering, has become a monolithic one. The Anti-Heavenly Dao Army established to guard against Meng Fan had long since disappeared.

At that time, Meng Fan was also the first true God King of the Ten Tribulations in the history of the God King Universe. The only Human Emperor who was able to confront Meng Fan a little bit fell into a state of drowsiness that was close to death and did not know when he would wake up. And even if Human Sovereign did not enter a state of lethargy that was close to death, but was in full bloom, he could not be Meng Fan's opponent at that time.

But Meng Fan's mind was not to become a king of the universe.

After he finished all he should do, he directly removed the position of the future king and passed this position to the One.

After that, Meng Fan killed the champion Hou, because no matter how you look at it, the champion Hou must die.

Meng Fan banished Qin Taichuan.

Except for these two Dao leaders, Meng Fan did not slay any other major worlds.

After the Infinite Realm destroyed the mastermind, they were not regarded as defeated countries. They were still independent and autonomous.

After experiencing the revolution, the arcane civilization also maintained a state of peace and alliance with the future heaven.

The future craftsman empire will be restored with the help of the future heaven.

The human world, the world that was supposed to be the greatest enemy of the heavens in the future, retained almost all its power and status. In many respects, the central emperor, who was sleeping on the same level as the heavens in the future, was also sent back.

The rest of the world is peaceful, without reckoning, without ambition. What everyone sees is Meng Fan's forgiveness and Meng Fan's atmosphere.

Although Zhiweiyi did a lot of things after taking over from Meng Fan.

For example, he put Chen Yu back into the Infinite Realm, and helped him become the leader and one of the most influential people in the Infinite Realm, which has a side effect on the structure of the Infinite Realm.

For example, he has been playing games with the human world on various diplomatic occasions.

For example, he marginalized the Buddha, Dragon, and New God Realms, delayed the process of Shura Realm's entry into the World Congress, and strengthened the alliance with the Artisan Empire, the Wild Realm, and Arcane Civilization, and so on.

Including later, he called for the great pioneers. Among the first pioneers of the great pioneers, more than one-third came from the future heaven, and the new world established basically followed the laws of the future heaven, not the world conventions. These deeds of the Supreme One have allowed the King Universe to grow from two or three hundred Kings to tens of millions in 100 million years, and also developed every corner of the King Universe, but everything he did , The foundation is to continue to strengthen the position of heaven in the future.

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