Supreme God King

Chapter 3912: Unification

The comprehensive strength of God King Universe surpasses most known universes.

In the world of meaning, there are dozens of subsidiary universes, the most powerful of which is much inferior to the universe of God King.

Only the comprehensive power of the nine supreme universes can be compared with the **** king universe.

And the most terrifying thing about God King Universe is not these pure data.

It is the mobilization ability of God King Universe.

The number of kings in a universe does not mean that the universe is powerful.

A very simple example, Meng Fanchu stepped into the world of meaning and arrived in the three universes of Qianxing, Liuli, and Vitality.

The Thousand Star Universe is ruled by several giant sects. Under the rule of several giants, there are countless minor sects, small empires, and small forces. These giants sects fight against each other to maintain balance. Those small forces are attached to the giant sect, and some maintain their rare independence due to geographical advantages or special reasons.

When the nine-fold gate became the overlord of the Thousand-Star Universe, he ruled the **** king, that is, the total of all the disciples and elder **** kings, about three million.

If the **** kings of all forces attached to the nine-fold gate are added up, the god-king under the nine-fold gate should be around five million.

At that time, the number of **** kings in the entire Thousand Star Universe should be around 8 million.

There is no way to make specific statistics, because the Thousand Star Universe has always been divided, and there are still many unreachable areas.

So when the Thousand-Star Universe is facing a crisis, or when the entire Thousand-Star Universe is about to do one thing, how many gods can be mobilized by the Nine-Layered Door?

Meng Fan presided over the nine-fold gate back then, of course he knew it.

The number of **** kings that can be mobilized by the nine-fold gate should be between 300,000 and 400,000.

This is already the limit.

That is, less than one-tenth of the **** king ruled by the nine-fold gate.

This is not only the limit of the Nine Gates, but also the limit of most forces, the universe, and even the mortal empire.

When will there be a need for a force to mobilize all manpower to do one thing?

Generally, it is war.

In wars since ancient times, if a country has a population of 10 million, it can conscript at most one million, because firstly, it is men who fight, and then the elderly, children, and disabled cannot fight, and the rear needs to produce food and weapons. The country also needs someone to manage, transport resources, maintain law and order, etc., and at most one-tenth of the soldiers who can eventually be recruited.

One-tenth is already a military militant.

In the history of some civilizations of God King Universe, there was an era in which ten people were enlisted in one soldier, such as the famous Warring States period in the history of humanity, and the early civilization of the Infinite Realm. In that era, even ten-year-old children were Pulled onto the battlefield, people who were too old to walk steadily were also pulled onto the battlefield, and even the Women's Army appeared.

This is true for the mortal empire, and the same is true for the world of the gods.

Because the war between gods and kings is more expensive and bloodier.

Moreover, the **** king is difficult to be managed. Each **** king is independent, has a strong personality, and is a life-defying existence. It is difficult to effectively manage the **** king, and it wants effective mobilization. Divine King, it's more difficult.

The many subsidiary universes of the meaning world are far inferior to the God King Universe in terms of comprehensive strength, and even worse in terms of mobilization ability.

First of all, the many subsidiary universes of the meaning world almost all maintain a split state. This is the intention of the meaning world. The meaning world does not want these subsidiary universes under the rule to become a unified world, which will be difficult to manage.

The most typical examples are Liuli, Thousand Stars, and Vitality. Among the three universes, Liuli Universe is the most powerful and divided into many sects. Although all sects are of the same clan, they have fought against each other for many years until the end. , Because of dissatisfaction with the world of meaning, the youth front appeared, which temporarily united all the youths together, but the efficiency of this combination is also very low, because there are still a large number of youths still surrendering to the world of meaning, and in the youth front , There are many people who are uncertain and wavering.

This is even truer in the Thousand Star Universe, where several giant sects have fought openly and secretly with each other for many years, fighting and destroying each other, and there are too many grievances.

There is no need to talk about the vital universe.

The universe of God King is completely different.

God King Universe has reached a perfect balance between unity and pluralism. The world conferences are the supreme power, and all worlds have relatively equal status under the management and supervision of the world conferences.

Divine King Universe observes the same laws and uses the same currency. The blueprint of the law is the law of the heavenly court in the future, and currency is also the meritorious system implemented by the heavenly court in the future.

There is a torrent of souls everywhere in the God King universe, and all worlds can communicate effectively with each other. This point, only a few hours after the return of Meng Fan, the entire universe, even the most remote world, can see one or two things.

A large number of teleportation arrays, space channels, and the black hole route being built also make the passage of the God King universe extremely simple.

The God King Universe is highly unified and highly integrated in all aspects of politics, law, body, and spirit.

Externally, the iron plate is one piece, and the inside is indistinguishable from each other.

Moreover, compared with other universes, the Divine King Universe is a little rarer.

God King Universe has experienced countless trials of blood and fire.

From the age of the sages to the age of the Great Dao, the beings of the God King universe, many civilizations, many races, and many great roads collided, confronted, and competed with each other, but at the same time, they had a common enemy, the powerful way of heaven. During the war, the various contradictions and conflicts in the universe of God Kings promoted the integration of many civilizations. After the final battle, the fall of the Emperor of Heaven, this integration was finally completed.

War, suffering, ups and downs are the best melting pot and the best whetstone.

Today, all the good things in the King Universe are won by the beings of the King Universe themselves.

On the other hand, the many subsidiary universes of the meaning world, their pattern, their civilization, and their way of survival, are almost not chosen by them, but the choice made by the meaning world for them, not by themselves, they just Surrender to the order of the world of meaning.

Another point is very important.


The Divine King Universe not only possesses incomparably powerful heavenly ways and countless laws, but these heavenly ways and laws are also in the hands of all beings.

The world conferences can do it. If a person commits a crime, he can be found in a short time by relying on the torrent of soul and various powers. Then, the ruling legions of the world conferences or the grand court can order the arrest of this person. People, or, if this person committed a capital crime, then it's even simpler.

The world conferences will send a letter to the future heaven, and the future heaven will send the letter to the source of the heavens after checking that there is no problem.

So no matter where this person is, after this letter is sent to the source of the heavens, at most ten breaths, this person will be slain by a powerful tribulation.

So God King Universe, nowadays, there is almost no crime.

This is the power and unity of God King Universe.

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