Supreme God King

Chapter 3920: All cause and effect

In fact, Bai Buxian is half of Meng Fan's master.

Meng Fan rarely mentions Baibuxian, and his contact with Baibuxian is very short, but in Meng Fan's heart, his first admiration is Baibuxian.

Meng Fan couldn't think of anyone, like Bai Buxian, to die for all beings indifferently, even talking and laughing.

So decisive, so easy.

Some words of Bai Buxian still affect Meng Fan to this day.

For example, eternal life is a sin.

"I heard that your grandson-in-law is also a genius by birth?"

In the deepest part of the museum, there is a very styled room. The room is more than three hundred meters long and wide. It is made of pure wood. The style is that in the middle of the room, there is a square hole. Below the hole is a pond with many huge ones. The swimming fish come and go.

It looks like a pond, but it is not. It is an ocean.

This entire museum was built on a piece of ocean, but the Great Emperor Chaos changed the sky and covered the other places, leaving only such a water surface, and his palace was built on this only water surface.

Right above the water, there is a pavilion. Meng Fan and Emperor Chaos are sitting in the pavilion. Below them, there is a pontoon made of crystal. You can see large fishes of more than ten feet swimming by. An abyssal seabed.

"Zhao Qilin?" Meng Fan said. "Yes, I was born with it."

"It is pure nonsense to be born in tens of millions of years." The Great Emperor Chaos showed his iconic weird smile. "Forty million years, there was Chu Fan first, and then Zhao Xiaozi. This is already considered high yield. I sit and look at history. Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who have known each other by birth. There may not be one in a hundred million years."

Chu Fan is the name of Bai Buxian. Today there are too few people in the world who know Bai Buxian's real name. Meng Fan is one, Chaos Great Emperor is one, and Bai Buxian's daughter Ramadan is already reclusive. If you count one, Wang Haicheng may also I know, some veteran **** kings may also know, others should not know.

"When the storm was throbbing, the fish leaped into a dragon." Meng Fan said lightly.

Indeed, the last tens of millions of years in the Era of the Era was an era of turmoil and discoloration of the world. First, the era of the ancient emperor of humanity ended. The ancestors of humanity began to make a new game of chess, using many strong humanities as chess pieces, and the lord of the wild. For luck, they completely destroyed the barbarians and ghosts, turning the two very powerful races into third-rate races.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Buxian, who was regarded as a chess piece by the ancestor of humanity, was born, overturning the chessboard, and even the ancestor of humanity was not an opponent.

After a few years, a group of pure-blooded Tianlong and ancient giant elephant clan masters established a force similar to the martial arts sect, named Longxianggu, and then Longxianggu swept the world in a short time, becoming the most powerful force of that era .

During this period, Bai Buxian once again appeared on the stage, preventing Longxiang Valley from annexing a monster world, taking a hundred steps to destroy one of the main forces in Longxiang Valley, and for a while, it became famous and made the unrivaled Longxiang Valley retreat. But Longxianggu regarded this battle as a shame and tried to distort the truth, so most people didn't know Baibuxian back then, only a master knew it.

Bai Buxian is not the only one who resists Dragon Elephant Valley. The ancient Night King is also the elder of that era. Unlike Bai Buxian, the Night King has strong obsessions, but he did not block Dragon Elephant Valley. .

With the rapid rise of Longxiang Valley, more than a dozen worlds have successively become the territory of Longxiang Valley. The territory of Longxiang Valley in the past was larger than any other world today, and it was much larger than today's future heaven.

But when the Dragon Elephant Valley was at its strongest, suddenly, a civil war broke out.

Many scholars in later generations believed that the main reason for the collapse of Longxiang Valley was that it expanded too fast, which resulted in an insecure ruling foundation and uneven distribution of benefits.

Only Meng Fan knew that the Great Chaos played an important role in it.

It can be said that the civil war in Longxianggu was planned by the Great Chaos.

He sat in the chaos world, using his avatar to remotely control many things.

Longxianggu quickly declined due to the civil war, but did not die out. Instead, there were three heirs, namely the three powerful supreme dynasties established by the pure-blooded Tianlong clan, the pure phoenix clan, and the wild beast clan.

Then, the era of the Supreme Heaven began.

Because of the rapid expansion of Longxianggu, it opened up the blood of the **** king universe.

Before Dragon Elephant Valley, the exchanges between the worlds of the God King universe were very limited. Most of the worlds had never even heard of the existence of other worlds, and before Dragon Elephant Valley, the number of God Kings of the Five Tribulations was very small. Count, this is the main reason for the isolation of all worlds. The dimensional barrier created by the way of heaven is difficult to break if it does not reach the Five Tribulations.

Therefore, before the Dragon Elephant Valley, many legendary **** kings were the five tribulation **** kings. They were rare, and they wandered between some worlds on their own.

The main reason for the rapid rise of Dragon Elephant Valley was that in addition to the powerful talents of Tianlong, Pure Phoenix, and Desolate Beasts, it was also because Dragon Elephant Valley had gathered a large number of Five Tribulations God Kings.

Because of the expansion of Longxianggu, the isolated world, with exchanges, once became "a country".

Therefore, after the fall of Longxianggu, various supreme heavenly dynasties were established one after another. Among them, apart from the three orphans of Longxianggu, the human race took the lead in establishing the Great Qin Empire.

Then, the era of the supreme heavenly dynasties competing for hegemony began.

This era is also considered by some historians to be the "New Warring States Era." The Dragon Race and Pure Phoenix were the first to establish a single-racial civilized world. Subsequently, the Great Qin Empire not only established a supreme celestial dynasty with highly unified races and high levels of civilization. Immediately, many races began to follow suit and also established their own celestial dynasties, or set up sects based on some martial arts and avenues.

This is an era in which a hundred flowers blossom, many great avenues and many philosophies are brewing in countless supreme celestial dynasties, and finally contributed to the great era.

This is the last tens of millions of years in the Era Era.

Songs and tears, heart surging.

It seemed that they were all coincidences. So many powerful men, so many thoughts, and so many races began to rise at the same time.

But in fact, there is no coincidence in this world, everything is inevitable.

God King Universe has undergone billions of years of development. From the ancestor era to the last tens of millions of years, many things have grown strong, and many things are still being brewed.

Then, these brewing things exploded at the same time because of a little spark.

The ancestors of humanity began to change some of the basic ideas of the human race because they realized the advent of the era of change. The idea of ​​human beings conquering the sky became stronger and stronger. Humanity no longer walks in the sky, but survives against the sky. The age of the ancient emperor also ended. Let the human race have a better future, and the ancestors of humanity will face the greatest enemy of the human race at that time, the leaders of the barbarians and the ghosts.

Because of the anger, the once-in-a-time genius, Bai Buxian, jumped onto the stage.

Also because of the death of the barbarians and the decline of the barbarians and ghosts, the positions of power were replaced, and the dragons, giant elephants, and wild beasts took to the stage.

They are powerful, but they lack some very important things, such as the wisdom to rule the country, such as institutions, such as etiquette, etc., and these happen to be good at humanity.

Because they were missing these, Dragon Elephant Valley exploded when it expanded to its extreme.

The explosion of Longxiang Valley gave birth to the new Warring States era.

In the New Warring States Period, many avenues were nurtured.

Everything is cause and effect.

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