Supreme God King

Chapter 3926: Servant of god

Five days before Meng Fan left.

In the early morning, Meng Fan wears a hat on his head and rains. Accompanied by Zhiyihe and Xuanyuan Aohan, who is recovering from a serious illness, he crosses Daxi County, crosses several lakes, passes by the annex where the dragon envoys live, and enters Territory of the World Congress.

Then he passed through more than a dozen towns and came to the seat of the highest universities of the World Congress.

Xuanyuan Aohan didn't tell the scholars of the highest academy that the Great Emperor would come, so after Meng Fan stepped in, it caused some shock.

Meng Fan personally modified the concept map about the world of meaning in the highest institution, and then modified a book about the world of meaning next to the concept map. Finally, he saw a plan.

That is the plan to build the lost furnace.

The world conferences are expected to be ready in fifty years to build all the conditions for the lost furnace.

Then, began to create this artifact.

Go all out and complete the base of the Lost Furnace in two thousand years, and complete the frame of the Lost Furnace in another 10,000 years.

After that, Meng Fan went to see the elder Wang.

Meng Niuniu is also there.

Meng Niuniu has not returned to Qiaodong since the Yuanjie Bow Project, she has not returned to Qiaodong, but has lived in the future Heavenly Court and World Congress for a long time, but she has no position.

After seeing Niuniu at the World Conferences, Niuniu bid farewell to Mrs. Wang and followed Meng Fan, walking among the various institutions of the World Conferences.

Leaving the highest school, Meng Fan passed through a huge city where envoys gathered, crossed the famous Seven Bridges, and came to the Great Court.

Today’s Great Court was rebuilt in the Third Age. Later, because the power of the world conventions became stronger and stronger, and because the universe of God Kings became larger and larger, and there were many affairs, there were more and more officials in various institutions. , Began to rebuild some institutions. The world conferences that were originally established have been monopolized by today’s highest institutions, and other institutions were rebuilt later.

Different from the deep and quiet atmosphere of the highest school, outside the Grand Court is a lawn that has been repaired all the year round. The lawn is fearless for more than ten miles. There are no buildings on both sides, and you can occasionally see some people taking care of the lawn.

After walking through the huge lawn, a gray arch appeared at the end of the wide avenue with six characters written on it.

"Selfless, selfless, ruthless."

Stepping into the arch is a huge square.

In the middle of the square is a tall, smooth white stone monument measuring about twenty feet long.

On the stele, there are many carved words.

The writing style of these writings is completely different, obviously from the hands of many people.

That is the name of the world.

At the bottom of the stele.

There is also a line of words.

"We accept and agree with the basic laws for all beings in this world."

Behind the stele is a large court like a temple.

The design of the Grand Court came from the hands of Master Zhuge. It is entirely white and supported by hundreds of stone pillars. Each stone pillar has a law, which is the basic law of the world conventions. The basic law is the cornerstone of all laws and cannot be broken.

Outside the big court, people occasionally come in and out, but not many people.

The Great Court and the highest school are very quiet. The difference is that scholars in the highest school gather, coming and going, and crowded. The reason why the Great Court is quiet is that there are few people.

Meng Fan and Zhi Weiyi, Xuanyuan Aohan, and Meng Niuniu entered the large court at the same time and came to the first hall.

At the entrance of the first hall, there is a natural stone stele erected, which reads: the first iron law hall.

The first iron law that Meng Fan wrote in the future heavenly court is still the first iron law of the God King universe.

The first iron law hall is very wide, divided into three floors. The first floor has 300 rare metal chairs, the second floor has a hundred chairs, and the third floor has fifty chairs.

Right in front is the position of the judge and jurors.

Several guards, wearing light armor and holding crutch sticks, stood quietly beside several entrances and exits.

Meng Fan casually found a place to sit down, thoughtfully.

Soon after.

A group of gods walked in from every entrance.

There are several justices of the Grand Court, as well as regular members of the jury, and the major verdicts of the ruling legion.

A total of more than fifty people.

Enter one after another.

They all have a cold taste.

They sat on the chairs beside Meng Fan.

These people are the defenders of the Supreme Law of the God King universe.

Seeing these people, Meng Fan smiled, and then chatted with them, but instead of chatting, Meng Fan started asking them about some laws.

Everyone answered seriously.

While chatting, Meng Fan suddenly asked: "What is the law."

Many people were silent as soon as these words came out.

Of course they have the answer in their hearts.

Although these people here are all young gods, there are strict rules for the selection of justices and regular jury members in the great court. They must be gods over 30 million years old. Therefore, compared with Meng Fan, they are of course young. But in God King Universe, they are not considered young anymore, their children have children, and even they have more than ten generations of descendants.

With such qualifications, how could they be questioned by Meng Fan after serving in the big court for so long?

If you talk about the elites of the world conferences, what everyone will think of for the first time is the highest institutions and the great courts.

The highest academic institution is a group of scholars, while the grand court gathers a group of people with a strong reserve of knowledge and a lot of law enforcement experience, at least many years of experience and strict tests.

The Grand Court stipulates that, first of all, to enter the Grand Court, you must be at least 30 million years old, and to enter the Judging Corps, you must be at least 5 million years old. The grand verdict of the Judging Corps is eligible to serve as a fixed jury member. , Is qualified to fill the vacancy of justices, and the position of justices is even more demanding. It must be a **** king over 35 million years old, bearing in mind all laws, not only the laws of the courts, but also all mainstream world laws. In law, you must have three fixed academic qualifications from the highest institution, namely law, humanities, and history.

In addition, the Grand Court also requires that all justices must complete a book during the first 100 years of their tenure. This book must be eligible for selection in the classics of the highest academic institution and must be related to the law.

How could they be asked a question from Meng Fan?

Just because this question was asked by Meng Fan.

Then, after thinking about it, dozens of people here felt that their answers might not be considered as answers.

Meng Fan said: "I know you have the answers in your hearts, and the answers in each of you are correct.

Law is a concept.

Just like race, like civilization, like words, it's just a concept created by sentient beings. This concept is a tool that allows the world to function normally.

It is difficult for a concept to become a reality. Just like the meritorious service system, when everyone believes in this system, meritorious service becomes currency, but it takes a lot of time and energy.

How to make a concept of nothingness become reality?

It lies in trust.

When you believe that merit is currency, I also believe that we can use merit to trade.

When you believe in a law, I also believe that we will abide by this law.

When everyone believes.

The law is no longer a tool.

The law is a real god, and you are the servants of the gods. "

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