Supreme God King

Chapter 3936: task

Meng Fan has managed the Eight Kings Universe for more than ten years, and everything is running smoothly. The equipment provided to the Wisdom Universe has never had a problem, and occasionally it can be oversupply.

On this day, the evaluation order of the unified pillar was passed to the Eight Kings Universe.

This is a report acknowledging Meng Fan's political achievements in the past ten years. The report is quite satisfactory, seeking truth from facts, and giving a very good evaluation of what Meng Fan has done.

However, there is still a considerable distance from becoming a Taoist master.

After Meng Fan put down the evaluation order, he picked up another personal letter.

For the past ten years, Meng Fan has been dismantling the tips left by Hei Yuankui, and he has refined thousands of fourth-class immortal crystals. It can be said that the Hei Family has provided him a tremendous help.

The logo on this personal letter is the Heijiajia seal, the Four Dragons Golden Seal that Meng Fan is very familiar with.

This is the name Meng Fan gave for this imprint. In the world of meaning, there is no such thing as a dragon, but in the Hei Family, you can see a totem. This totem is not the family splendor of the Hei family, nor is it of the Hei family. The banner has accompanied the Hei family for many years. Legend has it that it was the mount of the ancestor of the Hei family in ancient times and one of the patron saints of the Hei family.

The creatures on the totem are as slender as a snake, with six legs, golden eyes and full of scales. Meng Fan called this totem a hexapod dragon, a common family seal of the black family. There are many kinds of them. One is to draw four such "six-legged dragons", entangled in complex poses.

However, according to some legends Meng Fan heard, the creature on the totem seems to be a kind of insect.

After opening the personal letter, Meng Fan brows slightly.

This is not a letter from Hei Yuankui to him.

At the beginning, it was explained that the person who wrote this letter by himself was named Hei Shouyi.

Meng Fan already knew that Hei Shouyi was the leader of the Hei family.

He is also the elder brother of Hei Yuankui.

It is said that he is one of the top masters in the world, and he is one of the few in the same realm as Hei Shouyi.

They are also the strong at the top of the known world.

After seeing Hei Shouyi's name, Meng Fan pondered for a moment. He was thinking, Yi Housheng or Hei Yuankui, who is better?

But he knew very well that with his current understanding of the world of meaning, it was impossible to have a concrete concept, so he continued to read letters.

The content of the letter is many, and thousands of words are eloquent, using the universal text of the meaning world, a kind of composite text. This type of text originated from the nine supreme universes. At the beginning of the establishment of the world of meaning, the earliest Taoists used nine The characters of the Great Supreme Universe are selected and merged to form this type of characters. On average, each character has dozens of signs, and most of the characters are round with various complicated structures. Words are rather a kind of pictures.

This type of text is too complicated. Although it is the only orthodox text officially recognized by the world, not many people actually use it. Meng Fan knows it, but has never seen it. This is the first time he has seen this type of text.

After half an hour, Meng Fan deciphered the text and began to read it.

The content of the letter is basically one thing.

An apostle, how to become a Taoist master.

Hei Shouyi said that Meng Fan is only one step away from the Taoist master, but this step is a hundred times more difficult than any previous step.

Meng Fan became the apostle of the unification pillar, which shows that he already has his own identity in the world of meaning. With this identity, even if Meng Fan has not stepped into immortality, Meng Fan can move on his own in many subsidiary universes. At some special moments, Meng Fan can also have some power outside the Eight Kings Universe.

For example, when Meng Fan travels to a subsidiary universe, a reward for the world of meaning appears in the subsidiary universe. Meng Fan may just pass by, but when there is no Taoist in this subsidiary universe, Meng Fan can immediately use meaning The name of the world mobilizes the various forces of this universe to capture this rewarding criminal.

This is a great power.

Therefore, the apostle for the record has a very high status outside the world of meaning. Many powerful men in the affiliated universe have been working hard to obtain this status.

After becoming an apostle for the record, if he wants to continue to take a step forward and truly become a Taoist master, Meng Fan must first do these few things.

Make enough contributions to the world of meaning.

There is no malfeasance.

Do not violate the laws of the meaningful world.

Just these three things.

It seems very simple.

But the last two of these three things are very clear, and the first one is very vague.

What is sufficient contribution?

The meaning world does not expressly stipulate this.

In other words, the matter of contribution is basically subjectively judged by Taoists in the world of meaning.

Before the Immortal War, it was not uncommon for the powerful of the affiliated universe to become Taoists.

For example, there are two of the twelve great families in the world today, and their ancestors were born in the affiliated universe, such as the Luo family.

However, since the Immortal War, fewer and fewer powerhouses of the affiliated universe have become Taoists, and there have not even been a few in many years.

Fortunately, it is not someone else who judges whether Meng Fan has made enough contributions, but the unified pillar that commands all the town defense departments.

The unified pillar is basically the territory of the Hei Family, so as long as the Hei Family is willing, in fact, Meng Fan can be promoted to Dao Master anytime.

Doing so will naturally cause some criticism and damage the reputation of the Hei family in the unified pillar. After all, although the unified pillar is controlled by the black family, there are quite a few other families or Taoists of some small families within the unified pillar. , If the Hei family does this, the perception is very poor.

The Hei family wants face.

For the Twelve Big Family, the most important thing is face.

Nothing is allowed, but face is not allowed.

Just like what happened to Yin Gu, the Yin family's troubles couldn't stop. A very important reason was facial problems.

Regarding this point, Hei Shouyi stated clearly in the letter.

At the same time, Hei Shouyi also told Meng Fan.

In Yi Housheng's view, Meng Fan must rely on his own abilities to be promoted to Taoist master step by step.

Only when it has enough persuasive power, it is also a "safe move".

Therefore, next, the unified pillar will issue a very difficult task for Meng Fan.

Meng Fan must complete this task.

If he fails, he is dereliction of duty.

If he succeeds, he has made enough contributions.

But what this task is, Hei Shouyi said, he also doesn’t know, because the task will not be released by the unified pillar. The unified pillar releases the task by itself, verifies the qualifications, and promotes himself. This kind of thing is not convincing. It is very likely that it was ordered by the Hundred-member Group.

In the internal meetings of the Hundreds Group, some things are often discussed and a goal is set. In order to achieve this goal, dozens or hundreds of tasks are often created and then assigned to eight pillars to complete.

If Meng Fan can complete one of them, persuasiveness is enough.

Hei Shouyi said that the Hei family will try to help him.

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