Supreme God King

Chapter 3954: collapse

Meng Fan's answer is actually very simple.

Thousands of worlds are all independent and completely isolated from the outside world. There is no change in the quality of matter in the world. The different composition forms of matter constitute different individuals, such as sea water, such as fish, such as sea monsters, such as ships, such as People, but the quality of the world itself is unchanged.

Therefore, all names are just a meaning, a concept, and a name.

To call an Ark the Eternal Ship is to give it the name Ark, and it also has a concept. The replaced part can only be called a plank. The Eternal Ship is still the Eternal Ship, and its name will not change.

This is the essence of meaning.

Everything has no meaning. It is people who have attached meaning to them.

In thousands of worlds, although some people raised similar questions, in the end, they all believed that their ark had never changed.

Such a simple truth.

If we do not look at the meaning and only pursue the essence, then the "eternal ship" does not exist, and this question will not be established.

Yi Housheng’s Sixty-Four Lab Coat is a method in the Great Evolution Technique, which is used to deduce the changes of all things. It is just different from Meng Fan’s simple experiments. The Sixty-Four Lab Coat uses a metaphysical method to deduct things. Change, the final result is ambiguous, but I tend to think that the ship of eternity is still the ship of eternity.

"The essence of meaning." Yi Housheng said. "That's it. This kind of talkative metaphysics is too boring. We can look at this question more realistically. In the thousands of worlds you have created, those people, because of the constant damage and replacement of the Ark, will eventually deny that they ride. Is it an eternal ship, but abandon the ark, follow one's own firm belief, and go to ruin?"

"Although survival is very difficult, thousands of civilizations in the world are still alive." Meng Fandao.

Yi Housheng nodded: "They will die if they leave the Ark. This is the simplest and most central proposition, survival.

In this world, whether it is immortality or an ant, its most important pursuit is survival. The problem facing survival is the simplest and most fundamental problem. Although your method is stupid, it is very simple and eternal. The ship is the eternal ship.

Then put this question into the world we are in.

I know that you have never admitted that the person who was reborn in the resurrection is still the person in the past. I also know that you have always wanted to resurrect a woman, and she is your love. "

Hearing these few words, Meng Fan narrowed his eyes and his eyes flickered.

"Because you don't admit rebirth, so you refuse to rely on your current methods to resurrect that woman. Perhaps the prophets are as stubborn as you are, but when they realize that death will come, they gave up their stubbornness and chose to compromise. , So they created a path of meaning.

Similarly, many immortals active in the world of meaning today almost all question the correctness of the path of meaning because they think they are immortal. If one day they must face death, what do you think they will do?

Needless to say, the answer is also very clear. This question is superfluous. "

Yi Housheng smiled and said, "Put this question on you. Eternal life is a sin, right."

When Yi Hou went to God King Universe and picked up Meng Fan back, he gave Meng Fan seven days.

In the past seven days, Yi Housheng has traveled to every corner of the God King universe.

With his ability, in fact, he already knew everything about God King Universe.

"A long time ago, a long, long time ago." Yi Housheng's eyes were a little dazed, as if thinking of something. "I never believed that there would be living beings, I am not afraid of death, and even have been waiting for death. After all, I have seen with my own eyes what all beings can do to survive.

Later, when the vegetation grew, the flowers bloomed luxuriantly, the green trees sprout, and the creatures spread all over the earth, I gradually believed that there are many creatures who are not afraid of death, and even look forward to death.

After traveling all over the universe of the King of Gods, I discovered that you are just such a person.

You have no fear of death. Once upon a time, you also waited for a gorgeous curtain call with ease.

But there is always something to support you and keep you going.

Divine King Universe, your descendants, the future Heavenly Court, Divine King Universe, the earlier era alliance, and the dark alliance, these are all the reasons that support you to live and become stronger.

The most fundamental reason is Ruo Shuiyi. "

These three words once again made waves in Meng Fan's heart.

Meng Fan hasn't mentioned these three words for many years.

"If Shuiyi didn't die by fate, but lived normally, she won't become your regret and obsession. If she lives normally, then she can probably live to the Quaternary Age of the Dao era.

You will accompany her to the fourth age.

Then she will die in your arms, and you will continue or live a long, long time.

You will have no regrets.

There will be no obsession.

You have also seen a lot of wind and rain, a lot of joys and sorrows, has long been indifferent.

If this were the case, Ruo Shuiyi would have died 60 million years ago.

If that were the case, the entire history of the God King universe would change, and it would be difficult for you and me to meet. Without the obsession of Ruoshuiyi, it would be difficult for you to have the desire to step into the world of meaning.


Too contradictory.

The human mind is paranoid and trance.

Bai Buxian once said that eternal life is a sin, and you have always agreed with this sentence. Then I want to ask you, what about you resurrected Ruo Shuiyi? She will always die, do you want her to die again? "

Meng Fan's body has froze.

He turned his back to Yi Housheng, holding an ancient book that was about to return to his original place.

"Meng Fan."

Yi Housheng called softly, as if talking to a friend.

Meng Fan turned around and looked at Yi Housheng.

In Yi Housheng's pupils, there seemed to be spring water purging, and his eyes were gentle.

"I have broken the obsession in your heart. I know the feeling of losing support must be painful, but this is the fact. Having it again will make you lose it again. I want to know that without this pillar, you are now willing to be safe Go to death? If you want, I can help you."

Meng Fan was silent.

He looked at Yi Housheng.

Yi Housheng said: "You can't do this, because there is still God King Universe.

There are thousands of people who believe in you, your children and grandchildren, your blood, your friends, your memories, everything about you.

Eventually annihilation will happen.

When the final death comes, all existence will die, and only immortality can barely survive.

You have to become a Taoist master and guard your universe.

Should also help me, delay the arrival of the final death.

If you can help me, do what you should do.

Then, I can also help you to revive Ruoshuiyi.

It is resurrection, not re-enactment. "

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