Supreme God King

Chapter 3958: Alliance or not

"So, do you think this is an opportunity?" Hong Luo female's eyes were cold and her voice mocked. "You think that the world of meaning will conceal the different kinds of Zhao'an everywhere, and you think we will accept Zhao'an?"

"I said, this is an opportunity and a danger." Emperor Hu'er smiled. "I know, you will not accept any conditions in the meaning world."

"The Wanhua Universe is gone." Hong Luo Nu's voice trembled slightly, and she could see the huge anger in her heart. "Destroyed by the Taoist master of the meaning world. My old friends, friends, and relatives are gone. Most of them are dead. Those who are still alive do not know their life or death."

"The world of meaning will change its attitude towards aliens, but it will not be a completely subversive change." The Emperor Hu'er was still very indifferent, and didn't care about the hatred of the country and the family in Hong Luo Nu's heart. "Now, the world of meaning has changed its attitude towards aliens. It is no longer a matter of killing without mercy, but it is not much better. Any change is a slow process, and the Taoists of the world of meaning understand this truth best. , And cherish this truth most, after all, no one is willing to take risks with an immortal life.

Maybe a few thousand years later, another alien will get a position in the world of meaning, and then tens of thousands of years later, maybe this Meng Fan will become the master of the Tao, and then, more aliens will arrive in the world of meaning, and then get a place. , The world of meaning will begin to treat aliens truly.

But you, it is impossible to be pacified by the world of meaning.

No matter how the world of meaning changes, their attitude towards heterogeneity is full of hostility.

Will the aliens who can cross the emptiness and come to the world of meaning be ordinary creatures? Even if it is not a peak creature, it is also a creature of the nine realms, and it must be a great person, extremely powerful, and amazing!

As long as these people get the same resources as the Taoists, the achievements they can create will far exceed those Taoists who have long lost their initiative.

There will be hostility.

For you, the hostility of the meaning world is even heavier.

Because you are the resistance front.

What's ridiculous is that although you, the resistance front, has always made the world of meaning a headache, it is nondescript. Even the most basic intelligence collection can only be done through newspapers distributed by the world of meaning, and it is always slow for more than ten years or even hundreds of years.

The real core of the resistance line is the tens of thousands of warriors from the Wanhua Universe who have a strong desire for revenge. I will not say that you tens of thousands of warriors have mixed good and bad. You are the only creature in the ten peaks, and there are only five creatures in the nine realms. Even if your tens of thousands of fighters are very powerful, it is only tens of thousands. Now, where are these tens of thousands?

I guess there should be no more than two hundred people who can receive your order at any time and be called up.

Why is there such a result?

As the former commander of the Liuli Universe Blade Palace, you have always been wary of me, telling me nothing, or making up some lies to lie to me, but you should understand that you can't lie to me.

The reason why the tens of thousands of people you can really mobilize will be scattered everywhere, even in several universes. It’s nothing more than because in front of the world of meaning, tens of thousands of you are weak, like a school of fish, like a colony of ants. The same, gathered together, too conspicuous, helpless, had no choice but to spread out, in order to prevent attracting attention, there is very little communication between each other.

Tens of thousands of people scattered into the world of meaning, like throwing a handful of dust into the desert, ha ha..."

Emperor Hu'er shook his head and sneered.

Hong Luo Nu's expression became more and more ugly.

"These cores are like this, especially those who are temporarily ally with you in Luotian Prison to survive.

Among the tens of millions of people detained in Luotian Prison, there are indeed many masters. I guess there are even immortal existences, but they are just prisoners. They are of different origins, realms, races, and philosophies. They are extremely evil and impossible to match. You are in the company, and some are saints who have been revered in ancient years, have firm ideas and disdain to be with you.

A very small number of people who occasionally claim to be members of the Resistance Front in name, I can tell you the truth, they are all incompetent characters, and they can't find a better way out, and they have no home for a long time, and are walking with you temporarily, um, It's so pitiful, I don't know if it was they wronged, or you wronged more.

To be honest, in my opinion, there are two people before and after the resistance front, and they can really accomplish something.

One is the One who first assisted you. It turns out that this person is Meng Fan's apprentice. Hey, I should have guessed it. From the first sight of this Meng Fan, I knew that he must come from an amazing place.

The second one is that many years ago, he suddenly appeared and joined the resistance front. He broke into the town defense hall and the majestic hall several times in a row, stealing ancient books of significance in the world, and pulling up a group of master mysterious people. Unfortunately, what this person did is obviously The drunkard's intention is not to drink, and he is not with you.

Well, that's it.

The hostility of the meaning world to the aliens will not diminish. Instead, it is possible that as Meng Fan’s status becomes higher and higher, the hostility of the meaning world to the aliens will become heavier. And you, the nominal leader of the resistance front, are like this. The name is unworthy, nondescript, no strength, do you think the meaning world will confess you?

As long as the world of meaning finds you, it will kill you without hesitation.

You have no way out except to continue fighting the world of meaning.

Of course, you can continue to hide in the cave like a mouse.

As for the plan you have been considering before, I have to admit, it's kind of interesting, but it's ridiculous.

The Heishui Alien race is very fierce now, but you don't know what Heishui Alien is, I don't know, you want to form an alliance with a force you don't understand at all, this is simply a delusion.

Blindly confident, like a woman...Uh, yes, you are a woman.

I gave you a way.

Send me back to the nine supreme universes, back to Wang's ancestral home.

You have always been defensive against me, I can understand, but now you only have this way.

I will not give you any guarantee, I said, you will not believe it.

Use your scattered eyeliners to find a suitable boat for me, send a few more people, and go back with me. As long as I step into the gate of the ancestral house, I will find a way to contact you. Provide you with protection, and when the time is right, we will fight with you.

I am a reward criminal in the world of meaning. If I catch me, I will be rewarded regardless of life or death. The enemy's enemy is a friend.

My family is an ancient and traditional Taoist family. It is lonely now, but even if it is lonely, it still has a great influence. In my family, there is no shortage of people who oppose the meaning of the world today.

I don't want to continue wasting time with you.

Alliance or not, give me an answer. "

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