Supreme God King

Chapter 3961: Two methods

Every time he practiced the Nine Machines, Meng Fan felt that his body was withered while his soul was weakened.

There is even the illusion that Shou Yuan is declining!

The reason for the illusion is that Meng Fan has stepped into immortality and no longer has the concept of lifespan. At the same time, even if lifespan is really reduced, Meng Fan can clearly feel that it is right, not a simple illusion.

Therefore, after practising the Nine Mechanisms for more than ten days, Meng Fan only mastered the form of this method. Meng Fan hadn't touched its core at all, and he was already weak and needed sleep.

"There is no secret secret in the world. If there is, then I am a secret secret."

This is a sentence left by Yi Housheng in the method of nine mechanisms.

Heaven's secret is a concept shared in many universes.

The nine-machine method is an attempt to simplify everything in the world, make it face-to-face, blend it into the nine hexagrams, and deduct it clearly.

In God King Universe, the secret of heaven actually means the law.

To see the secret is to feel the operation of the law.

In some cultures, heavenly secrets also refer specifically to good fortune, but they are all laws.

But the secret of Yi Hoshen's concept is much more complicated and vast, covering everything.

In the Great Evolution Art, there are many details that reveal Yi Housheng’s view of the world. In his eyes, the "chance" is made up of everything, a law, a universe, a strong person, and even a tide. A leaf, an ant, are all part of the secret of heaven. If you want to deduce the change of anything, you need to deduce the change of everything.

this is too scary.

Normal deduction methods, or algorithms, have a feature, that is, simplification. For example, if you want to deduct an empire, you start with the empire’s population, fields, nations, beliefs, and beliefs. In the future, if you want to deduce a person, you will deduce the person's origin, character, ability, etc.

After all, it is very one-sided.

Population cannot represent the entirety of an empire, it is just a simple number.

A person's ability is not all of the person, it is just the appearance of a certain side.

But the deduction method can only do this. By simplifying anything, even turning it into numbers, and then predicting the evolution of these numbers, if you only observe fewer conditions, many things become easy to predict.

For example, a person will grow up.

For example, a capable person is easier than others to do what they want to do.

For example, an empire with a large population and a large area is easier to dominate the world than those small countries.

But the fact is that if you want to make a longer-term and more accurate deduction, these data are not enough.

Even short-term deductions are not enough.

In history, how many powerful empires have run rampant for a while, invincible in the world, treating other countries as barbarians, but after one or two hundred years, those weak and barbarous countries suddenly rise up and dismember this powerful empire.

There are too many examples of this kind.

It has happened countless times just in the history of the infinite realm.

There is such an example among the nine mechanisms.

Once, there was a powerful mortal empire with a population of 400 million, and its territory was the largest on the continent where it was located. Except for this elder empire, other countries, the largest, had a population of only tens of millions, and their territory was less than the elder empire Half of them, in terms of system and etiquette, seem to be much inferior to the boss empire.

This mortal world is developing at a constant speed. Although it has not stepped into martial arts and has not touched the law, according to the speed of development, this mortal world has already appeared some signs of mechanical power and calculation power, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

So here, you can make a deduction. After a few hundred years, the entire elder empire will rule the entire world, exterminate or assimilate all other countries, because the populations of all other countries together will barely be the same as the elder empire.

But the result is that a few hundred years later, some weak countries, originally only a few million or even hundreds of thousands of people, suddenly rose, expanded rapidly, and began to confront the boss empire, and what made people shocked was the boss empire. Facing an enemy who was countless times weaker than himself, he was easily defeated.

Soon after, the boss empire ushered in a century-long history of humiliation.

Among them, how many elements, how many fixed numbers, and how many variables, who can control?

No one can.

When everyone thought that this big empire was going to weaken forever and was dismembered like some other big empires, the big empire slowly and stubbornly got up, and then gradually became a powerful country.

This is an example.

But this example is not over yet.

At the end of the example, Yi Housheng wrote about several other possibilities for this boss empire.

He said that as long as a few parameters in the development of the boss empire are changed, the future of the boss empire will completely change.

Yi Housheng said that most people believe that the development of the world, history, and everything is regular, and it is a vast tide that no one can stop. It is not about changing a few parameters or what some people have done. It can be blocked.

Yi Housheng believes that this is nonsense.

This statement is correct if you look at it from a particularly broad and macro perspective, but a mortal empire with a population of only 400 million is completely nonsense.

For example, if the **** king who discovered this mortal world a few hundred years later, if he leaves the customs hundreds of years earlier and discovers this mortal world hundreds of years earlier, then the history of the old empire will be completely changed.

For another example, when a star cuts through the sky and accidentally hits this mortal world, then the history of this mortal world will be completely changed. It will disappear forever. No one will remember and no one wants to waste time. Restore this mortal world.

In the face of the truly vast world, most things are weak and small like dust, which disappears as soon as the wind blows. From this perspective, only through the population, territory, and other countries of this mortal empire Inferring the future of this mortal world is ridiculously ridiculous.

Also blind to the extreme.

If the Li people in this mortal world realize how weak they are, even more inconspicuous than the ants, they will not lock themselves in their own small world and use their narrow eyes to deduce all this.

Therefore, Yi Housheng thinks.

To deduct the development of things, it is not to say that the smaller and single the thing, the better the deduction.

In fact, quite the opposite!

The bigger, the stronger the existence, the better the deduction.

The weaker and the single the condition, the harder it is to deduct.

Yi Housheng believes that it is necessary to deduct the development of a thing.

It is necessary to deduct the development of all things.

Because all things are connected to each other, maybe they are connected together explicitly, maybe secretly, or connected indirectly, but everything has causality and connection. If you want to be accurate Inferring the fate of an ant, then there are only two ways.

First, deduct everything.

To deduct all the creatures in this world, all the development, and their hearts, their past, and their relationships.

What a terrible amount of computation is this?

It was the amount of calculation that made Meng Fan vomit blood.

But at the same time, there is also a second method.

Kill the ant immediately.

As a result, all variables have disappeared.

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