Supreme God King

Chapter 3970: On the first day

Yi Housheng does not have as many eyeliners as Luo Tianzheng, the pillar of Faen.

But he knows the magic of cause and effect.

Therefore, he left causes everywhere, and the cause of the cause, the result of the cause, and the cause of the result, became endless clues.

For example, he gave Meng Fan a great evolution technique.

After meeting Xue Muchun, Meng Fan didn't hesitate to use various methods to deduce who Xue Muchun is. Although Meng Fan hadn't even practiced the Great Evolution Art in his hands, he still used the Great Evolution Art to perform the deduction.

At the moment of deduction, Meng Fan's eyes widened.

Suddenly during the deduction, he saw a courtyard, and Yi Housheng sitting on the side of the courtyard!

That's it!

Although Meng Fan immediately stopped using the Great Evolution Technique, at that moment, he still had a mysterious connection with Yi Housheng.

Meng Fan knew who Xue Muchun was.

Knife fast.

And Yi Housheng also knew that Xue Muchun had appeared in the Eight Kings Universe.

This was the first time that Meng Fan had a spiritual connection with Yi Housheng. It was a deep friendship. At this moment, Meng Fan not only learned the identity of Xue Muchun, but also through the connection with Yi Housheng, countless flashes in his mind Fragments of light and shadow.

He saw a dead silence.

I saw a baby.

He also saw a pair of hands and picked up the baby.

The owner of the hands is a sickly woman.

The woman walked in silence with her baby.

The picture stopped abruptly.

Somewhere in the depths of Meng Fan's soul, a stone gate was suddenly opened!

Spiritual construction, hundreds of millions of thoughts, hundreds of pillars, and dozens of portals. The so-called "opening" means opening up a portal and being masterful of thought.

These days, Meng Fan has been trying his best to comprehend the great evolutionary technique, but he has not been able to understand it. For this reason, he has deduced Yi Housheng everywhere, and also tried his best to deduce the history of the meaningful world, hoping to get some insignificant clues. , Until this moment, there was a feeling of suddenly realizing something.

But this feeling quickly disappeared.

The same is true for all beings, there are often moments when the aura flashes, but often the next moment, the aura disappears.

The so-called easy to gain and difficult to defend is this principle. An instant epiphany is very easy, but after an epiphany, it is too difficult to hold the epiphany and keep it forever.

I don't know how many people in the world suddenly have ambitions to change themselves and make a career, but they often return to their original state after a few days.

But for Meng Fan, this shouldn't be. He can clearly capture any insights. These insights have disappeared. There is only one reason, that is, the insights are too weak to be formed.

He raised his head and looked at the sky.

The meaning world still has many secrets before him.

He can't see the full picture of the world of meaning, but he always feels that something earth-shattering is about to happen.

At this moment, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

Meng Fandu has always been in charge of his own destiny.

But now, he always feels that behind him, Yi Houseng is like a huge shadow, covering him, no matter what he does, he can't escape this shadow.


To the north of the Eight Kings Universe.

The depths of nothingness.

Xue Muchun stepped out gently, looking very random, but with each step, he strode an incalculable distance.

She did not walk the spatial ladder of the world of meaning, nor did she use any transit station, she was purely walking, walking a straight line, and the end of this straight line was the nine supreme universes.

Forty-seven hours.

Xue Muchun calculated in her heart that it would take about 47 hours for her to walk to the nine supreme universes, and then about five hours for her to step into the world of meaning from the nine supreme universes.

As he was walking, Xue Muchun suddenly stopped.

She silently looked at the emptiness ahead, silent.

Ten breaths passed.

A hundred breaths.

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Xue Muchun remained motionless.

Until the darkness of nothingness, a figure appeared.

Yi Hoshen.

His face was peaceful and indifferent, with no expression, appeared lightly, and said lightly: "You want to break into the world of meaning, just to meet old friends?"

"I promised to be extremely curved." Xue Muchun said peacefully: "My promise, one word, is worth a universe."

"Still so overbearing." Yi Hosun said.

"Still?" Xue Muchun repeated softly. "Yi Housheng, I have never seen you."

"You don't need to meet, it's enough to be famous."

Xue Muchun: "The extremely curved blade is in your hands. Since you have appeared, please hand it over."

"Yes." Yi Housheng flicked his palm.

In the palm of his hand, a translucent spar appeared, and in the spar was a small "dagger".

Immediately, Yi Housheng smashed the spar, and the dagger in it swelled instantly and became huge, turning into a large knife measuring several feet away. It was cold and breathless, passing across the sky, and came straight to Xue Muchun!

Xue Muchun grabbed it.

Holding the extremely curved blade in her right hand, she gently stroked the blade with her left hand, pondered for a moment, and then looked at Yi Housheng: "Thank you."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Yi Housheng said calmly: "I'll give you the knife. If you don't go, this is a deal."

Xue Muchun smiled.

Yi Housheng: "If you leave, it will be a huge variable, one bigger than anyone else."

"You masters of the world of Taoism." Xue Muchun shook his head and smiled. "I hate variables the most. I hope that everything is under control. The desire to control is too strong and the courage is too small. In that case, I give you a promise.

Back then, I didn't want to make the world of meaning, all I thought was to kill Luo Tianzheng.

Today, I still think so.

Killing him alone is not enough.

It would be better to kill all Luo family. "

Yi Housheng raised his eyebrows: "In order to kill him, you can do anything."

Xue Muchun: "You can do a lot of things."

"This is the variable." Yi Housheng said.

Xue Muchun held the extremely curved blade, raised the big knife, looked at the appearance of himself on the knife, and said: "Back then, I said to the extremely curved blade that one day, I will return, wake him up, and walk with me for thousands of years. After the second return, I will wake him up. Originally, I thought, he was locked in the world of meaning, so I will break into the world of meaning. The only thing I didn’t expect was... you Yi family Exited.

This is bad news for me. "

Yi Housheng: "But you still decide to step into the world of meaning, in a straight line, to report grievances directly, you have always been like this."

"Because for me, there is still good news." Xue Muchun turned around, looked at Yi Housheng, took off his cloak, revealing a pinkish white with a faint luster, not amazing, but a very graceful and moving face. "The Yi family who left customs is the youngest son of the Yi family."

Yi Housheng smiled.

Yi Housheng rarely shows a smile.

He and Hei Shouyi were unsmiling, but when talking with Meng Fan, he had laughed several times.

"Yes." Yi Housheng nodded, a youthful light appeared in his cold eyes. "I am the youngest son of the Yi family."

"I've always been curious." Xue Muchun smiled playfully. "Are you a prophet?"

Extremely curved blade, shaking violently.

A long chant sounded in the void.

Xue Muchun turned into a seven-color long rainbow that was thousands of feet long and hundreds of feet thick, illuminating the nothingness, and bringing infinite laws of light to the emptiness, like a flood, covering Yihousheng!

Yi Housheng swung his hands back.

The robe dances!

The five fingers of his left hand opened, facing Changhong, and his right hand was behind him, clenched into a fist.

From the peak of fist, there was a sound like a stream.

There are also giant whales roaring.

"Return the extremely curved blade to me, are you confident or arrogant!"

In the Changhong, the soft voice is deafening.

Yi Housheng smiled and said, "I want to see, how talented is the first genius since ancient times!"

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