Supreme God King

Chapter 3972: Deployment map

"grown ups!"

Three hours after Xue Muchun left.

The apostle Su Lian hurried into the lobby and called Meng Fan.

"Waiyu Outpost is destroyed!"

Meng Fan frowned.

The so-called Waiyu Outpost is the collective name of the numerous outposts that Hei Yuankui established to guard against the Heishui alien race.

However, since that time when Heishui aliens invaded the Eight Kings Universe, 90% of the outposts were destroyed, and there were only a handful of remaining outposts, and they were all facing the direction of the nine supreme universes.

There are about a hundred outposts still on record. They still have some tasks to monitor the void, but there are no apostles in them. They have become civilian void towns, but there is always news, and always Supervised by the Town Defense Department.

"When did it happen?" Meng Fan asked.

"Just a quarter of an hour ago, on the defense map of the Town Defense Hall, the light spots of twelve outposts disappeared at the same time."

"At the same time?" Meng Fan repeated, and immediately went to the side hall with Su Lian.

After turning a few turns, I came to the Zhen’an side hall, where there are many defense maps and sand tables. Here are all the intelligence details of the defense inside and around the Eight Kings Universe. It is the most important place in the town defense hall. If you want to break into the Eight Kings universe, the best choice is to seize everything here. The various military divisions of the Eight Kingdoms and the Great Reef, as well as the structure of various formations, have some records here.

The deployment plan of the Outpost has always been shelved, and almost no one cares about it. Since the invasion of Heishui, the Outpost proved to be a failed plan, and there are not many remaining Outposts. Moreover, it is still facing the direction of the nine supreme universes, and has no effect on resisting the Heishui alien race.

At this moment, several apostles are carefully examining the deployment plan of the Outland Outpost.

One of them was King Jinding who had known Meng Fan for many years.

This old guy who has always been very casual also has a dignified face at the moment. Hearing the footsteps, turning his head and seeing Meng Fan, he immediately arched his hands and said, "Deputy Chief. Half a quarter of an hour ago, I was finishing the deployment plan here, Waiyu Outpost. The deployment plan suddenly glowed. After I took it out, I watched the twelve outer outposts disappear within three breaths. Because the twelve outer outposts are far apart, I thought something went wrong, carefully. After checking and confirming that there is nothing wrong, let Su Lian notify you."

Meng Fan also came to the defense plan.

King Jinding immediately reached out and pointed out the locations of the twelve outer outposts that had disappeared on the deployment map.

Meng Fan glanced, and his expression immediately became serious.

Among the twelve outposts, the closest two are separated by more than 900 million miles.

Ninety billion li, for the Ten Tribulations God King, is not a very long distance, if you advance at full speed, twenty or thirty breaths will be there.

But this is only the distance between the two outposts.

But here, there are twelve outposts!

Some of the more remote outposts are more than eight billion miles away from the nearest outpost!

The twelve outposts disappeared within three breaths. Everyone present, including Meng Fan, immediately thought of a planned invasion.

Moreover, they all thought of the Heishui alien race.

When the Heishui alien wave surged in, Waiyu’s thousands of outposts remained calm, without any abnormalities, until a certain Heishui alien "monarch" ordered that the Heishui aliens lurking at various outposts immediately erupted. In an instant, 90% of the outposts were swept away, and then the streams converged into a river, turning into a torrent of atrocities.

"Deputy Chief, this may not be the Heishui alien race." King Jinding said solemnly. "When the Heishui aliens invaded, it is said that there was no problem with the defense plan of Waiyu?"

With that, King Jinding looked at Su Lian.

Su Lian is a veteran apostle of the Eight Kings Universe. He has followed Hei Yuankui for many years. Su Lian was there in the first battle.

But King Jinding was not an apostle back then.

Su Lian nodded: "Yes, there is no problem with the deployment plan of Waiyu, because when the Heishui alien race broke out, most of the outposts in Waiyu have been completely infected by the Heishui alien. The creatures are all atrocities, and the light spots on the outer space defense map are actually some induction formations in each outpost. There are at least three and at most ten induction formations in each outpost. This deployment diagram is connected, which is one of the triple insurances.

When Mr. President designed the outposts, he considered three ways to defend against the black water aliens. One was the caravans that wandered between the outposts. These caravans were established by the town defense department collected by private caravans. The main function is to transport materials between various outposts, but the secret task is to understand the situation of each outpost and report to the town defense department every three months.

The second insurance is the'Beacon Tower' composed of the transmission and communication formations in each outpost. Any abnormality in any outpost will transmit the message to the nearest outpost through these formations. All the way to the Eight Kings Universe.

The third insurance is the induction formations of each outpost. These induction formations are actually the last insurance. When one or two induction formations in a outpost are destroyed, as long as they are not completely destroyed, the outpost is still in place. Flickering on the defense map, but the light will become darker, if all are destroyed, the light spots will disappear.

The Heishui alien races are far smarter than we thought. They are very good at hiding, so the caravans wandering around have never noticed the strangeness of the outposts. Moreover, most of the caravans were actually secretly changing at the time. Became an atrocity.

Also because of the hidden ability of the Heishui alien race, the beacon tower did not play any role.

As for the induction array. The Heishui alien race did not destroy any outpost. Their purpose is very strong, that is, they want to invade the Eight Kings universe, so the induction arrays in various places are still operating normally.

After the Battle of the Great Tide, the thousands of outposts of Outer Space facing the Primordial Universe and the Wisdom Universe are still there, and all kinds of facilities are sound, but they are empty, in order to prevent these outposts from becoming the Heishui alien race to the Eight Kings Universe The master’s master ordered all the transit stations to be destroyed. It took 13 years before and after the destruction, and they were all secretly destroyed. The remaining 120 outposts were all outposts facing the direction of the nine supreme universes. They were also the most remote one hundred and twenty outposts in the outpost plan that year. They were not affected by the invasion of Heishui alien races. After the war, they lost their original meaning and became civilian outposts, their main role. It serves as a transit port to the nine supreme universes.

If the twelve outposts were really destroyed by the atrocities, it means that the atrocities have bypassed the Eight Kings Universe and are moving towards the nine supreme universes.

But this is not in line with the habits of Heishui aliens. Of course, this is an inference based on the previous battle, but we already have a considerable degree of understanding of Heishui aliens and atrocities. According to various algorithms, this is not like Heishui alien did it. "

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