Supreme God King

Chapter 3975: The world is born

In the old book library, Jian Chi has compiled a lot of materials about Dao Zhai in recent years, and she not only sorted these materials, she also extracted all the information about Dao Zhai in various documents, and formed a very good book. Thick, very logical, and very tight book.

In addition to the information on the knife.

In the warehouse, on a table, there is also a white paper without a name.

The five sword idiots were in the warehouse, picked up the white paper and looked through it.

In the white paper, Dao Zhai compiled the information about Yi Hoshen.

After taking a few glances, he lowered his eyelids, put the book back in place, and said, "Nineteen, this kind of book, it's better not to write."

Jian Chi stood quietly in front of the door, did not speak or make any movements.

Man: "Some things, if you write them out, they may cause trouble."


Eight Kings Universe, Zhenfang Department.

Three more outposts disappeared on the outer space outpost deployment map.

Moreover, it disappears at the same time.

In the side hall of Zhen'an, only Su Lian remained.

He frowned and looked at the deployment plan with heavy eyes.

These three outposts are very close to the Eight Kings Universe.

After a while.

Another outpost disappeared.

This outpost is the last one close to the Eight Kings Universe!

After thirteen breaths.

A seal on the book case, trembling slightly, fell from the case and was suspended by Su Lian.

After that, the trembling became more intense, and the entire town defense hall seemed to be slowly turning over as a dragon underground!

This tremor was strong at first, then immediately weakened, and disappeared after three breaths.

Outside the town defense hall, there were exclamations and the sound of something collapsing.

Su Lian turned and walked out of the Zhen'an side hall.

In the corridor, everything seemed normal, except that a painting hanging on the wall fell to the ground.

Walking through, came to the main hall lobby, the tea cup on the main table fell to the ground.

When I walked out of the lobby, everything looked normal, and there was nothing weird about the front yard.

However, many people stood in the courtyard.

Among them are some apostles, but most of them work for the town defense department, and there are no named **** kings.

There are about thirty people, all raising their heads, looking up at the sky.

Su Lian also raised his head.

Then, he was stunned.

The mouth opened unconsciously.

His face was stunned.

He saw a certain place, there were countless red light spots, hanging in the air, releasing a dazzling light.

Thousands of light spots!

Like thousands of red stars.

look carefully.

You will find that those light spots are actually not small but very huge.

The reason why they look like some light spots like millet grains is because those light spots are all hanging above the cosmic barrier of the Eight Kings Universe!

The so-called sky is high and the sea is wide, and the barrier of the universe is much higher and farther than the sky in the traditional concept. That is the boundary of the Eight Kings Universe and the "shell" formed by the Eight Kings Universe itself. The cosmic barrier is very thick and the most The thin area is 300 million li thick.

Therefore, when the tide of 200 million atrocities poured in, the biggest obstacle was the barrier of the universe. In order to break through the barriers of the universe, the tide of atrocities did not know how many individuals were sacrificed.

Those light spots are barriers to the universe, burning!

It seems that some sparks have fallen on a piece of clothing.

Each "Mars" is more than ten million miles wide.

Although seen from the ground, the thousands of light spots are gathered on a barrier the size of a palm, but in fact, the distance span of these light spots is more than 100 billion li!


Su Lian whispered. "Immediately activate the formation of the town defense hall and send someone to repair the cosmic barrier, which is still burning...still burning...the cosmic barrier cannot be repaired by itself now."

His voice was too small for anyone in the yard to hear, and everyone still looked up at the sky.

After a long time, Su Lian stretched out his hand, grabbed the cuff of a person beside him, and said, "Armed."

This talent awakened like a dream, immediately turned around and shouted: "Armed!"


Northeast of the Eight Kings Universe, two quarters of an hour from the pinnacle.

In the nothingness that was originally empty, an extremely chaotic, splendid and beautiful scene appeared.

Everywhere, there are rainbows.

Every rainbow is thousands of feet long, and it is not seven colors, but is composed of hundreds of colors, which is complicated and chaotic.

These long rainbows are like countless snakes, twisted in the void, intertwined with each other, and some are still merging with each other, turning into a larger rainbow, as if there is life.

After the fusion of several huge rainbows, a vast world is formed, in which time is distorted, passing very fast, and only a few breaths, all kinds of brightly colored creatures are born in the world, and the earth is also full. With all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, it was like a fairyland. Then these creatures began to evolve, evolve, step into the martial arts, perceive the laws, and then began the war for hegemony, and finally destroyed.

There are only a dozen breaths before and after.

Watching everything happen, Meng Fan remained silent and solemn.

Not far away, another Great Thousand World was born, but nothing happened in this Great Thousand World, because there was no birth time and space law inside, only a piece of nothingness, which soon collapsed and disappeared.

Thirty thousand feet away, a rainbow suddenly shattered and turned into countless small thousand worlds. Each small thousand world is completely different. After a few breaths, these small thousand worlds are too thin because of the rules, and one after another. Broken, it's like a bubble.

This kind of thing is constantly happening.

Meng Fan blinked, his eyes turned pale.

He saw clearly what happened here.

These rainbows, in themselves, are formed by the convergence of two powers, one is pure material power, majestic and vast, and the other is spiritual power, in the dark, incomparably stubborn, in two powers, It is also mixed with more complex and vast power, material power is mixed with many laws, and there is a very strange aura. It should be the same as the power of vitality and vows. It is a breath that flows in the body of living creatures, but this breath Very blazing, like a flame.

In the spiritual power, there are endless thoughts, each thought is like the outline of a great world, one thought is covered with another thought, and it seems to be endless.

The collision of these two forces turned into nearly ten thousand "rainbows."

Of course it is not a real rainbow.

What made Meng Fan stunned was that every rainbow, in itself, was like a miniature, deformed universe!

No, it is the prototype of the universe.

Although Meng Fan has never seen the nascent universe, he believes that the universe should be like this when it was born.

The laws contained in every rainbow are amazing, and the number is amazing. These laws are very finely divided, but each law itself is growing rapidly.

At the same time, the spiritual power contained in each rainbow is also very active, as if there are infinite people thinking in the rainbow.

Some rainbows are complete with various powers, so they transform into the world, and some rainbows are deformed, so after colliding and fusing with other rainbows, they transform into the world.

Although most of the transformed worlds have disappeared because of the incompleteness of these rainbows, there are still several worlds that are very complete.

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