Supreme God King

Chapter 3981: hatred

Meng Fan's thoughts were very vague.

It's not chaos, disorder, or vagueness.

It is like a person in a dream, participating in everything that happens in the dream, but unable to change and powerless.

Meng Fan didn't want to change anything forcibly.

Xue Muchun did not kill him, and took him out of the burning house.

At night, in the wilderness, Xue Muchun lit a bonfire and sat by the bonfire with Meng Fan.

Meng Fan said many things in the sect.

Speaking of how he joined the sect, became a disciple, followed a step-by-step life, practiced martial arts, and was doing the work of a disciple. Years later, the lord gave birth to a young daughter, a genius, named Xue Muchun.

It was also mentioned that when Xue Muchun left, Meng Fan became the **** king, and many years later, the sect was slaughtered.

After listening to all this.

Xue Muchun fiddled with the campfire quietly, and then said: "So, you are already dead."

Meng Fan was at a loss.

Yes, he has died in the hands of the apostle.

He seems to be able to understand everything now. Meng Fan is like an outsider in this world, a bystander, who can see everything clearly, and his heart is very clear, but it is indescribable and difficult to express.

"Rebirth by seizing the house, rebirth by the thought..." Xue Muchun muttered. "This kind of thing has been mentioned in some historical records and legends in the past.

But how can you be born again here. "

"Here, where is it?" Meng Fan asked.

Xue Muchun picked up a dead wood next to him and drew an unconventional whole circle on the ground.

"This is my home, your home, and a universe."

Xue Muchun drew a leaf-like shape somewhere on the circle.

A very small leaf.

"This is the continent where the Zongmen is located. It occupies about one-thousandth of the universe. The western part of the continent is five times the size of the mainland. To the north is the vast sand sea, and the end of the sand sea is an ice seal. In the world, the ice layer is as thick as 100 feet.

In the east, at the other end of the giant lake, there is also **.

To the south, at the end of the swamp, is a sea of ​​magma and fire.

This continent is isolated.

The outside world does not regard this continent as a continent, but as the "Pearl Giant Island".

The continent was drawn on the map tens of millions of years ago. Before that, no one knew about this continent because it was not important and because it was too small.

After the continent was drawn on the map, no one was interested in this continent.

Outside this continent, the other end of the ** is the main body of the universe. There are endless islands, larger continents, various mountains and rivers, various empires, various sects, and various powerhouses. .

it's here. "

Xue Muchun clicked on the circle.

"There is a temple, called the sanctuary, and there is a group of people living in the sanctuary. This group of people are called divine envoys and some are called tianke. They have different names, but this group of people call themselves apostles.

They come from other universes.

Take orders from the world of meaning.

I still don’t know what the meaning world is.

But this world seems to be above all things.

Our universe is not the only universe.

The world of meaning may be another universe, a universe much stronger than ours.

The apostles living in this temple are only servants of the world of meaning, but their power is very powerful. "

Meng Fan asked: "How powerful is it."

Xue Muchun: "Almost as strong as I am. I am called by the world of meaning, the pinnacle creature, which means the apex of the creature. In this temple, there are other pinnacle creatures.

And we are here at the moment. "

Xue Muchun clicked again with a branch.

This point is very far away from the leaf-shaped continent.

"Rebirth by taking homes, rebirth by thoughts, although it is a legend, it is feasible, and Dao-developed creatures can do it, but the broken souls are very fragile and can only be parasitic in the surrounding creatures. Why do you appear here?

And, how could that apostle let your soul go?

According to your statement, you were already out of soul at the time, and you shouldn't have the ability to regenerate. "

Xue Muchun looked at Meng Fan.

Her eyes are very cold.

"You are from the Luo family."

Meng Fan said: "You are talking about the Luo family of the meaning world."

Xue Muchun squinted his eyes: "You know too much. If you are really a servant of the Luo family and are arranged to wait for me at a certain point, all of this makes sense, but if this is the case, your performance will be too great. Stupid, the meaning of the world Luo family, how can you, a dog servant, know?"

Dog servants.

Well, Meng Fan remembered.

The young master he has been serving, it is said that his father is the servant of some strong man.

But that is just a legend.

It's impossible for the descendants to know what family and origin the young master's family is.

Meng Fan thought for a moment: "It turns out to be the Luo family's dog crowd."

Xue Muchun narrowed his eyes again.

Meng Fan made her feel uncomfortable.

She stood up and looked at Meng Fan.

"You have just stepped into the martial arts, the foundation is very shallow, the Luo family will not use people like you as pawns, but you do know a lot, so.

Xue Muchun's fingers flicked.

One in ten Sumeru.

Meng Fan turned into dust and ashes.

Divine Soul, also disappeared.

Plunged into darkness again.

The long darkness.

Meng Fan opened his eyes again.

He appeared in a wine shop.

There are many people sitting in the wine shop.

Both are very powerful **** kings.

The weakest among them is also the Six Tribulations God King.

There were also two Ten Tribulations God Kings present.

Meng Fan is one of many **** kings. His realm is not high. He is a **** king of Seven Tribulations. He sits at the back of the wine shop. In front of him, there is a person talking to everyone in a low voice.

This time, Meng Fan is a soldier of the mercenary regiment. He, as well as many people in this world, have been called up and given a lot of commissions to besiege someone.

This person's name and surname are not yet clear, but he holds a huge sharp blade in his hand. This sharp blade is astonishingly powerful. It is a high-grade Taoist device and also his natal device.

It is said that this woman is decisive in murdering, and she speaks very few words, and because she holds a big sword in her hand, so these people here, for convenience, call her the sword fast.

The one who spoke in a low voice in front was the sign of this time, working for a secret organization.

He said.

Many years ago, a mysterious woman was born and walked the world. This is the sword studio.

Dao Zhai acted entirely based on his xinxing and offended some nobles one after another. However, those nobles could not be regarded as real nobles until once, Dao Zhai killed a person, and this person served the Luo family.

So Young Master Luo was ordered to lead someone to arrest Daozhai. After several years of pursuit, he finally met Daozhai, but was hit hard by Daozhai's backhand.

After that, Dao Zhai was offered a reward and captured, and many Gou Zhong were investigating secretly. Dao Zhai slaughtered many Gou Zhong, as well as the family servants of Gou Zhong's relatives and servants.

So the Luo family secretly sent someone to find Daozhai's hometown and killed all her relatives.

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