Supreme God King

Chapter 3983: Third meeting

The reputation of Dao Zhai has spread.

At first, Dao Zhai was just a criminal in a distant universe. Because there were too many killings, he was called the Killing God. It is said that more than forty masters with names and surnames died in the hands of Dao Zhai. In addition, there are many unnamed. Of dogs.

But what really made her famous was that Dao Zhai killed Luo Tianzheng's eldest son 377,000 years ago.

Everybody knows that this incident is very fierce and very loud.

However, few people know what happened.

Legend has it that Dao Zhai broke into the local sanctuary. That sanctuary was an affiliate of the town defense department. It was lower in rank than the town defense department, but had independent power.

In fact, the temple is an espionage agency sponsored by the Fa-en Pillar and Stability Maintenance Division.

The leader of that church is Luo's son. All kinds of stories are confusing and confusing, but it is believed that Dao Zhai broke into the sanctuary, killed more than a dozen Luo family dogs, severely injured a Taoist master, and finally confronted Luo’s parents. After the tragic fight, Luo’s family was killed by the sword. Hit hard and fled, but did not escape

When he went too far, he was overtaken by Dao Zhai and immediately beheaded.

Luo Tianzheng's son, as Luo Tianzheng's most respected son, is already expected to step into immortality, and his future achievements will be limitless. When he died, Luo Tianzheng was furious and sent a group of people to encircle the sword fast, but the sword fast disappeared.

It is said that Tosai escaped.

No one knows where she fled.

But she should have left her hometown, the universe, and went abroad.

It turned out that 370,000 years have passed since the last time.

Meng Fan quietly watched the completion of the Diamond Palace.

He knew that he would definitely see Dao Zhai again.

At this moment, he is like a person reading a novel. Many things have happened in the book, but the story always revolves around the protagonist. No matter how you look at it, he can always see the protagonist.

This book is about the story of Daozai, and Daozai is the protagonist.

So he must be able to see it.

In a normal life, Meng Fan supervised part of the palace's projects every day, cultivated his body at night, or chatted with guests.

During the chat, Meng Fan found that many high-ranking officials and dignitaries tried to avoid talking about the world of significance, especially avoiding mentioning the sword fast.

Everyone is depressed.

On the contrary, the general public is much more comfortable.

As far as Meng Fan knows, now is one of the two most terrifying eras in the history of the world, the Dark Age.

In the original understanding of Meng Fan, the word darkness in the Dark Age should refer to the world of meaning, but he did not expect that there are dark shadows outside the world of meaning and in the subsidiary universe.

This year, it is not uncommon for a family or empire that was still brilliant and prosperous yesterday to be destroyed today.

It is not uncommon that even a single word can lead to a killing disaster.

These things seem to have little to do with the general public, but they have a lot to do with those high-ranking officials, especially a cosmic leader-level **** king.

There are three reasons for this situation.

First, after the end of the Immortal War, a large number of Taoist families on the road of traditional meaning still survived, and because of their long history, these families are deeply rooted, and many branches are still scattered in many satellite universes.

In addition, some of the traditional Taoist families that have been destroyed, some of their collaterals, concubines, relatives, friends, and even servants, are also scattered everywhere.

These Taoists and families who are now in charge of the world of meaning are quite wary of these people, and are always preparing to liquidate them.

For example, Cao Ye had a good relationship with Dao Zhai.

It is said that Cao Ye's family used to be a very powerful family in the world of meaning. When the Cao family was in great shape in those days, those families in the world of meaning can only stand up to it.

Until the generation of Cao Ye's father, the Cao family was still very strong, and it is rumored that Cao Ye's father was once immortal, named Cao Xun.

The death of Cao Ye is the result of liquidation in all likelihood.

The second reason is that these newly-emerged Taoist families are now fighting each other in intrigue and fighting. After the end of the Immortal War, everything was reshuffled. What many families care about most is the distribution of power. Many families fought openly and secretly, and many families that had made great contributions to the war were destroyed after the war.

It's not uncommon. The third reason is about the control of immortal materials. During the Immortal War, many things were difficult to control because of the chaos, and the secrets of immortality had actually been leaked out. The new family wanted to monopolize the immortality, so they frequently investigated many things.

Attach to the universe and look for the shadow of immortal matter.

These three reasons are the main reasons for the dark age.

In the dark age, a family undoubtedly played an important role, that is, the Luo family.

Luo Tianzheng controls the Fa'en Pillar, and his dogs are all over the world. Behind many liquidation and destruction gates, there are Faen pillars and Luo Tianzheng's shadows.

People always associate the words conspiracy, cunning, villain with Luo Tianzheng.

Although the dignitaries did not dare to mention it, Meng Fan could feel that Dao Zhai killed Luo Tianzheng's eldest son, and bloodbathed many families of dogs, which was actually very pleasant.

This is why Dao Zhai is well known.

Meng Fan quietly watched the palace being built day by day and finally completed.

Forty years have passed since the last tile of the palace was put on.

The news of Dao Zhai is still talked about.

Suddenly, there was new news.

It is said that Dao Zhai fought with another powerful Taoist master of the world. This person is a strong man in the Hei family, named Hei Shou Yi. It is said that the two people fought very fiercely, and it is difficult to distinguish the colors. Let her escape.

But these are just rumors. In fact, the news that everyone can get is often rumors.

There is also a saying that Dao Zhai was defeated by Hei Shou Yi, but because of Dao Zhai's extraordinary elegance, Hei Shou Yi let her go.

Heroic beauties are often talked about most, and everyone hopes that the story develops like this.

Not a few days after Meng Fan heard the rumor.

Meng Fan saw Dao Zhai on the newly built Imperial Capital Street of the Kingdom of Diamond God.

Wearing a red robe, Dao Zhai walked quietly on the street, watching the traffickers around him, which was quite natural.

Meng Fan stared at Dao Zhai quietly.

Not long after, Dao Zhai stopped and looked at Meng Fan.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Tozai came closer.

Meng Fan spoke.

"You and Cao Ye are old friends."

Meng Fan said everything that Dao Zhai told him last time.

Then, Meng Fan mentioned his meeting with Dao Zhai in the fire.

Finally, Meng Fan mentioned the story of the third lady of the Zongmen.

After hearing everything Meng Fan had said, Dao Zhai remained silent for a long time. "Since the last time, I have been looking forward to it. Maybe what you said is true. One day, I will see you again. Maybe, in the bottom of my heart, I hope that there is real destiny and real destiny. "

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