Supreme God King

Chapter 3990: history

A few days later, Meng Fan finally walked out of Hei Yuankui's residence and came to the sun.

In the past seven months, he has missed a lot of things.

The war between the Wisdom Universe and the Heishui alien race was declared victory a few months ago.

Hei Yuankui re-held the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department. Although he made minor changes to some of Meng Fan’s policies, he basically did not make drastic changes. He still retained a lot of Meng Fan’s inertia. In Hei Yuankui’s view, Meng Fan’s actions Although this caused many people to complain, it did enhance the power of the town defense department, and at this moment, the greater the power of the town defense department, the better.

Because of Hei Yuankui's return, the Great Reef has also disappeared a lot.

The work of refining puppets and the Eye of Thunder in the Eight Kings Universe is still continuing. The World of Significance and many Taoists who come to the front believe that they cannot relax their vigilance against the Heishui alien race. After all, this creature forced the World of Significance to destroy a subsidiary universe and made a big noise After the Wisdom Universe, the resources consumed before and after to extinguish the Heishui alien race have far exceeded that of the Luotian Uprising of the year.

The Eight Kings Universe, the Wisdom Universe, the Primordial Universe, the Land of All-Knowing, and many outposts in this area are still on alert.

However, because the consumption of refining puppets and the eye of thunder is too large, some workshops have been stopped, and the refining continues, but the output has decreased a lot, and Hei Yuankui has plans to gradually reduce the refining in the next year until Stopped completely, the existing secondary puppets seemed to be enough to hunt down hidden atrocities.

Except for the Heishui alien race, it has always been regarded as a disease of scabies. It has little effect, but it is very damaging to the perception of the resistance front. It has also disappeared for several years. The last den of the resistance front was found and removed by the spies of the Fann pillar. Although Hong Luo Nu, the nominal leader of the Resistance Front, has not yet been arrested, it is difficult for these people to make any waves.

In general.

After all these years of turmoil and turbulence, the world of meaning has finally restored peace.

Not only the Heishui Alien and the Resistance Front, there are actually two serious problems that people have forgotten and have also been resolved.

One is Dao Zhai.

Dao Zhai was a great storm back then, but after so many years, no one remembers her anymore. She did not cause too many storms during her return. The battle with Yi Housheng destroyed the large-scale cosmic barrier on the side of the Eight Kings Universe. Huge disasters have been caused in the Eight Kings Universe, but these things are the ultimate disaster for the sentient beings in the Eight Kings Universe, and they are nothing to the world of meaning. Hei Yuankui also returned quickly, with defenses. The hall, the Eight Great Kingdoms of God and the Great Reef repaired the barriers and blocked news. This is what Yi Housheng meant.

It is said that Dao Zhai has been controlled by Yi Housheng, but no one knows where it is.

The last question is Meng Fan himself.

Meng Fan is still a legend in the world of meaning. As the only heterogeneous that has been documented to step into the immortality for so many years, he has also been recognized by the world of meaning. People have not forgotten him.

But he is no longer a threat.

He has become a member of the world of meaning.

Meng Fan sat on a wooden bench outside the town defense hall, wearing a large feather robe, quietly watching some apostles enter and exit.

Thinking about it carefully, Yi Housheng participated in the four issues that have plagued the world of meaning in recent years.

And two of them were directly resolved by Yi Housheng.

Heishui alien, Yi Housheng destroyed Hanhuang Universe.

Dao Zhai was killed by Yi Hoshen.

And Meng Fan.

What he has obtained today seems to be a dream of many people in the affiliated universe.

But, as Yi Housheng said.

Such a proud person chooses to surrender for his hometown.

This is not necessarily a good thing.

Meng Fan sat for an hour.

someone is coming.

Daoshu Giant Sail.

In the past seven months, Daoshu Jufan completed the only job Meng Fan arranged for him.

Deduct and organize the history of the meaningful world.

Daoshu Jufan sat beside Meng Fan, closing his eyes to rest his mind. Meng Fan opened this seemingly ordinary but heavy book.

The book is one foot square and about three inches thick, but each page is made of spar and contains a lot of information. This book weighs more than 40,000 jin.

Meng Fan watched carefully.

The biggest difference between Daoshu Jufan and other **** kings is that he is very objective, so objective that he will not make any guesses, and will only write down a history that can be assured.

So although the book is very thick, there are not many really useful contents for Meng Fan.

Most of the Taoists in the world today believe that the beginning of this reincarnation era was 15.4 billion years ago.

However, the basis of this time is myths and legends, so Daoshu Jufan does not agree very much, but according to the speculation of various other data, even if it is not 15.4 billion years, the error will not be too large.

From 15.4 billion years to 13 billion years, these 2.4 billion years can be regarded as the age of myths and legends. There are few or no writings left in this era. Most of the history has passed. Orally passed down from generation to generation, the main story is that some prophets wandered in various worlds, passing their knowledge to the creatures just born in this era.

At the beginning of the era, everything was lonely, and the first creatures were very weak and dull, so the prophets were very limited in what they could do, and they needed time.

13 billion years ago, the first **** king of this era was born. This **** king created the words used in the earliest nine supreme universes. Then, more and more **** kings were born, some Divine kings began to dominate, and most of these dominating divine kings professed to be the disciples, disciples, students, and descendants of the prophets, and they tried their best to prove this.

Before that, the prophet had disappeared. Apart from myths, there is no evidence that the prophet is still alive in this era.

From 13 billion years ago to 12 billion years ago, in these one billion years, the nine supreme universes began to flourish, and many Ten Tribulations Kings were born successively, and various ideas bloomed brilliantly.

The **** kings of the nine supreme universes have always known that their universe is not the only one, because a large number of documents left by the prophets prove this.

Thus, an era of great discovery began. Many powerful gods and kings used various methods to leave the universe and explore nothingness. In this process, the nine supreme universes established connections, and many explorers went farther. , However, there is no exact record.

The prosperity of the Great Discovery era lasted for many years, and the two concepts gradually took shape until 10.5 billion years ago.

These two ideas still originated from the prophets.

The two ideas were born because of the fear of the ultimate death that the Prophet said.

Should we try our best to maintain the balance of the universe and delay the birth of the ultimate death, or destroy all worlds and turn all variables into definite numbers?

The contradiction between the peace faction and the war faction became more and more intense until it finally broke out.

The First Supreme Universe has launched a fierce war with the other eight universes.

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