Supreme God King

Chapter 4004: Origin of the universe

When Meng Fan wanted to understand the logic inside.

In a corner of the Temple of No Name, an abyss tunnel suddenly unfolded.

Meng Fan took a look, and walked directly into the tunnel without hesitation.

The tunnel was not long, and it seemed to be distorting the space. Soon, Meng Fan came to the exit of the tunnel and saw a world of nothingness.

This world is no different from the nothingness outside the universe. The only difference is that the nothingness outside the universe is called nothingness, but in fact, you can still feel the power of some laws, especially gravity. The gravity between the universe is mutual. Pulling, if there is no gravitational pull, some universes will become isolated and uncontrolled, and may continue to expand or continue to collapse until they are destroyed.

So on the way to the world of meaning, Meng Fan has indeed stepped into complete nihility under certain circumstances without any gravitational interference, but often encounters some cosmic remains, or it can be deduced that a universe once existed.

The nothingness here is complete nothingness, without any gravitational fluctuations.

In this nothingness, there is no space and no concept of time.

Suddenly, he saw some dust floating in the distance. The speed of these dust drifting was very fast, almost breaking the fastest known speed in the secular world, but gradually, the speed slowed down, and finally, completely stopped.

After it stopped, the dust did not know how many years passed. Because of some coincidences, the collision condensed together and formed a physical entity. Then, after many years of brewing, self-growth, and some extraordinary The basic law is gravity.

Universal gravitation, as long as there is matter, there must be gravitation, so time and space are the two basic laws, and often after the birth of the two laws of time and space, the third law that will be born is gravity.

As the gravitational force changes, these substances begin to pull the surrounding dust and become larger and larger.

Because of the existence of matter, time also exists. With every breath, the world has spent tens of millions of years. After about hundreds of millions of years, the matter gathered together by gravity formed a very huge world. Then, some Other laws have also begun to be born, and from time to time, perhaps every few million years, some dust will float in the distance, which will be absorbed by this mass of matter.

Meng Fan realized that he was watching the birth of a universe.

When this universe is fully formed, more laws appear, and the world in it gradually becomes diversified.

Then, before my eyes suddenly returned to nothingness.

Another dust hit.

Meng Fan sat cross-legged and watched the nothingness quietly, creating new universes one after another, watching the process constantly.

Everything in the world has a characteristic, that is, similarity and convergence.

For example, most creatures in the world have "five bodies", that is, their heads and limbs, and there are often five fingers on the limbs.

Just like the texture of a snowflake, it is actually very similar to the way the law works, almost the same. Since ancient times, many people have enlightened the way by watching snowflakes or leaves.

The universal world is real.

When Meng Fan swallowed the Emperor of Heaven, he also discovered that the law of the entire universe is no different from a big world, or even a leaf. Therefore, in ancient times, it was called "one leaf knows autumn", which means through tiny It is also right to feel the truth of everything in the world.

But Meng Fan, now the other way around.

By constantly observing the birth of the universe, he in turn felt himself.

In fact, the birth of the original universe is very similar to the birth of the real universe.

In the beginning, Meng Fan became the Little Creator, and at the same time he mastered a variety of laws. These laws permeated his body, supporting his body like pillars. These laws gradually settled in his dantian, unconsciously, they melted. For a big world.

The Great Thousand World continued to grow, and afterwards, Meng Fan continued to devour more laws. As he mastered more laws, the laws of the Great Thousand Worlds in his body became richer, and as his body became stronger and stronger, the world in his body became more and more powerful. It becomes bigger and bigger, when all the laws are in it, the original world becomes the original universe.

Because the laws that make up the original universe are completely consistent with the laws that make up the universe of the gods, and because Meng Fan is also the emperor of the gods universe, the vitality, creatures, and all aspects of the original universe are very close to the gods universe, so , The Origin Universe and the Divine King Universe have a secret feeling. They are somewhat indifferent to each other. They can even be said, or they can be said to be twins. Therefore, Meng Fan’s Origin Universe is extremely powerful and stronger than any Divine King in the Divine King Universe All are countless times stronger, and are much stronger than people in the world of meaning.

At least for now, most of the powerful people in the meaning world that Meng Fan has come into contact with have no origin universe. Even if they do, they are not worth mentioning compared to Meng Fan's, and even compared to the heavenly gods of the universe. No more.

Through watching it again and again, Meng Fan felt that the original universe in his body also began to change with this understanding.

The process of change is-"split propagation".

In the original universe, some great worlds began to spurt out continuously, all of which were splintered out. Each of the great worlds retains a trace of the true meaning of more than four thousand great avenues, and is a complete "small universe". These small universes follow. Meng Fan’s blood flowed into every inch of Meng Fan’s skin and flesh, every particle, and then merged with these skin and flesh particles. Gradually, they became independent of each other and began to thrive. Then, these small universes became huge again. Then split again and continue to spread out.

A full forty hours passed.

The original universe is still in Meng Fan's pubic area, and it is still one of Meng Fan's six internal organs.

But Meng Fan's body has undergone tremendous changes!

First of all, the original universe at Meng Fan’s dantian can only be said to be the core of the universe, and the “children” of the original universe have been distributed to every corner of Meng Fan’s body, including other organs, and have been After completing the initial integration, the Origin Universe can no longer be regarded as an organ in Meng Fan's body, but...Meng Fan's body!

But that is still not accurate enough, because the original universe has not finally merged with Meng Fan's physical body. This fusion will take a long time.

Meng Fan began to meditate with his eyes closed to promote integration.

In the process of integration, some wonderful changes have also occurred.

Meng Fan's body is already immortal.

The Origin Universe and Meng Fan's physical body began to merge, that is, merging with immortality.

With this integration.

Those laws in the original universe also faintly began to change.

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