Supreme God King

Chapter 4006: Devour

Meng Fan stepped out of the Temple of No Name.

Appeared beside Tosai.

Dao Zhai is still sitting in a chair not far away in the town defense hall, with Yi Hoshen still sitting.

When Meng Fan came out and saw Daozhai, he couldn't help but smile. Until now, he still feels that many things are not true. After four hundred thousand years of meditation in the Temple of No Name, he calmed down his mind with all his strength, but he still thought of Daozai from time to time.

Dao Zhai also smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and pulled aside the messy hair on Meng Fan's forehead.

"How long have you waited for me?" Meng Fan asked.

In the Hall of No Name, he could feel that the passage of time was different from that of the outside world. With Meng Fan's ability, he could not count the speed of time in the Hall of No Name.

"I didn't wait for you." Dao Sai said. "I just came out and just sat down."

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

Dao Zhai laughed again: "The laws you know cannot be applied to the immortal world. In the past, your strength could accelerate the time in a world by a million times, but in the Temple of No Name, there is no such thing. concept.

The time outside is stopped. "

Yes, Meng Fan could not understand.

But he knew that this is the terrible immortality.

"You have another function in creating the Nameless Palace." Dao Zhai stood up slowly and let Meng Fan sit in her chair. She could see that Meng Fan was weak now. "You said that you can't be separated from me again, absolutely impossible, so if one day, finally, death comes, and I fail to step into immortality, then you will live with me in the static time In the nameless hall, although there is no other material existence in the nameless hall except a few statues, it is a complete spiritual world, but you said that as long as you can be with me, even if you live in a world where there is nothing , All are beautiful.

You also said that if one day, we all feel bored, then we will walk out of the Temple of No Name together and welcome the final death. Immortality is not what you and I pursue. As long as we are together, even if we are together, it will be eternal. . "

Meng Fan smiled like a child, then he turned his head and looked at Yi Housheng.

In fact, he has been waiting for Yi Housheng to speak.

What is the purpose of Yi Housheng bringing Dao Zhai here? Is it to help Meng Fan? But in Meng Fan's cognition, this is impossible, but Yi Housheng never made a statement from beginning to end, nor did he stop him and Dao Zhai.

If Yi Housheng is willing, then he can confuse Meng Fan and Dao Zhai at any time.

Yi Housheng looked at Meng Fan quietly, his eyes were very indifferent, as if everything was empty in his eyes and it didn't matter.

"I did this for three reasons."

Yi Housheng finally spoke.

Meng Fan still didn't like the feeling that Yi Houseng could see through his mind in an instant.

"The first reason, what you are going through now, I can only see the fur, but I don’t understand it, but because I can smash the vacuum, jump out of the water a little bit, and see some'real', so I think you I can't stop everything I'm going through now. If I stop you, then this obstacle will definitely happen. In other words, I think it's useless to do anything I do now.

The second reason, Tozai proved to me that you are not my enemy. "

"Why?" Meng Fan asked.

Yi Housheng: "Because you, like me, are afraid of the final death. When you are strong enough, you will seek to prevent or delay the final death.

The third reason is that a proud person like you is willing to obey in order to keep your hometown. But I believe that there are less than three Taoists who can do this in the world of meaning. Only by this point, you are not It might be my enemy too. I know that you always think in your heart that I am a big mountain, pressing on you, leaving you without freedom. You said that it will make me bleed, but you will also understand that everything I do is in the overall situation. Among them, not only you, even me, it is difficult to talk about freedom.

And starting today, I will no longer restrain you, you have regained your own freedom, one day, perhaps, you will make me bleed. "

After Yi Housheng finished speaking, he got up and walked outside the town defense hall.

When he was about to walk to the front door, Yi Housheng suddenly turned his head, looked at Meng Fan, and said, "Are you friends?"

Meng Fan couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "Do you have any friends?"

Yi Housheng was startled, he looked outside the town defense hall, he was sitting quietly, talking to Hei Yuankui.

He thought for a while.

But nothing was said.

Meng Fan said again: "Why do you ask me this question."

Yi Housheng: "Perhaps because of variables and definite numbers. In the past, when I controlled you, you were a definite number. From today onwards, if I no longer control you, you will become a variable. If there is a bond between you and me, Even if the bond is very weak, as long as it can weaken the uncertainty of variables, it is good."

"You said that you believe that in the face of things that are doomed, you don't do anything useful." Meng Fan said. "So at this moment, is there a difference between a variable and a fixed number?"

Yi Housheng smiled: "If we are friends, I will still try my best to do something for you in the world of meaning, at least, let you become a Taoist master first."

After speaking, Yi Housheng walked out of the town defense hall without waiting for Meng Fan's reply.

The spiritual barrier that was created by Yi Houseng to isolate everything has also disappeared.

Yi Housheng walked to the square and stood beside Hei Shouyi. Hei Shouyi stood up and glanced at Yi Housheng.

Immediately, the two walked away together.


Within a few days, Meng Fan successively swallowed thousands of fifth-class immortal crystals, as well as more than a hundred fourth-class immortal crystals that Hei Yuankui gave him, all of which were refined and there was no problem at all.

Meng Fan's refining ability had already stunned Hei Yuankui. Even Hei Yuankui could not refining immortal crystals as fast as Meng Fan.

But these are not enough.

Meng Fan began to devour the natural spar again.

Because of Hei Yuankui’s return, the town defense hall does not need Meng Fan to be in charge for the time being, and Meng Fan just needs time, so he directly returned to Weiyang Palace, and then, at the last order, all the stored natural spars were moved out. , Was swallowed by Meng Fan, but this was still not enough, just one day, Meng Fan ate it all.

At that moment, the overdraft began.

He began to give a large amount of assets from all parts of the Great Reef to the Eight Great Kingdoms of God, and even guaranteed the credit of Great Great Reef and Weiyang Palace, and also to the Eight Great Kingdoms of God, and obtained an astonishing amount of heaven from the Eight Great Kingdoms Meng Fan swallowed all the spar, black diamonds, all kinds of spiritual herbs, and medicine.

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