Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Great Tang Baiyujing Chapter 1022: News

The genius monks in the box showed their goodwill one after another, and Yu Ruchen smiled slightly: "You guys are so flattering. + The next item to be auctioned is a dragon-scale volcano base, which can accommodate more than 300 people specializing in physical cultivation, with an upper limit of the third level of the heavens. , worth nine million Saint Yuan subordinates just need one."

Yu Ruchen smiled slightly and looked at the Taoist boy on the side: "I bought 10 million Saint Yuan coins."

Yu Xingchen was defeated miserably in Yingxian City and is still missing. As a genius of the younger generation of the Yu family, Yu Ruchen has officially stepped onto the stage. Although he is on the Heavenly Ranking, he has no truly impressive results. His family warned him to put stability first to prevent him from making the same mistakes as Yu Xingchen.

Although Yu Ruchen acted arrogantly, he was also cautious in his arrogance. After testing to no avail, he did not go to test it personally. His purpose in bidding for the Dragon-Scale Volcano Seat was simple, because the box opposite also took a fancy to the Dragon-Scale Volcano Seat.

"Yes, sir."

The Taoist boy clicked on the channel talisman and passed the purchase information over.

Just three or four moments later, the Taoist boy raised his head and said with regret, "Sir, that treasure was just bought."

Yu Ruchen frowned slightly: "How much did the other party bid?"

"It's also 10 million." The Taoist said.

"Why is this? At the same price, why don't you sell it to me?" Yu Ruchen's face turned pale.

The Taoist boy laughed dryly and said: "This... I don't know, but it seems that the hall master directly ordered the volcano to be awarded to them."

While speaking, the Taoist glanced at the box opposite.

Yu Ruchen's face became increasingly gloomy. I don’t know what I’m thinking.

The talented monks in the box exchanged glances silently, and even Fairy Guanghan looked thoughtful.

It is impossible for the master of Tianbao Hall not to know that the person sitting in this box is the young master of the Yu family, but he still sold the Volcano Tower to that box at the same price. Could it be that the identity of that person is still higher than that of the Yu family? But how many forces in the world can surpass the Tiandu Yu Family?

Lin Mingcong was sweating profusely and glared at Wang Xiyan, who was confused.

At this point, Lin Mingcong still didn't know that the man in white robe had such a powerful background that he, a young master of the Lin family, could not offend him. This stupid woman Wang Xiyan is clearly playing with fire!

at this time. A woman with a white veil on her face, escorted by several Tianbaotang monks, walked towards the box opposite.

"She is the head of the branch hall, her surname is Liu. She is in a high position at a young age. She has a great background in Tianbao Hall." A genius monk said.

soon. The master of Tianbao Hall walked to the door of the box where Luo Chuan was. Knock gently.

The door opened, and it was the inhumanly beautiful woman in black robe who opened the door.

The eyes of all the talented monks were focused on the box, on the jade couch in the innermost part of the box. A young monk in a white cloth robe is drinking.

"It's him." Fairy Guanghan was startled, but she recalled the strange monk she met in Junyue City a few days ago.

Another burst of exclamations sounded.

The geniuses turned their heads and looked at Lou Xuanyin, whose face was slightly red.

As a core disciple of Donghua Sect, Lou Xuanyin's status is even lower than that of Fairy Guanghan. However, her ancestor is a Tianmen monk, which invisibly improves Lou Xuanyin's status. In the box, Lou Xuanyin Sitting on the third seat alongside Young Master Tianhu.

Not only Lou Xuanyin, but also Young Master Tianhu and Young Master Kun Hai recognized Luo Chuan. Although they tried their best to hide the shock on their faces, they were still caught by someone who was interested.

"Fellow Daoist Lou, Brother Tianhu, you seem to know this person?" Yu Ruchen asked with a smile: "Who is that person?"

Lou Xuanyin did not speak. Young Master Tianhu hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and was about to speak.

At this time, Luo Chuan's message rang in his ears.

"You guys are not allowed to reveal our identity, especially the Tianbang identity. Also, I advise you to leave this box as soon as possible and find a safe place to watch the fun. This is my acquaintance, and I give you some advice."

Lou Xuanyin and Young Master Kunhai also received messages from Luo Chuan, and their expressions were changing.

Lou Xuanyin was the first to stand up, with an awkward smile on his face, and he cupped his hands towards Fairy Guanghan and Yu Ruchen: "I still have something to do, so I'll go ahead and say goodbye."

Looking at Yu Ruchen again, Lou Xuanyin's eyes were a little complicated, showing a touch of pity, but he left the table resolutely.

Yu Ruchen held the wine cup tightly, forced a smile on her face, and said naturally: "I won't give it away."

The other geniuses were increasingly surprised, and no one said a word.

The second person stood up, it was Young Master Kun Hai. He scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "Well... I still have some things to do, so I won't accompany you. I offend you. I offend you."

After saying that, Young Master Kun Hai turned around and walked out of the box, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Yu Ruchen's face was cold, and everyone in the box looked at each other, but they all recalled the "warning" brought by Quan Jinming. For a moment, everyone looked at Young Master Tianhu.

"Is Brother Tianhu going to leave too?" Yu Ruchen played with the wine cup, a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

Young Master Tianhu stood up slowly, cupped his hands towards Yu Ruchen, with an incomprehensible look on his face, and sighed softly: "Master Yu, good luck."

After saying that, Young Master Tianhu floated away.

There was silence in the box, no one spoke, but everyone was filled with horror.

Lou Xuanyin, Young Master Tianhu, and Young Master Kunhai, these three are all the leaders of the younger generation in Tianchen Continent. Their fame and strength are only below the Tianban, and they have strong backgrounds. They can be called the proud sons of heaven.

But when they saw the white-robed monk's face clearly, they seemed to have received a reminder and ignored Mr. Yu. They seemed to have forgotten the rich background of Tiandu's Yu family and left in a hurry, fearing that he would not be able to avoid him.

"He...who is he?"

Zhu Qinghuan opened his mouth wide and turned around numbly, looking at Lin Mingcong and Wang Xiyan.

Lin Mingcong was sweating profusely and his face was pale. Wang Xiyan's damaged face was almost twisted with fright. That white-robed monk couldn't even offend Young Master Lou Xuanyin, let alone them. Lin Mingcong and the other four had just fully realized at this time that they seemed to have created a huge trap.


The wine cup in Yu Ruchen's hand was shattered, and his face turned red. He suddenly stood up and shouted: "My Yu family, Yu Ruchen! In the opposite box! If you have the courage, then walk out of the box and fight fair with me." Fight! Stop being the villain!"

The sound echoed, and the entire six-story Taoist palace, with nearly a hundred private rooms, all fell silent.

Countless auras and Taoist thoughts were directed towards Yu Ruchen. Among them were the masters of forces and powerful casual cultivators. Everyone was full of interest.

Yu Ruchen has only been on the Heavenly Ranking for a short period of time and has no outstanding achievements. However, the Yu family has publicized that Yu Ruchen's talent is even greater than that of Yu Xingchen. This alone is enough to make people curious.


Yu Ruchen's fighting spirit exploded, and a strong imperial aura rose up, and a great emperor's halo of light gathered above his head. In the halo, sat the image of an emperor, and his aura had already reached the level of the sub-emperor!


There was an instant sensation in the Tao Palace, and the monks in the box were talking about it. In terms of cultivation alone, Yu Ruchen was no longer inferior to Yu Xingchen a few months ago, and the level of the Tiandu Yu Family Taoism he practiced seemed to be even higher. Above the jade stars, it is enough to see how much the Yu family expects of him.

Such a person is worthy of being a genius on the heavenly list. Given time, his ranking may still be above Jade Star!

"Mr. Luo tested Mr. Yu, and Mr. Yu finally couldn't sit still. Is Mr. Luo satisfied?"

In the box where Luo Chuan was sitting, Hall Master Xia tilted his slender thighs and looked at Luo Chuan playfully: "His talent is indeed as legendary as that of Jade Stardust."

"I didn't test him. This person's character is not as good as Yu Xingchen's. Even without today's disaster, it would be difficult for him to go further." Luo Chuan said lightly. Seeing Hall Master Xia's face look deep in thought, he smiled slightly: "Hall Master Xia Come to me, but you want to talk to me about Yingxian City? Put that aside, I have two important news, I wonder if Hall Master Xia is interested."

"Oh? What's the news? Let's hear it." Hall Master Xia asked curiously.

Luo Chuan looked at Luo Fu, who understood and smiled slightly: "These two pieces of news are of great importance, enough to affect the structure of Junyue City and even the entire Tianxing Holy Sect realm, so Luo Chuan wants to take these two pieces of news with Hall Master Xia Two promises in exchange.”

Hall Master Xia glanced at Luo Fu cautiously. Although the other person's cultivation level was not high, she had an indescribable intuition that this woman was, to some extent, more dangerous than Luo Chuan.

"What promise?"

"It's not a big deal. First, at today's treasure appraisal meeting, all the treasures that Luo Chuan likes will be sold to us at the lowest price, which is the original price. Second, Luo's Trading Company wants to cooperate with Tianbaotang. It is said that your There are also different levels of cooperation, and Luo’s Trading Company wants to become Tianbaotang’s top partner.”

"This..." Hall Master Xia smiled bitterly: "I am only the branch hall master, and the main hall has the final say on these things."

"Hall Master Xia, please don't be modest. I heard that the wife of the chief hall master is also named Xia." Luo Fu smiled sweetly: "Hall Master Xia, don't you want to know what those two pieces of information are?"

"Of course I do." Hall Master Xia's eyes flashed and he smiled leisurely.

"The first piece of news I can give you for free...the demonic monks will attack your Tianbao Hall at night." Luo Fu said calmly.

"This is impossible!" Hall Master Xia was shocked, and the masters of Tianbao Hall behind her also expressed emotion.

"As for the second news, it is more important than the first." Luo Fu said: "If Hall Master Xia doesn't believe it, don't ignore it. Just treat it as if he didn't say anything."

Hall Master Xia had a complicated look on his face. He glanced at Luo Chuan who looked like it had nothing to do with him. He pondered for a moment and said, "If these two pieces of news are true, then the first promise will be made by me. As for the second one, I need to ask the main hall for instructions, and I’ll do my best. I wonder what the second news is?”

"Yu Ruchen will be killed in Tianbao Hall tonight." Luo Chuan stood up and said.

Everyone in Tianbao Hall changed their minds and looked at Luo Chuan with strong hostility in their eyes. (To be continued...)

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