Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1041: Killing Three Birds with One Stone

"Do you want to terminate the master-slave relationship?"

Luo Chuan looked at the Holy Ape and asked. %

The Holy Ape shook his head and chuckled: "When I was still in the womb, I made a pact with you and became a master and slave. Over the years, the power of fate has already made the pact between you and me as solid as a rock and as stable as the covenant of heaven. . Forcibly dispelling it will only hurt both sides, unless one day my cultivation level exceeds yours by two or three realms."

"This is not easy to handle. I have been infected by the evil energy of the moon, and my Taoism has declined. As long as you wait for ten days and a half, your cultivation will naturally surpass mine by two or three realms. By then, you and I will be freed from the master-subordinate status. Relationships are easy," Luo Chuan said with a smile.

"Stone, you wouldn't really do this!"

The little tortoise stared at the Holy Ape with wide eyes and some disbelief.

"Luo Chuan, please stop irritating me with these words." The Holy Ape raised his head: "If I really do this, by then, you will be backlashed by the power of fate. Not to mention your cultivation, even your life will be lost. Keep it... Even if I want to do this, the little bastards will not agree. "

"Tch, you can't bear to hurt Luo Chuan." The little bastard sneered.

The holy ape looked slightly unnatural, turned his head and said nothing.

Not counting the silly phoenix, among the four little ones, the Holy Ape has the least communication with Luo Chuan, but it is no less dependent on Luo Chuan than the little tortoise and the little spider. However, it is a preacher of the innate lineage. , the glory and pride flowing in its blood distinguish it from the other three little ones.

"Stone, what are your conditions?"

Luo Chuan asked, Shitou's reaction made him feel much better. Was attacked by the Demonic Palace Master. The emperor of the Yu family is chasing him. If even the holy ape wants to terminate his relationship with him at this time, it will feel a bit like betrayal and separation.


Sheng Yuan glanced at Luo Chuan and whispered in a coy voice: "I will not terminate the relationship with you, and I will tell you what I know. But I just hope that I can leave for a while to do what I really want to do." thing."

Later, the Holy Ape's voice gradually became louder: "You think that by keeping me by your side, you are protecting me. In fact, you are wrong. We are of the same innate lineage. We also need practice and tempering. Only by practicing away from everything can we be able to We are truly strong to resist future disasters.”

Luo Chuan was silent, he didn't want to keep the stone by his side. Just as the stone himself said. Once the news of the birth of the Holy Ape spreads. The entire Nine Heavens Realm and even the sages will take action to capture it. Luo Chuan left the stone with him just to protect it.

The Holy Ape looked at Luo Chuan. Smiled: "Although the Yueyin evil spirit in you is overbearing, it is a real opportunity for you. You got the "Beidou Death and Death Technique" from Qin Jiatian. On the way to Hunhai, You also tried to practice, but because the natal energy of the six stars in your body is too strong, you can no longer practice the techniques of Beidou Domain."

"That's right. I'm afraid the big-breasted good intentions will be let down."

Luo Chuan said lightly. Over the past few days, he has repeatedly tried to practice the "Beidou Death and Death Technique", but he has never been able to get started and had to give up.

"But with this Yueyin evil spirit, it's different." The holy ape said.

Luo Chuan had no interface and waited for the Holy Ape to continue.

"The moon is the lunar yin in the star, opposite to the sun. When the sun dominates life, the lunar yin governs death, and when the sun lords death, the lunar yin governs life. The two are in conflict with each other, but they are constantly rotating, similar to the Beidou in the sky. Wonderful.”

Hearing this, Luo Chuan's heart moved and he vaguely captured something.

"You are right, you can use this moon-yin evil energy to introduce the Beidou Death Evil, and then practice the "Beidou Death Evil Death Technique"." The Holy Ape said: "It's just that by then, there will be two kinds of evil spirits in your body. Different cultivation systems, one comes from the Tiannan Territory and focuses on vitality, and the other comes from the Beidou Territory and focuses on death. Once practiced, the two cultivation systems may conflict, and you can..."

"I can transfer Beidou Territory Master's dead cultivation system into the body of True Lord Tian Snake." Luo Chuan's eyes lit up and he continued to speak: "True Lord Sky Snake was killed by the Heavenly Star Saint Sect's ancestral level magic circle. How could it be so easy to recover from the damage caused by the counter-shock force? It would be better to use the "Beidou Death and Death Technique" to re-refine the technique of the Beidou Realm, which happened to be the same as that of the Heavenly Snake. The artistic conception of Zhenjun is consistent.”

"That's right. In this way, you can not only eliminate the hidden danger of Taiyin's evil energy, but also practice the "Beidou Death and Death Technique". By integrating the two paths of Heaven and South and Beidou, you can also make True Monarch Tian She take a further step. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone." The holy ape said: "Practice a way and make Taoist wealth. If you want to achieve it overnight, you'd better find a treasure land of evil spirits. From here to the west, under a floating island three thousand miles away, there is a deep abyss cemetery, where is the ancient The place where the ferocious beasts of Shihai Clan are fighting is very strong, so you might as well go there to practice.”

Luo Chuan looked at the confident and eloquent Holy Ape, and was filled with emotions.

The biggest role of stones in the past was to use the power of fate to conceal the secrets of heaven. But now, its other great ability has finally been revealed, which is the ability to predict the future. These two abilities are just one of its many potential abilities. No wonder Lord Jiulong tried his best to get the Holy Ape at all costs.

As a preacher of the innate lineage, the Holy Ape may really have the means to deal with the sages.

"Shitou, you know that I came to Hunhai for that square cave. Do you know where it is?" Luo Chuan asked.

The holy ape closed his eyes, opened them quickly, nodded, and shook his head: "Dongtian Paradise is not in this sea area, it is hidden in the abyss of the chaotic sea. Dongtian Paradise has its own destiny to protect and protect it. If I continue It may be possible to calculate an extra three hundred years of life, but there is nothing you can do now... Luo Chuan, don't you have it, that pig? "

"By the way, I almost forgot about the White Bone Demon Pig." Luo Chuan slapped his head. As he and the people around him became more and more advanced, the White Bone Demon Pig in the Return to the Void Realm was gradually forgotten by him.

Regardless of his cultivation level, the Demonic Bone Pig's ability to find ancient objects is top-notch. Even the Holy Ape admires the Demonic Bone Pig so much, so maybe he really should give it a try.

Luo Chuan thought to himself.

"Shitou, you looked like a dog-headed strategist just now!" The little bastard looked at the Holy Ape in surprise, his eyes widened, as if he was meeting Shitou for the first time: "No, no, it's Luo Chuan's. Monkey head strategist!"

Shitou didn't speak. He looked up at the sky in the distance of Hunhai, his eyes were very light.

"Stone, are you really determined to leave me? Although I am no match for the sages, not even the ancestors and emperors. But as long as I am here, I will not let you be discovered by the sages."

Luo Chuan's voice sounded from behind.

Shitou smiled and pointed to the sky: "Luo Chuan, do you know that they have known about my existence from the first day I was born. But I am a holy ape of the innate lineage, and I have the protection of heaven. If they want to deal with me, they can only wait until the day when I steal too many secrets of heaven and earth and heaven no longer favors me. And I have to become stronger before that day, at least to catch up with the former Lord Jiulong. , time is precious to me, but I can’t get much growth by your side.”

There was a touch of bitterness at the corner of Luo Chuan's mouth, and he thought about many people for a while, such as Ziyun and Zhou Buchen. They all left him for the same reason as the Holy Ape.

"Luo Chuan, is it so difficult for you to decide?" The Holy Ape turned his head and looked at Luo Chuan.

"Hahaha..." Luo Chuan laughed suddenly and glanced at the stone that was almost as tall as him with a complex look: "I hope that next time I see you, your strength will not be lower than mine, otherwise I will not let go again." You go practice alone. Take care, Stone."

"Don't worry, next time we meet, I will fight with you, and the victory or defeat will only be within three moves."

A bright smile appeared on Shitou's face and he held out three fingers.

"Little bastard, I have something to tell you." The holy ape came to the white bat and whispered something.

"Remember. Don't take it out easily until the critical moment."

The Holy Ape patted the little tortoise on the head, looked up at the vast sky over the sea, and took a deep breath: "I'm going too!"


The golden light flashed, and the holy ape disappeared in front of Luo Chuan and the little tortoise.

"It's really gone." Luo Chuan murmured, and glanced at the little tortoise who looked lonely: "I mean, little tortoise, you're not going to do some training trials, are you?"

"Hey, it's really boring to stay around you for a long time. I also want to go out and play by myself. But who told you to be injured now?"

The little bastard rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

Luo Chuan smiled and touched the little bastard's head: "By the way, what did Shitou say to you before he left?"

"Hey, it's a secret. I can only reveal one thing. Shitou gave me a way to deal with the Tiandu Yu family. I won't use it unless it is absolutely necessary." Xiao Wangba Shen Shen said nagging.

"Then you shouldn't have to use it. With the evil energy of Yueyin and the "Beidou Death and Death Technique", my outer body will be restored soon, and even go one step further. At that time, I will solve the problem of the jade Emperor Xiao."

Luo Chuan's eyes flashed coldly, and he followed the guidance of the holy ape and flew west.

Three thousand miles to the west, Luo Chuan indeed saw a floating island.

After releasing Tianmen Dao Nian, Luo Chuan saw the floating island seabed and the abyss graveyard in Shitou's mouth. Deep in that abyss, there was a strong aura of death.

But what is different from Luo Chuan's expectation is that this floating island and the abyss under the floating island are not wasteland.

On the floating island, construction work is underway.

Teams of monks wearing iron chains, shirtless, repairing copper palaces and golden palaces on the floating island. The cultivation and conduct of these monks are all below the realm of the heavens, and the highest is only the second level of the Taoist Wheel. There is a faint sense of awe-inspiring righteousness in their aura.

And above the floating island, a group of demon monks riding black flying cranes, holding dragon whips, monitored the "prison workers" on the island.

"It seems that the demonic monks are in charge here." Luo Chuan hid his aura and floated beside the floating island.

On Luo Chuan's shoulder, the little tortoise flapped his wings and shouted: "Luo Chuan, what are you waiting for! Let's seize this floating island and occupy that cemetery, and you can monopolize the evil spirit here. , restore True Lord Tian She! All the monks on the island are no match for the Cannon Fodder Battalion!" (To be continued...)

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