Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1049: Battle with Yuxiao!

Emperor Yuxiao raised his eyebrows, looking past Wang Xiazi and towards Luo Chuan, with strong murderous intent flashing in his eyes. (

Although he wants to get Wang Xiazi, his first goal is to kill Luo Chuan. If Luo Chuan is allowed to escape again, not only will he be unable to explain to the Yu family, but his reputation will be ruined. He is the emperor directly under the Yu family, so he has not entered the top 100 emperor rankings, but in the Hunhai area, Emperor Yuxiao is still quite famous.

"We will discuss this matter later, after I have dealt with Luo Chuan first."

The corners of Emperor Yuxiao's lips raised, his arm crossed the golden glow, and the sword rose up, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire abyss.

boom! boom!

With two consecutive strikes, the huge Youyuan Yuankou was penetrated by the sword energy and split into two halves.

The brothers in the cannon fodder battalion were exhausted and scarred from the previous offensive. Facing Emperor Yuxiao's two murderous swords, the brothers in the cannon fodder battalion could no longer hold on and fell to the ground like spilled beans.

"stop it!"

Wang Hu half-supported his body, his eyes were red, and he yelled.

The sound of the sword swept across, and Wang Hu's body trembled violently. The newly healed wound on his chest burst open again, and he vomited blood. The rest of the brothers in the cannon fodder camp were also feeling uncomfortable. Some fainted, some vomited blood, and their injuries worsened. Even so, all the brothers in the cannon fodder camp who could still walk rushed to the Yuxiao Emperor, and everyone regarded death as if they were dead.

"A bunch of loyal fools."

Emperor Yuxiao sneered. The life and death of the monks in the cannon fodder camp meant nothing to him. In his eyes, the 216 brothers in the cannon fodder camp combined were not as valuable as one Wang Xiazi with unlimited potential.

The sky above the chaotic sea. The monks from the good and evil factions had different expressions. They were moved by the tenacity and loyalty of the Cannon Fodder Battalion. The monks from Canghai Academy felt respectful, while the monks from the Evil Sect secretly thought about what would happen to Luo Chuan after his death. The camp and even the alchemy master Wang Jue will become the target of competition among the major forces in Hunhai. Although the Yu family, represented by Emperor Yuxiao, has the upper hand at the moment, this place is after all a sea of ​​sects with many masters, and it is still unknown who will win in the end.

in a blink. Emperor Yuxiao has already passed by the monks in the cannon fodder camp. There are only about ten steps left from Luochuan.

The Thunder Tribulation has reached its final moment, but it is also the most critical moment. Luo Chuan's figure is looming, although it continues to materialize. But it has not reached a true solid state.

at this time. A sneer appeared on Emperor Yuxiao's face. However, a graceful figure swept through the thorns, and it was Luo Fu.

"Don't hurt him!"

Luo Fu was anxious and angry, regardless of the strength gap between the two. He stopped in front of Luo Chuan and struck out with a palm.

Such beauties are comparable to the most beautiful woman in Tiandu!

Emperor Yuxiao stared at Luo Fu greedily, his gaze was like a knife, passing over Luo Fu's delicate body, and he swallowed secretly.

Although he had the intention to give this girl to Wang Xiazi, when he came into close contact with Luo Fu, even the Yuxiao Emperor would not stop moving his fingers.

"Don't worry, beauty, I won't hurt you. That Wang Xiazi is your perfect match. I will send you to meet him now."

Emperor Yuxiao chuckled and reached out to wrap his arms around Luo Fu's slender waist. He meant to say this to Wang Xiazi, but he had already made up his mind. After killing Luo Chuan, he would not find an excuse to be alone with this woman. After a few days of savoring her, he would leave her to Wang Xiazi.


The faces of the brothers in the cannon fodder camp changed greatly, but most of them no longer had the strength to stand up at this time.

Many monks in the cannon fodder camp subconsciously looked at Wang Xiazi, and immediately became furious. They saw Wang Xiazi staring at Luo Fu infatuatedly. Although he quickly regained his composure, he was still discovered by many people, including Emperor Yuxiao.


Emperor Yuxiao laughed loudly, his laughter full of pride.

However, after a breath, Emperor Yuxiao's laughter stopped abruptly. He stretched out his hand to hug Luo Fu, but it was in vain.

what happened!

Emperor Yuxiao's eyelids twitched, and he felt deep vigilance in his heart. Without thinking, he clenched his hands into palms and clapped them forward.


The fists and palms struck each other, Emperor Yuxiao's body swayed, and the man opposite him took seven steps back.

Above and below the chaotic sea, inside and outside the abyss, every monk looked at the scene in the abyss in disbelief.

Opposite Emperor Jade Xiao, there stood a monk wearing a white robe and holding a beautiful woman in his hand.

The beauty is Luo Fu, and the white-robed monk is Luo Chuan, who has just survived the thunder tribulation.

"Isn't Luo Chuan only at the first level of the heavens?"

"Yes, he has just overcome the tribulation of the heavens... When will the first level of the heavens be able to resist the emperor?"

"Perhaps it was due to the addition of heaven and earth energy during the breakthrough. The power at this moment far exceeded the first level of the heavens, but it could only last for a moment. Besides, Emperor Yuxiao obviously didn't use all his strength when he wanted to capture the beauty."

The good and evil monks above the chaotic sea were talking a lot, looking at Luo Chuan who had resisted Emperor Yuxiao's attack and remained unharmed, looking for a reasonable explanation.

Different from the Hunhai monks, the Cannon Fodder Battalion monks, Seventeen Dao soldiers and others had a fiery light in their eyes. They looked at Luo Chuan, who had just passed through the thunder tribulation of the heavens and was in high spirits, and suddenly they had a backbone.

"First level of the heavens...the boss has broken through the heavens so quickly. In less than three years, the boss will leave us far behind."

Wang Hu murmured in a low voice, his eyes changing complexly, full of emotion and expectation: "Boss's First Order of the Heavens is extraordinary."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Chuan put down Luo Fu, looked at Emperor Yuxiao expressionlessly, and swayed towards him.

There was an uproar!

No one from the righteous and evil sects in Hunhai had ever thought that it was not Emperor Yuxiao who attacked Luo Chuan, but Luo Chuan who took the initiative to attack.

"Boy! You really don't know how to live or die!"

Emperor Yuxiao's face was ashen, and he was furious.

Since the first time he met Luo Chuan more than ten days ago, Luo Chuan had been constantly causing trouble for him.

Crossing the sea to hunt him down, Emperor Yuxiao frequently sent assassins, but he never succeeded in killing Luo Chuan. Instead, Luo Chuan escaped in public, losing face. Now, Emperor Yuxiao finally found Luo Chuan, and thought he could easily kill Luo Chuan and wipe out the shame of the past, but he didn't expect that Luo Chuan could take his palm.

Although it was just a casual palm without any skills, it was a palm from the emperor after all, and it was shot at such a close distance. Even a second-level emperor could kill two or three. But Luo Chuan actually blocked it.

This kid is really scary, a monster! A few days ago, the family got the news that Luo Chuan fought with the legendary monster-level genius but failed to lose, but the opponent disappeared... Could this boy also be a monster-level genius?

At this moment, several thoughts flashed through the mind of Emperor Yuxiao. Although he thought a lot, this punch of his subordinate was extremely simple. But the simple punch, the morality in it is not simple, on the contrary. There are tens of thousands of changes hidden in this punch of Emperor Yuxiao, and every change is enough to make a master of the heavens or even a second-level emperor think for three days and three nights. This is the Jade Emperor Fist that the Yu family does not pass on, and it is a method that only the emperor masters of the family are qualified to practice.


Emperor Yuxiao did not move at all, and Luo Chuan retreated backwards, no more, no less, just seven steps.

"What's going on... What happened... He defended again?"

Emperor Yuxiao's eyebrows trembled slightly, looking at Luo Chuan, trying to make his expression look calm, but in fact, the shock in Emperor Yuxiao's heart far exceeded those good and evil cultivators whose surprise was overflowing in words above the sea.

Before Emperor Yuxiao could come to his senses, Luo Chuan stood on tiptoe, still expressionless, and punched Emperor Yuxiao. Compared with the previous punch, Luo Chuan's punch seemed different.

"I don't believe in evil!"

Two lines of golden talismans appeared in Emperor Yuxiao's eyes, and the talismans splashed like water, and turned into a circle of light wheels in an instant, covering Emperor Yuxiao.


The golden talisman light wheel spun rapidly, and the emperor's aura surged out of Emperor Yuxiao's body. Although it was not as pure as Yu Xingchen and Yu Ruchen, the two prominent figures of the Yu family, but the depth was thousands of times more than the two Yu Gongzi.

"Emperor Purgatory, all animals are destroyed!"

Emperor Yuxiao shouted in a low voice, pinched the seal with his hands, and controlled two golden talisman light wheels like giant rainbows, one on the left and one on the right, crushing towards Luo Chuan.

The two light wheels shuttled through the abyss, just like the sun and the moon shining together. Between the sun and the moon, a ghost road covered with golden talismans appeared. Above the ghost road, a great emperor floated!

The Tiandu Yu family practiced the way of the emperor. The move of Emperor Yuxiao showed the exquisiteness and magic of the way of the emperor to the fullest.

Luo Chuan's body and fist were combined, like a beam of light arrow shooting out, piercing the image of the emperor above the ghost road.


The golden talisman light wheel and the image of the emperor shrank and crushed Luo Chuan. Luo Chuan punched out and retracted, and was repelled again, another seven steps.

Emperor Yuxiao took a deep breath and attacked again, but no matter how exquisite the magic moves he used, Luo Chuan only threw one punch, and the power in the punch was stronger and stronger. After each punch, he would uncontrollably retreat seven steps.

The first two or three times, the onlookers of the good and evil cultivators were all shocked, but after nearly ten fights, the cultivators were already a little numb.

The Cannon Fodder Camp had also staged this scene not long ago, but even with the combined strength of 216 Cannon Fodder Camp brothers, they could only hold out for less than ten moves under the hands of Emperor Yuxiao, and everyone was exhausted and seriously injured.

Although Luo Chuan was repelled, each time he took seven steps, but unlike the Cannon Fodder Camp, Luo Chuan was still not injured at this time. This alone was enough to make today's battle a legend.


Another move!

Luo Chuan retreated seven steps in a row, took a long breath, and stabilized the vortex seed in his chest.

Although Luo Chuan's first level of the world far exceeded that of the cultivators of the same level, and even did not lose to many emperors, there was still a big gap compared to Emperor Yuxiao.

The reason why he could withstand so many attacks from Emperor Yuxiao was entirely because of this vortex seed.

The vortex seed was formed after Luo Chuan used the Tao Fire to smelt the Beidou Gongfa system. Luo Chuan originally wanted to use this vortex seed to expand the world of Taoism in his body. But it was not until Luo Chuan broke through the first level of the heavens and obtained the world of morality that he realized that detonating this vortex seed was not as simple as he had imagined. (To be continued...)

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