Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1096: Never retreat!

Another moment, Luo Chuan has jumped onto the first twenty steps. {3w.

Looking at the figure passing by like a gust of wind, the disciples of the Holy Dao Academy looked gloomy and inexplicably in mood.

"There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. But the path that each of us pursues belongs only to ourselves. We should not compare with outsiders, but only with ourselves. This is the true meaning and essence of seeking the Tao."

The voice of the eldest brother Xi Guang came, and the disciples of the Holy Dao Academy clenched their fists slightly. Some disciples showed a look of enlightenment, and some disciples struggled hard, still unable to get rid of the shadow in their hearts.

This shadow did not exist for a long time, but it was like a spell, imprisoning their state of mind. Over the years, it has become a knot in their hearts that they have never been able to open.

They are all the most outstanding disciples of Guangtian Pusheng, the elite among the elites, the genius among the geniuses, and naturally do not look down on the disciples of Guangtian Pusheng's other Taoist academies. These emotions were originally normal until one day, they suddenly broke out.

At that time, Guangtian Pusheng was robbed, the demon palace attacked, and the ten thousand years of pure land was about to be destroyed. After all, the disciples of the Holy Dao Academy were born in Guangtian Pusheng. They were anxious and rushed back to rescue, but they were suddenly told that Guangtian Pusheng was saved.

The one who turned the tide was a young monk who was much younger than them. He not only saved Guangtian Pusheng, but also created many magical records in Guangtian Pusheng that even they could not reach, such as the Ten Thousand Demon Prisoner Heaven Palace and the half of the Time Sutra. What the disciples of the Holy Dao Academy could not accept the most was that since then, Guangtian Pusheng's attitude towards them began to change. He was originally a favored child of heaven. But he was shrouded in the halo of another person. What's more annoying is that they can't find out the identity of that person. If they want to challenge and verify, they have no way to start. A voice echoed faintly in their ears, saying that with that person, they will never be able to regain their former glory.

Day after day, their state of mind began to become no longer pure, and the realm cultivation of many disciples began to stagnate. Emotions became more and more irritable.

"I know. You all can't forget that person. I am the same. I also want to fight with him one day and see who the legendary savior of Guangtian Pusheng is. But if I can't even pass the state of mind, how can I fight with him?"

Xi Guang looked at his fellow disciples. He sighed and said, "It took me more than half a year to realize the good intentions of the Taoist master and the ancestors. They have never given up on us, but they have hung a sword over our heads, a genius who is even better than us. The purpose is to sharpen and warn us... Maybe one day, when we really let go of the demons in our hearts, we may be able to see him. Everyone, don't you understand yet?"

After Xi Guang finished speaking, he took a deep breath. He didn't know how much effect these words would have, but he knew that for the long-proud Shengdao Academy, the appearance of that person was a blessing rather than a curse. The premise is to pass the state of mind first.

Looking up again, chasing the white shadow, Xi Guang's eyes became more determined.

Luo Chuan's figure was getting farther and farther away, and he had already reached the 30th floor. His speed did not slow down, but became faster and faster, and gradually turned into a white light.

Forty floors... Fifty floors... Sixty floors... The Heavenly Book Dao Steps were like a broad road under his feet, without any obstacles, and completed in one go. The disciples of Canghai Academy on the hill were shocked and almost speechless.

You know, even the fourth and third generation uncles and great masters, and even the second generation great masters, could not do what Luo Chuan did. After all, everyone's understanding and research of the Taoism are different. As a second generation great master, listening to another second generation great master's preaching, you also need to calmly ponder. Even if you can reach the 70th or 80th floor, it will take most of the day, and it is impossible to climb to the top in one breath.

The only one who can really do what Luo Chuan did is probably the unfathomable and elusive dean.

"He really did it."

Xie Shusheng looked at the white dot that had already penetrated into the sky, without showing any surprise. His brows furrowed deeply, and a bitter taste appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"If he had been born a hundred years earlier, he would have already shaken the giants of the Nine Heavens."

Emperor Yao Yu glanced at Xie Shusheng and pretended to be indifferent. In fact, she was also surprised in her heart, but she had been with Luo Chuan for a long time, and knew much more about Luo Chuan's potential than outsiders.

She had complicated feelings for Luo Chuan, but it was more appropriate to use Luo Chuan to suppress this hateful Xie villain at this time.

"I believe what you said. But this is not a good thing for him." Xie Shusheng smiled bitterly and said, "The higher he climbs, the worse it is. If he walks through all the ninety-nine stone stages and reaches the top, it will be terrible."

"Haha, for you, it is indeed so. This time, you nerds and hypocrites will be severely slapped in the face." Emperor Yao Yu said gloatingly.

"I'm not afraid of this. Yaoyu, do you know what Luo Chuan wants to do?" Xie Shusheng looked at Emperor Yaoyu.

Emperor Yaoyu naturally knew Luo Chuan's purpose, but how could she tell Xie Shusheng.

"A person who wants to be an enemy of the entire Canghai Academy, no matter how talented he is, has some confidence that he can get away with it. Even the former Jiulong Jun would not do it easily." Xie Shusheng smiled bitterly.

"Being an enemy of Canghai Academy..."

Emperor Yaoyu was startled, then clenched his fists suddenly, his heart was agitated, looking at the white shadow in the cloud peak, his face flushed inexplicably, and he didn't know whether it was nervousness or excitement.

Seventy floors... eighty floors...

Luo Chuan's speed of flying upwards finally slowed down.

Earlier, his soul and spirit had reached the 84th floor. This time, his physical body walked again, naturally without any obstacles, extremely relaxed, and even had the leisure to appreciate the scenery around the Heavenly Book Dao Steps along the way, but it was only limited to the first 80 floors.

Compared with the physical body and the soul and spirit, there is a difference after all. The soul and spirit are originally virtual and unrestrained, and the obstacles of the Heavenly Book Dao Steps are much smaller than those of the physical body. Now climbing again, until the 80th floor, Luo Chuan's physical body began to be oppressed and constrained.

From the 81st floor to the 84th floor, Luo Chuan could no longer fly as fast as before. He walked up step by step and finally reached the 84th floor again.

"You are back again."

"You are so young, but you have such a good practice. It's a pity that you came at the wrong time."

The masters of Canghai Academy on the 85th and 87th floors turned their heads at the same time and looked at Luo Chuan.

On the 85th floor, there is an emperor-level cultivator, and on the 87th floor, there is a second emperor-level cultivator. The difference between their cultivation levels is one major realm, but the second emperor-level cultivator is higher than the emperor-level cultivator.

"You all know?" Luo Chuan smiled and folded his hands. This action took him a lot of effort.

"How could I not know? Do you really think that the scholars in my Canghai Academy are all nerds?" The emperor-level cultivator smiled.

"But you really can't take him away. First of all, it's embarrassing. Secondly, he is the person designated by the master to stay. Before the master went into seclusion, he told us that someone might go up the mountain to take him away in the future." The second emperor-level cultivator looked at Luo Chuan deeply: "I just didn't expect that person to be the leader of the famous cannon fodder camp. The master is really a wise man. He had predicted what happened today many years ago."

"I have admired the dean for a long time. But how do you know that he said this not to let me take him away." Luo Chuan smiled.

The Emperor-level scholar raised his eyebrows: "Do you know my master?"

"I know him, but I don't know if he still remembers me." Luo Chuan said.

The two Canghai Academy masters exchanged glances, and the Emperor-level master pondered for a while and said: "Whether you know him or not, you can only leave empty-handed today. It's not only a matter of face for Canghai Academy, but also only Canghai Academy can have such a genius."

"So, you two will stop me like Master Xie?" Luo Chuan also raised his eyebrows.

"Why do we need to stop you? You can't go up the road. Your listening ends here." The Emperor-level scholar smiled faintly, and his voice was full of confidence from the heart.

"But I don't think so."

Luo Chuan looked up, his body shook, as if he had broken free from the mud, his body soared into the air, and stepped onto the 85th stone step in one step, just at the same step as the Emperor-level scholar.

With this step, Luo Chuan seemed to regain vitality, and his body shook again, as if he was carrying a huge mountain, and stepped onto the 86th floor again.

87th floor, 88th floor, 89th floor, 90th floor!


As Luo Chuan stepped onto the stone steps, he left a shallow footprint on the 90th floor of the Heavenly Book Dao Steps, which disappeared quickly like a fleeting light.

Each of these four stone steps almost exhausted Luo Chuan's strength and vitality. His clothes were soaked with sweat and his face was slightly pale, but when he turned his head, his face gradually returned to rosy, but he was quickly replenishing the lost vitality.

The masters of Canghai Academy who stayed on the 85th and 87th floors looked at Luo Chuan. No matter how profound their Taoism was and how firm their minds were, they could not hide the surprise in their eyes at this time.

"How can you be... wrong."

"You cheated!"

Not long after, both of them discovered the faint breath of heavenly fire coming from somewhere in Luo Chuan's body.

When Luo Chuan climbed, the Golden Crow Prince never stopped comprehending the Dao. He passed on his understanding of the Dao of Heavenly Fire to Luo Chuan, and Luo Chuan comprehended it with the Dao of Heavenly Gate, which could be considered as relying on external forces.

"Cheating? That was cheating with my own guidance. If it were someone else, or you, you wouldn't be able to cheat even if you wanted to." Luo Chuan looked at the two Canghai Academy masters, and his tone changed. He was no longer humble and polite, but had an unquestionable pressure.

Between Luo Chuan's eyebrows, the Heavenly Eye suddenly opened, and the sun wheel bloomed, emitting the glory of the day, like the sun of Heavenly Fire, illuminating the ninety-story stone steps!

No matter how long the Heavenly Book Dao steps are, no matter how strong the Canghai Academy is, he has never retreated from what he wants to do since he set foot on the path of cultivation. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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