Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1114: The Book of Time is Completed, Enlightenment i

Luo Chuan stayed in the long river of time and did not fall immediately.

He still had one thing to do. His original purpose of going to the long river of time was to complete the remaining writings of "Time Classic". The long river of time, millions of years, Luo Chuan passed by in a blink of an eye, but the benefits he gained were beyond his imagination.

At this time, he was finally sure to complete the last half page of "Time Classic".

However, the content of this last half page was a top secret that could not be announced to everyone, so Luo Chuan did not leave the long river of time.

Wow... Wow...

In the long river, white waves rolled and gathered around Luo Chuan, and the waves danced, as if waiting for something.

"Do you also want to complete the final rectification of your name?"

Luo Chuan smiled, and in his left hand, the scroll flew, and soon he came to the ninth page. Half of the ninth page was filled with scriptures, and the other half was still blank.

Putting down the ink pen, Luo Chuan's mind surged with a vast morality, two black lights flashed in his eyes, his hands were like strokes, his fingertips touched the white page, and he painted downwards!

The final meaning of "Time" can no longer be described in words, because words alone cannot describe such a complex morality, which is why Luo Chuan has never been able to write before. If he had to describe it in words, he could do it, but he didn't know when he would have to wait. And the most perfect interpretation of the last paragraph of morality is the innate mysterious pattern!


The fingertips and the pages of the scripture touched and rubbed against each other, and it actually made a thunderous roar. A palm-long mysterious pattern, every stroke. It would consume a lot of Luo Chuan's vitality!

It was also thanks to Luo Chuan's breakthrough of Tianmen Second Emperor in the long river of time and mastering the mysterious god of time, otherwise he would not be able to depict this time mysterious pattern.

Luo Chuan worked hard, and when his right hand left the scripture, a mysterious pattern that undulated like a long river was perfectly presented on the scripture.


At this moment, a ray of skylight surged from the "Time Scripture", and something incredible happened. The pages rolled, and the scripture words flew out of the scripture and flew into the long river of time. The scripture became snow-white again. As if no words had ever been written, in the end, only the last mysterious pattern on the ninth page was firmly imprinted on the blank scroll.

The brilliant light bloomed, and a long whistle came from the mysterious pattern of time. The whistle was long and melodious. It seemed as far away as the long river of time. There was a hint of confusing artistic conception, as if it would never be possible to catch where this whistle would eventually fall.

At this time, the eight and a half pages of scripture characters that seemed to be integrated into the long river of time began to move. They broke free, but seemed to be full of infinite charm, attracting the long river of time to fly towards the Book of Time.

The long river of time that spanned the sky and seemed to submerge Canghai Academy and even the entire mixed sea finally stopped its spreading trend, retracted inward and gathered, like a waterfall falling from the sky, pouring into the "Book of Time".

"Oh my god, Luo Chuan really did it!"

"Hahaha, we're saved now!"

"Defeat the Demon Sect Palace, kill the Demon Sect monks in Hunhai... From now on, my righteous path will completely reverse the situation in Hunhai."

"It's all thanks to Luo Chuan. I'm convinced."

The faces of the Hunhai monks were full of ecstasy, and the disciples of Canghai Academy also looked at the white robe covered by white waves and water mist in admiration. No one saw how Luo Chuan completed the last "Time Sutra", but all this is no longer important. What's important is that Luo Chuan's writing of the sutra today not only saved Canghai Academy, but also indirectly overturned the situation in Hunhai.

In the water mist, Luo Chuan sighed lightly.

Everything was settled, and he didn't have too much joy. Cultivation follows one's heart. After a long time, everything becomes natural, and success, failure, honor and disgrace can hardly really affect emotions.

The emperors of the Great Freedom Kingdom and the people of Guangtian Pusheng in the distance also began to fly here. Luo Chuan knew that if they met, they would not be able to leave for a while, but Luo Chuan just wanted to find a quiet place to walk by himself. At this point in the matter of Canghai Academy, he felt a little tired in his heart.

"Wang Hu, you take Xue Wang away first. Contact me again in two days."

Luo Chuan transmitted the voice, glanced at the half of the "Time Sutra" floating in the air that was attracting the long river of time, and turned around to leave without paying attention.

"You are leaving without saying hello?"

At this moment, Luo Chuan heard a cold and indifferent voice without sadness or joy.

After stopping, Luo Chuan turned his head and looked into the depths of Canghai Academy, and bowed: "Senior..."

"It's been a long time since we last met. Luo Chuan, you feel tired, why don't you come and sit here with me."

"I also want to thank you in person."

Luo Chuan smiled, turned into a divine aura, broke away from the long river of time, and flew into the depths of Canghai Academy.

In the depths of Canghai Academy, in a stone platform and water curtain cave, a white-robed scholar sat cross-legged on a three-yuan green square stone. Above his head was the realm of light and darkness, and under him was the seal of water, fire, wind and thunder.

Seeing Luo Chuan walk in, the scholar opened his eyes and looked at Luo Chuan carefully. After a while, he said lightly: "So, you look like this."

"What do you think I look like, senior?" Luo Chuan sat cross-legged opposite the scholar and also looked at the scholar.

The scholar's appearance was not outstanding. Except for two sharp eyebrows like a knife, there was nothing impressive.

But Luo Chuan had a feeling that the scholar in front of him should look like this.

"As the saying goes, appearance is determined by the heart. You are not domineering enough, handsome enough, or cruel enough." The scholar sighed.

"So you are a little disappointed?" Luo Chuan asked. For some reason, he felt a little disappointed.

To this day, it is difficult for anyone or anything to affect Luo Chuan's mood. But the scholar in front of him is no other than the one who was in the Hongshan Swamp in the Tiannan Region when Luo Chuan was lost in thought and encountered a thunderstorm. If it weren't for the three of them who came to his rescue, Luo Chuan would never be where he is today. Luo Chuan is grateful and respectful to the scholar. These feelings have existed for a long time, and they have not been lost during his practice, but have become stronger.

Therefore, the scholar's words disappointed Luo Chuan a little.

"No, you're wrong. I'm satisfied. Domineering people tend to be stubborn, handsome people tend to feel good about themselves, and ruthless people are even more difficult to live for long. Although you are not domineering, nor complacent, let alone ruthless. But you can be tough and domineering at any time, full of confidence, ruthless and decisive. Only with such a state of mind can you go all the way on the path of cultivation. Until the end"

After the scholar finished speaking, he looked at Luo Chuan who was slightly surprised and laughed: "People who practice cultivation have only one temperament and state of mind at the beginning. No matter what kind of temperament and state of mind, they have their own advantages, which can make practitioners far surpass their peers on the road to the Tao. But at a certain height, relying on only one state of mind can no longer support it. Just like, every sub-emperor, emperor or even Xuanjun level cultivator, they all have several unique skills. There are very few strong people who can reach the end with only one move, unless he can practice this move to the extreme of the extreme."

"State of mind and temperament..." Luo Chuan murmured in a low voice, thinking and realizing.

"That's right. You wrote the "Time Classic" and saved Canghai Academy, which was in accordance with your heart. But your heart has many kinds of intentions. Whatever you think in your heart is your intention at this moment. People like you and me, if we follow our hearts, we will never fail." The scholar said with a smile. When he finished speaking, his demeanor gradually changed, and he was domineering, which made Luo Chuan secretly shocked.

"According to what you said, what the demons did was also in accordance with their hearts." Luo Chuan said.

"Yes and no, it can't be generalized. In my mind, there are only two types of cultivators, one is in accordance with their hearts, and the other is against their hearts. As for the distinction between good and evil, it has disappeared many years ago." The scholar smiled and said: "You have many temperaments and many states of mind. For these, you don't need to be paranoid, forbearing, or hiding. Only when you really face them can you become a real strong man. Of course, in terms of strength, you are already one."

How could Luo Chuan not know that everything the scholar said from beginning to end was to guide him.

He had never gone against his own will, and he was very tolerant of others' temperament, but he didn't know the true meaning of it. It was not until today's conversation with the scholar that Luo Chuan suddenly realized it.

Looking at the scholar, Luo Chuan felt a little grateful.

The next moment, Luo Chuan's demeanor changed. A hazy mist enveloped his body. In the aura he exuded, he remained motionless, but his figure and appearance changed. He had a domineering face, a strong back and a majestic figure. The next moment, Luo Chuan changed again, and his face became extremely handsome, not inferior to Ning Tianxing, Nanli and other handsome men. A moment later, Luo Chuan's figure shrank, his face was full of sinister, and he turned into a cruel and ruthless person... His heart moved at will and followed his heart. Luo Chuan constantly changed into people with various temperaments, but no matter how he changed, he was still Luo Chuan.

The scholar looked at Luo Chuan, his eyes released brilliance, and he nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied.

At this moment, Luo Chuan's figure flashed, and he turned into a white-robed scholar, with brows like blades, staring coldly at the white-robed scholar opposite him who looked exactly like him.

"The way of transformation? Luo Chuan, your opportunity is really enviable."

The scholar finally laughed, and the laughter spread far and wide, until it reached the outside of Canghai Academy.

"Thanks to the guidance of the senior, this way of transformation has really entered the threshold."

Luo Chuan changed back to his original form and said with a smile.

Until this moment, he finally felt a sense of relief from all his worries and fatigue, his mind was open, his temperament moved as he wished, and he felt indescribably comfortable.

He had a Tiangang Disha grass in his body, but the way of transformation was the most profound way between heaven and earth. Although Luo Chuan could transform into bees, insects, fish and birds, they were all incomplete, not to mention the transformation into a higher creature.

After being enlightened by the scholar today, Luo Chuan finally understood it completely, and his temperament was free and easy, his mind was open, and he could even transform into a strong man like the scholar, of course, what he transformed into was only his appearance.

"After all this talk, I still don't know your name, senior. How do you address me?"

Luo Chuan bowed his hands, with a hint of respect in his tone.

As for the scholar's identity and origin, Luo Chuan had guessed in his mind. Among the old rivals of the Nine Dragon King, there was a scholar, but he didn't look like the scholar in front of him.

It is rare for the Nine Dragon King to admit that he is an opponent. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!


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