Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1149: The Black Pot

Entering the back garden, Yuan Xiao's ominous premonition has reached its peak. `


Yuan Xiao saw Fatian Daojun standing in the shade of a tree not far away, talking to someone behind the tree.

After calling out three times, Fatian Daojun did not respond. Yuan Xiao frowned and walked forward.

"Fatian, what are you doing?"

The next moment, Yuan Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and a deep shock flashed in his eyes.

He took a step forward, but failed to land. His right foot seemed to step into an endless abyss, and his body fell with it, falling, but it seemed that he would never reach the bottom.


Yuan Xiao thought to himself that it was not good. How could he not know that he had fallen into a trap set for him by others. The perception and insight of Tianmen monks is far superior to that of ordinary monks. For example, Yuan Xiao, a top Tianmen monk in the realm of heaven, his insight is even better than that of the emperor.

But even so, he was still tricked by others. For a moment, Yuan Xiao's heartstrings tightened. He wanted to shout to remind Fatian Daojun, but found that he could not say anything. His throat seemed to be blocked by a big stone, pressing on his chest and heart.

Not far away, Fatian Daojun's voice began to become excited. He and the man hiding behind the shade of the tree started to quarrel. The quarrel between the two became more and more intense, and the sound spread from the back garden to the front hall.

"What do you mean! So you came back secretly to meet your allies..."

"Okay, you met your allies without telling me, why, are you afraid that I will leak it out? Haha, or are you worried that I will tell Luo Chuan?"

"Fatian, Fatian, I've been so good to you, but you treat me like this. You never really believed me from beginning to end. In this case, hahahaha... From today on, we will break up!"

"...Why, are you worried that I will tell others? Let the whole Molou know about us? Humph, it turns out that you have been on guard against me from beginning to end! Fatian, Fatian, you are really ungrateful!"

At first, Yuan Xiao listened to the voice that was cursing Fatian Daojun. He was still sneering in his heart. He didn't expect that Fatian Daojun actually liked men's homosexuality, but why did he have to raise a wife and children in the Great Freedom Country? Or maybe it was because his temperament changed drastically after his wife and children died?

No, I have been with him all these days, and I haven't seen anything wrong with him.

But gradually, Yuan Xiao's face changed, his forehead twitched slightly, and he felt a strong chill and nausea in his heart, as well as a trace of panic...hiding behind the shade of the tree. The voice that cursed Fatian Daojun was actually his!

This...what's going on...

Yuan Xiao's face was pale. He was trapped in the abyss that was constantly falling, but he could hear another self cursing Fatian Daojun, and a strong smell of conspiracy came to his face.

"Fatian, in this case, I, Yuan Xiao, and you are irreconcilable!"

A loud shout sounded.

Yuan Xiao was stunned, and Fatian Daojun under the shade of the tree seemed to be stunned as well. Then he slowly turned around.

Yuan Xiao finally saw Fatian Daojun clearly...It was a pale face, almost as white as paper. There was no blood color at all, the eyes were blue, and the eyes were full of death.


Yuan Xiao was stunned. He didn't need to use Tianmen Dao Nian at all. He could see at a glance. Fatian Daojun was already a dead man at this time. But Fatian was still talking, talking to someone with his own voice... A trap! This is a trap for himself!

At this time, Yuan Xiao saw the man who walked out from behind the shade of the tree.


Yuan Xiao's head buzzed violently, and he looked at the man in disbelief.

It was a lonely and arrogant man with a zither on his back. Yuan Xiao had seen it countless times in the bronze mirror. He had also seen it countless times through Tianmen Dao Nian - it was himself.


Yuan Xiao roared in his heart, and as far as his eyes could see, the fake him suddenly took a step forward, pinched the seal with his hands, released the power of the mysterious god, controlled the Tianmen killing formation in the courtyard, and attacked Fatian Daojun.

Conspiracy! Conspiracy! This is a conspiracy against him! Fatian Daojun is already dead, but that man wants to kill Fatian Daojun again. He wants to... frame him!


"Wait a minute, gentlemen, let's talk it over."

"Mr. Yuan, don't be impulsive!"

Fatian Daojun's followers flew in from the front hall one after another, and they were all shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

They eavesdropped for a long time in the front hall. After hearing Yuan Xiao's mushy words, they even laughed secretly. After all, as followers of Tianmen monks, knowing such a secret about the sex of two Tianmen monks is beneficial and has no disadvantages.

At first, they thought that Fatian Daojun and Yuan Xiao would make peace after a quarrel, but gradually, they found that the situation was a little out of control. When they arrived, Yuan Xiao had already activated the Tianmen Killing Formation in the back garden.

The power of the mysterious god surged out of the Tianmen Killing Formation and poured towards Fatian Daojun.

Fatian Daojun seemed to be frightened and motionless. He raised his head and stared at the Tianmen Killing Formation that was coming towards him.

The next moment, Fatian Daojun was submerged by the Tianmen Killing Formation.

The sky and the earth spun.

In the horrified eyes of the followers, Fatian Daojun's body fell to the ground. His head was hit by an inexplicable force, like a smashed watermelon, fragmented and horrible.

The Tianmen magic formation stopped.

Yuan Xiao appeared beside Fatian Daojun at some point, covered in blood, holding half of a bloody ear in his hand.

The followers were all stunned. After a while, the leader of the followers of the Second Emperor hurriedly took out a "bronze mirror" from the storage ring, looked at Yuan Xiao with a complicated look, and then took out the bronze mirror to shine on Yuan Xiao.

The light of the mysterious pattern flashed, and Yuan Xiao stood in front of the pool of blood, holding the bloody ear of Fatian Daojun, staring at Fatian Daojun with anger on his face, and the picture was taken into the bronze mirror.

"Mr. Yuan. No matter what the reason is, in short, you killed Fatian Daojun and violated the first major prohibition of Molou... Please follow us back to Molou and wait for arbitration. Mr. Yuan, although you are also good to us on weekdays, if we know about it and don't report it, we will be punished by the sword."

For the first time, the emperor said with courage. While speaking, his wrist shook quietly, shattering the void. Send the bronze mirror into the void channel.

Suddenly, Yuan Xiao's body shook violently, and the anger on his face was restrained. He stared at Fatian Daojun at his feet.

The moment before, he was just a bystander, outside the incident. But the next moment. He became the "Yuan Xiao" who killed Fatian Daojun that he had seen before, standing in front of Fatian Daojun's body, holding Fatian Daojun's ear in his hand.


Yuan Xiao shuddered, his hand trembled, and half of his ear fell into a pool of blood.

Yuan Xiao could not hear anything with a buzzing sound in his ears.

"It's not me."

Yuan Xiao raised his head and looked at his followers, saying blankly.

The followers were still in shock, so how could they believe Yuan Xiao's words? They retreated while pinching the seal, their eyes full of vigilance.


Yuan Xiao had a hard time saying it, and he had never felt so aggrieved in his life. He killed Fatian Daojun "personally" in front of everyone, and no matter how he defended himself, it was useless, not to mention his followers, even he himself did not dare to believe it.

That person... so cruel...

Although Yuan Xiao was not well-known. But in Molou, he was known as a genius of Xuanshen that was rare in a thousand years. Under the decision-making level, Yuan Xiao was the first. In the past, whether it was trials, assessments or tasks, he always made others suffer. He had never been like today, being easily played around by the other party, without any ability to fight back. It is hard to imagine what will happen if he is blamed.

Although Mo Lou values ​​him, he violated the first prohibition of Mo Lou - it is strictly forbidden for fellow Taoists in the building to kill each other.

This prohibition cannot be forgiven by anyone.

Not to mention Yuan Xiao, even if the owner of Mo Lou violated this prohibition, he would not be able to escape punishment.

The most important thing is that there are witnesses and evidence, and he can't explain it even if he wants to.

Yes... that Huiguang mirror... No matter what, the decision-makers of Mo Lou can't see the previous scene.

Yuan Xiao's eyes fell on the hand of the emperor, and along the void channel under his hand, he saw the bronze mirror flying in the void channel.

"Today's matter will be revealed in the future."

Yuan Xiao whispered, pinching the seal with his hand, and a mysterious pattern flew from the palm of his hand, turning into a long-armed old monster, flying towards the bronze mirror in the void channel.

This bronze mirror is a Huiguang mirror, an upgraded version of the water mirror imaging. Once it falls into the hands of the Mo Lou executives, Yuan Xiao can't explain it even if he talks a lot.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

A strange force of the mysterious god silently jumped out from the side, and suddenly burst out with huge energy, knocking the long-armed old monster off balance.

A sudden change!

The follower of the Second Emperor was the first to react, looking at Yuan Xiao angrily, roaring, and dodging to the left with all his strength.

"Everyone be careful, he wants to kill us!"

Although the warning of the follower of the Second Emperor saved most of the followers, there were still three followers who were unable to react in time and were hit by the long-armed old monster. The power of the mysterious god exploded instantly, and the three followers died on the spot.

Fortunately, the void was also broken at the same time, and a wide crack appeared.

The Second Emperor looked deeply at Yuan Xiao, took the remaining followers into the void, and fled.


Yuan Xiao stood in front of the crack in the void in despair, looking at the twenty or so figures fleeing in the void, and an evil thought came into his mind that even surprised himself.

If I kill them all, there will be no evidence, and Mo Lou will not be able to do anything to me... Anyway, they don't believe me, why don't they believe me!

This thought only stayed for a moment, and was soon replaced by fear of Mo Lou.

But at this moment, a faint and melodious voice came to his ears, which seemed to be thousands of miles away, but also seemed to be close at hand.

"You want to kill them? Then why don't you do it?"

"Oh, I see, you are worried about the picture in the bronze mirror. If the bronze mirror falls into Mo Lou's hands, killing them will not help."

"But what if the bronze mirror is not passed to Mo Lou. But... in my hands?"

Yuan Xiao turned his head and saw another "Fatian Daojun", standing next to the dead Fatian Daojun, holding a bronze mirror in his palm, which was the "Huiguang Mirror". (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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