Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1190: Journey to the Sea

Dong, Dong, Dong...

A second-level Zhutian Polangying monk retreated ten steps in a row, and finally stood firm, but the blood on his face had faded away. △¢Compared with the two companions beside him, his fate was relatively good. The two companions were even worse. They were directly knocked off their magic weapons and thrown out, and they couldn't get up for a long time.

The three brothers of the Cannon Fodder Camp either laughed or just clapped their hands expressionlessly, turned around and walked away without saying a word, as if they didn't think it was a big deal to defeat three War Dao monks whose cultivation was one level higher than theirs.

"We won again... Is this Cannon Fodder Camp really unbeatable? Their cultivation is obviously only the first level of Zhutian." Pi Zhenren stood in the chaotic Polangying Camp, looking at the Cannon Fodder Camp on the opposite side, which was also scattered in a circle, but looked like a hidden formation, and shook his head.

Three days ago, there were monks in the Polangying Camp who were excited and challenged the Cannon Fodder Camp monks. But in the past three days, whether it was a single fight or a group battle, the Polangying Camp was defeated by the Cannon Fodder Camp. There are also several masters of the second or even third level of the heavens in the Breaking Waves Camp, but when three or five or even more of them join hands, they are no match for the cannon fodder camp of the same number.

"It can only mean that Luo Shouzuo is really a master. If there is no Luo Shouzuo, there will be no such a powerful cannon fodder camp in the world. Three days ago, did Brother Pi ever think that he would join a cultivator of the first level of the heavens who is less than half a century old?" A thin old man with a goatee walked behind Master Pi, his voice slightly gloomy.

The old man's surname is Yang. He joined the Breaking Waves Camp two days ago. His cultivation is only the second level of the Dao Wheel, but he won the trust of Master Pi in just two days and became his right-hand man.

"It was also a coincidence and I was confused by greed. It's funny to say that I thought I would regret it the next day, but when I saw Master Wang Jue and Taoist Kong Kong, I realized how lucky I was." Master Pi sighed.

"Yes. Brother Pi's idea is also the idea of ​​all members of the Polang Camp... The four elements of cultivation, Dharma, companions, land and wealth, Luo Shouzuo has almost all of them, especially companions and wealth. Not only does he have a master of Tianmen, but he also has a master or even a grand master level of alchemy immortal position. There are all kinds of elixirs. Take the Fire Wheel Pill that Grandmaster Wang Jue made for fun yesterday. It is a divine pill of the second grade. Brother Pi grabbed a handful and it was snatched away in less than a moment. But the uncles in the Cannon Fodder Camp didn't even look down on it. It is conceivable what level of elixirs they usually take... I heard from several uncles in the Cannon Fodder Camp that the elixir made by Taoist Kongkong is thousands of times better than that of Grandmaster Wang Jue, and they don't want any elixir except from Grandmaster Kongkong." Old Man Yang also sighed.

Both Master Pi and Old Man Yang are casual cultivators in the North Sea. They linger between Polang City and several surrounding cities all year round. In order to survive in the cracks between the major forces, they have also done a lot of shady things. Every year, many sects would come to recruit them. They were tempted, but they were unwilling to give up their freedom for such a small benefit.

But joining Luochuan's Breaking Waves Camp was different. There were not as many rules and regulations as the Beihai Sect. They only needed to abide by a few prohibitions on weekdays. At least from the current point of view, the benefits of joining Breaking Waves Camp far exceeded their efforts.

"Ten days. In ten days at most, the number of people in the Breaking Waves Camp will exceed two thousand. This is still under the premise of screening." Pi Zhenren frowned secretly and whispered: "But I always feel that in these three days, Breaking Waves City has been too peaceful, and even Beihai is so peaceful... something is wrong."

"It shouldn't be peaceful for long. Didn't the Cannon Fodder Camp say that it will take at most four days for Luo Shouzuo to build the foundation. Breaking Waves City will return to its previous state. By then, do you think the three sects of Beihai will continue to stay in the city obediently? Hehe, although the three sects of Beihai are not the opponents of Luo Shouzuo, they still have trump cards. By then. Breaking Waves Camp will face its first challenge. Whether it will be broken up or continue to grow, it all depends on four days later." Old Man Yang stroked his goatee and said lightly.

"Four days, what will happen in four days..." Pi Zhenren murmured, his eyes fell on the white robe in the distance, with expectation on his face.


"No... still can't break..."

Luo Chuan sighed lightly and opened his eyes.

In three days, Luo Chuan tried no less than thirty times, and each time ended in failure.

The two natural magic arrays guarding the blessed land, one bright and one dark, were complex in morality, powerful, and varied, as if they both possessed human wisdom. The bright array blocked Luo Chuan head-on, while the dark array kept changing its position and attacked Luo Chuan from all angles. Although Luo Chuan was prepared, he could not stand the two natural magic arrays that were too evil. After three days, there was no progress.

"I have clearly found the blessed land, which is right in front of me, but far away in the sky. This won't work. If it drags on for too long, both the three sects of the North Sea and the forces outside the North Sea will know that I am stalling for time by building my foundation with soul hunting... If I am not careful, this blessed land will be exposed."

Luo Chuan stood up and paced along the shore with his hands behind his back.

The night breeze blew his white robe and black hair. The waves came, but they intertwined with Luo Chuan, as if Luo Chuan and the sea existed in two different worlds, without interfering with each other.

For three days, Luo Chuan worked tirelessly to break the natural magic array. He used the Tianmen Dao Mind to its full potential and even used the Time Illusion River. Although he failed to break the two natural magic arrays, he saw some unprecedented Dao. It was these Dao principles that really trapped Luo Chuan, and these Dao principles reminded Luo Chuan of Canghai Academy.

"Bo Shiba is safe inside, Yao Yu is guarding outside, and with Lord Tian Snake secretly watching over us, even if the Yu family is attacked, we can at least escape safely... It's time to go to Canghai Academy."

Luo Chuan made up his mind and sent messages to Yao Yu and Bo Shiba respectively, asking them to take good care of the cannon fodder camp and the three disciples of Zhuang Zhou who were still undergoing trials in the Tao Palace.

After defeating the Yu family and "occupying" Polang City, the Polar Trial Selection Competition was not interrupted. Due to the absence of the Yu family's sub-prefecture, the Pohai Chapter, and the Huntian Sect disciples, a large number of young Beihai monks from the Return to the Void Realm got the opportunity. Enter the Dao Palace to participate in the trial. Nowadays, the number of young monks in the Dao Palace has reached nearly three thousand, and their cultivation levels are almost all above the Return to the Void Realm.

After settling everything, Luo Chuan returned to the crack in the tidal flat, sat down cross-legged, and made seals with his hands. Spiritual energy gathered from all directions and flowed into the ground along Luo Chuan's palm. To anyone, Luo Chuan looked like he was hunting spirits and building foundations just like the previous three days. Almost no one noticed that Luo Chuan's body swayed slightly, and in the blink of an eye, a small bee flew out from the bottom of "his" sleeve and disappeared on the beach in the blink of an eye.

Luo Chuan secretly cast a spell and took a piece of dead wood and transformed it into his physical body. His body transformed into a bee and flew out of Pilang City.

At this moment, a cold snort sounded in his ears.

"Luo Chuan, where are you going?"

Above the chaotic sea, Luo Chuan returned to his original form, frowned, turned his head, and saw Yuan Xiao riding a white crane.

Of course, the white crane is not a real white crane, but a white crane transformed out of thin air by Yuan Xiao using Tianmen's secret method. Its strength and speed are far superior to ordinary white cranes.

"What are you doing here?" Luo Chuan asked, his expression indifferent.

"I am your subordinate, so naturally I have to follow you." Yuan Xiao looked Luo Chuan up and down with suspicion in his eyes: "It's you, Mr. Luo, aren't you busy hunting spirits and building foundations? Why are you so anxious about something? You left Polang City alone and used this trick to make everyone think you were still in Polang City?"

Yuan Xiao's tone was very unkind. From that night until today, for three whole days, Luo Chuan didn't say another word to him. And every time he wanted to go to Luo Chuan, he was rudely stopped by the cannon fodder battalion. Luo Chuan was busy hunting spirits and building foundations, but what was the cannon fodder camp? A group of fleshly monks, just a group of thugs, did not pay attention to him, Master Tianmen, who was in the realm of heavens. This made Yuan Xiao realize that his status in the cannon fodder camp was even lower than this group of thugs.

Three days of cold treatment made Yuan Xiao very unhappy and also dissatisfied with Luo Chuan.

"Are you questioning me?" Luo Chuan glanced at Yuan Xiao and said lightly.

"You can think so. Luo Chuan, do you know how many times emperors and even monarchs have fought for scalps, vying to be my followers. And you have my help, which can be said to be a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes, but you are What kind of attitude do you have..."

As soon as Yuan Xiao found a chance to vent, he was interrupted by Luo Chuan: "If you are unhappy, you can leave. I am not forcing you to follow me."

"You..." Yuan Xiao was startled, with disbelief in his eyes as he stared at Luo Chuan.

"If you don't want to leave, go back to Polang City, find Wang Hu, and apologize to him. I think he will forgive you for your transgression." After Luo Chuan finished speaking, he flew forward.

"Trespassing?" Yuan Xiao stared at Luo Chuan, gritted his teeth, and was about to explode with anger.

This Luo Chuan was clearly just a chess piece, yet he dared to talk to him like this. Among the faces of his followers that he had ever seen in his life, Luo Chuan's face was definitely one of the most disgusting.

"You let me, but I won't leave... I want to see what tricks you are playing."

Yuan Xiao resisted the urge to use Tianmen's secret technique to kill Luo Chuan on the spot. Instead of turning back to Pilang City, he flew forward on a crane and chased him. However, in the blink of an eye, the white-robed monk in front of him disappeared.

Yuan Xiao was wondering, when suddenly, there was a sound of breaking wind behind his head.

"Since you don't want to go back, it doesn't matter. I still need a servant for this trip, so you can be the one."

Luo Chuan's voice came through the breaking wind.

Sneak attack?

Yuan Xiao sneered and stretched out his hand to pluck the strings.

In the world's inherent concept, although Tianmen monks have great supernatural powers, they will die if they get close to the body. This is because the Tianmen monks are physically weak and lack basic Taoist skills for close contact. However, for the Tianmen monks in Molou, the era of death if they get close has long passed. They have mastered the new Tianmen secret technique. The closer they get to their opponents, the more they can use the Tianmen attack method belonging to Molou... that is, Tianmen Kill. road.

"Luo Chuan, it's time to teach you a lesson. But a little chess piece of a Tianmen monk is so arrogant."

Yuan Xiao raised the corner of his mouth and hit Luo Chuan, who was very close, with a backhand streak of innate profound marks. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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