Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1192: Re-integration of the Mysterious Pattern (Part

The heavy and dull sound of forging iron echoed in the depths of the void. ●⌒

Under a Thunder Iron Flying Mountain in the west of the void, a dragon turtle that had been sleeping for an unknown period of time opened its eyes and subconsciously opened its mouth to exhale a stream of black void flames, melting half of the Thunder Iron Flying Mountain. But suddenly, deep fear and panic appeared in its eyes. Without thinking, it swung its long tail and flew eastward. However, before it flew far, a "dong dong dong" sound swept from behind, and a flash of despair flashed across its face.


The Taoist sound filled with complex moral principles in the dullness swept over the dragon turtle and the Thunder Iron Flying Mountain. The Taoist sound rushed forward, but the dragon turtle and the Thunder Iron Flying Mountain were frozen halfway. Wow, the dragon turtle and the Thunder Iron Flying Mountain turned into dry powder and fell into the void.

Yuan Xiao gritted his teeth and looked at the scene in disbelief. His proud "Devil Sun Conquering the Sky Mysterious God Road" gradually stopped after being hit again and again by the purple gourd.

The so-called Devil Sun refers to the immortal sun recorded in a classic of the Mysterious God in Mo Lou. It is said that in ancient times, there was an immortal demon sun, which was rampant for a time, and no one in the world could control it. The reason why it can wreak havoc on the world is that it is rotating forever without stopping for a moment, and once it stops rotating, it is the time for the demon sun to perish.

"Luo Chuan... It must be a coincidence, how could you know... But even the Mysterious Pattern Magical Treasure can't stop my Demon Sun, how did you do it..."

Yuan Xiao murmured, and the shock in his eyes was finally drowned by the powerless red tide. The power of the Mysterious God was exhausted at this moment, and he was finally unable to control the Mysterious Pattern Round Wheel with his vitality seriously injured.

Opposite him, Luo Chuan had not realized this yet.

Boom! Boom! Dong...Under the combined effect of the Nanhai Immortal Gourd and the Dao of Skill, the Xuanwen Round Wheel finally gradually stopped.

Yuan Xiao's secret method of killing not only amazed Luo Chuan, but also gave him endless inspiration.

In Luo Chuan's view, the most special thing about this method is not the triple killing intent at the beginning, nor the irresistible crushing force, but the fact that the six innate Xuanwen can be stably combined together and last for so long.

"Broken, reorganized and perpetual motion... this is what I overlooked! No wonder I have not been able to merge into five innate Xuanwen!"

Luo Chuan murmured in his heart.

He already has a way to deceive Dao Yun, even if he merges five innate Xuanwen, it will not be discovered by the Heavenly Dao. Or it will not be discovered by the Heavenly Dao immediately. But if you really want to complete the fusion of five completely different innate Xuanwen, it is far more difficult than merging four innate Xuanwen.

Four is the upper limit of the Heavenly Dao. Each level is divided into four levels, and when you reach the realm of the heavens, you can experience the four directions of the heavens in person. As for strength, four is the limit, and five is too much... There is no other reason, just because this is the rule set by the six beings who control the Heavenly Dao.

Fusion of four innate mysterious patterns is also the limit. And going up, fusing five innate mysterious patterns is not tolerated by the Heavenly Dao that is controlled and controlled.

But Yuan Xiao opened Luo Chuan's eyes. Although he was not able to fuse five innate mysterious patterns, he combined the six innate mysterious patterns in a wonderful way of breaking, reorganizing, and perpetual motion. Although the combination is not fusion, it can be regarded as the basis of fusion, and it also provides Luo Chuan with inspiration for fusing five innate mysterious patterns.

Luo Chuan was immersed in the deduction of fusing five innate mysterious patterns, and did not notice that Yuan Xiao on the opposite side was in a bad situation.

Tianmen monks have strange temperaments. Especially Yuan Xiao, a child of heaven, is rebellious and willful. In order to fight for his breath in front of Luo Chuan. He used the "Devil Sun Conquering the Heavenly Mysterious Divine Dao" that he could not control yet, and at this time his vitality was seriously injured and it was difficult to maintain.

By the time Luo Chuan noticed, the Xuanwen round wheel had already cracked from the inside!

Luo Chuan used the Nanhai Immortal Gourd to hit it from the outside to the inside. The two forces of the Xuanshen collided with each other, finally triggering the explosion of the six broken Xuanwen!

The moment before the big explosion. The breath of near extinction had already flowed out.

Yuan Xiao's face showed despair and unwillingness. Looking at the Xuanwen round wheel that was about to be detonated, he suddenly remembered that just a few years ago, the host had told him that the biggest weakness of Tianmen monks was not the weakness of the flesh. It was not the lack of close combat means, nor the dense life tribulation, but the temperament of Tianmen monks was often too arrogant, stubborn, self-willed, and inflexible... These are all ways to seek death.

Yuan Xiao had never taken it seriously until today when he realized it.

But it was too late to understand it now. He was in the Xuanwen round wheel. Once it exploded, and he had no time to get out, his end would be death without a burial place. In his current state, even if he managed to leave the round wheel, where could he hide? He would eventually die.

"You are a Tianmen monk, why are you playing close combat?"

Luo Chuan's sneer sounded in his ears. Before Yuan Xiao could get angry, his body was rolled up by a soft Taoist force, flew away from the black pattern round wheel, and flew away.

Yuan Xiao could no longer hold on. Before he fainted, he looked at Luo Chuan who saved him with a complicated look.

Luo Chuan rolled up Yuan Xiao and turned him into a stream of light, flying away into the void.


The black pattern round wheel exploded, and the strong airflow spread in all directions, cutting the void into thousands of void channels. These thousands of void channels collided with each other, as if the burning boiling oil spread instantly, and bursts of pulling and traction forces broke out from them, like a hurricane that lost its direction and swayed in all directions.

The mysterious circular wheel exploded at one point, but it attracted the entire void and released dozens or hundreds of times the power, which was similar to Luo Chuan's technique of "controlling the surface with a point".

Luo Chuan flew out for more than ten miles, but still couldn't escape the gravity from the broken void channel.

"Yuan Xiao, you're kidding me."

Luo Chuan smiled bitterly and put Yuan Xiao into the Wanjie Xiongling Tower. He did not resist the gravity of the void, but turned into a void meteorite and was soon sucked into a repaired void channel.


When Luo Chuan woke up, he found himself lying in a sea abyss.

The sea abyss was dark. Looking up, even with Luo Chuan's eyesight, he couldn't see the sea surface through the sea water. Obviously, this was still a mixed sea, and it was a very deep place in the mixed sea.

"One and a half days?"

Luo Chuan closed his eyes and opened them again. The Tianmen Dao thought went around in his body, and he judged his coma time by the growth of his life potential.

"It's been a long time since I've been injured so badly."

Luo Chuan smiled bitterly, looked at his broken legs, and shook his head secretly.

He saved Yuan Xiao at the last moment, which was also a pity for talent. Yuan Xiao's talent and potential in Tianmen Dao really amazed him.

If Luo Chuan had been hit by Yuan Xiao's move before, his life or death would be in danger. That move had the power to kill the emperor! When the circle of mysterious patterns exploded, the power of the explosion triggered the power of the void, which exceeded the power generated when the four innate mysterious patterns merged. It was only one level lower than the explosive power that Luo Chuan triggered in Polang City a day and a half ago.

The price of saving Yuan Xiao was that Luo Chuan himself was drawn into the void channel, and he was seriously injured and unconscious for a day and a half.


Luo Chuan exhaled, and the powerful life force rushed to his broken legs. In the blink of an eye, the bones were reborn, and the flesh and blood grew again. Luo Chuan's legs slowly grew and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not long after, Luo Chuan's legs grew again, and he shook his body slightly, making crackling sounds from head to toe, and the blood and qi flowed back into his legs and feet, nourishing his legs.

After practicing the fifth level of Dragon Body Technique, Luo Chuan's body is not only as strong as that of an ordinary emperor, but also extraordinary in spirituality. Even if Luo Chuan's organs are rotten and necrotic, as long as the heart is still there, it can still supply blood and qi, and other parts of the body can grow again. Luo Chuan has been focusing on finding the blessed land and studying the secret method of Tianmen these days, so that the progress of practicing Dragon Body Technique has slowed down. It took a lot longer than Luo Chuan expected to regenerate his legs by exhaling vitality.

"Broken, reorganized, perpetual motion... What if it is used to fuse these innate mysterious patterns of mine."

As the vitality in his body gradually recovered, Luo Chuan began to think about how to fuse the mysterious patterns.

If Luo Chuan wants to break the two magic arrays outside the blessed land, there are two ways. One is to break through the morality contained in each restriction as before, and break it layer by layer. This requires Luo Chuan to have a full understanding of those upper ways, which is also the reason why he planned to go to Canghai Academy before.

Another way is to forcibly break the magic array! All the magic arrays in the world can be broken with great force. This is the first key to breaking the array! If Luo Chuan can fuse five innate mysterious patterns, he will have the power to defeat the two natural magic arrays.

"Let's try it first."

Luo Chuan sat cross-legged at the bottom of the abyss, his eyes shining with divine light, and stretched out his hand to carve the first life and death mysterious pattern, followed by the cause and effect mysterious pattern, the original mysterious pattern, the creation mysterious pattern... After the four innate mysterious patterns were carved, Luo Chuan did not carve the fifth innate mysterious pattern, but took advantage of the fact that the four innate mysterious patterns had not yet dissipated, and directly slashed out with a mysterious force, and the four innate mysterious patterns were instantly shattered.


The broken mysterious patterns collided with each other, failed to complete the reorganization, and dissipated in a blink of an eye.

The first attempt failed, but Luo Chuan did not give up. He carved the innate mysterious patterns again and again, and then shook the mysterious patterns apart and tried to reorganize. This fusion method is fundamentally different from Luo Chuan's previous fusion method. Compared with Luo Chuan's previous method of integrating the innate mysterious patterns, the inspiration he got from Yuan Xiao, once it can be integrated, will definitely be more flexible and have various possibilities.

Three hours later, Luo Chuan didn't know how many times he tried, but none of them succeeded.

"What's going on... Could it be that Yuan Xiao's method is wrong? By the way, the way he integrated the mysterious pattern magic weapon that night was also very ordinary, and he didn't break it first and then reassemble it. There must be something missing."

Luo Chuan murmured, closed his eyes, and thought quietly.

In the depths of the mixed sea, the sea water is as heavy as a mountain and as dense as sand. There are very few fierce beasts that can survive in the real mixed sea abyss. Even Luo Chuan can only withstand the gravity of the seabed with his body that is not inferior to the emperor.

On the other side of the long and huge seabed abyss, a silver-robed female Taoist is walking out of a cave. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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