Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1211: The Fight Begins

Among the crowd, only Jiao Xingba heard this voice, and a flash of excitement and nervousness flashed across his face.

This voice was all too familiar to him. On that day when he was abroad, it was the owner of this voice who robbed him of resources worth more than 10 million that he had accumulated over the past thirty years, as well as an even more precious dragon. It was also on that day that Jiao Xingba failed in his sneak attack and was instead imprinted with a piece of blood essence into his body, controlling life and death. From then on, he, the dignified deputy cave master of Tianjiao Cave, became a puppet.

Now Tianjiao Cave is in a dilemma because of his recklessness, and it is destined to end in tragedy. Unless... the person behind him can become the ultimate winner. Only in this way can he and Tianjiaodong have a chance of survival.

However, facing the unfathomable King Maya, how can he turn defeat into victory when the master of the Empress Church has lost all his heart and his defeat is certain?

Jiao Xingba's heart was ups and downs. The previous voice transmission command flashed through his mind, and his mind couldn't help but waver.

"Oh? You're finally here... Now that you're here, the man who is the leader must be a famous and powerful person in the world. Why do you want to imitate those rats who hide their heads and show their tails?"

King Maya sneered, with a confident smile still hanging on his lips.

Between closing and opening his eyes, King Maya's gaze fell to the west not far behind the empress Rakshasa. Almost at the same time, wherever his gaze went, the void shattered, and a white-robed monk walked out of it.

At this moment, tens of thousands of eyes fell on ▲⌒, ww⌒w. The white-robed monk, with curiosity, vigilance, and anger in his eyes.

It is this person who seduced the leader of the cult to come here and have sex with each other. He is actually a sinner... The lower level demon cultivators thought angrily.

The senior officials of the Demon Palace who knew the truth of the matter were full of doubts. From beginning to end, this was King Maya's conspiracy against the leader. Where did this man with a face that couldn't be seen come from? who is he? How dare you step in when the outcome of the two top emperors is crucial?

"Your Excellency, why do you still dare not show your true face? Master, is this your vision?"

King Maya stared hard at the energy of chaos and the source of void that covered Luo Chuan's face. He shook his head slightly for a while and sneered: "I still think that I am a big deal, but I actually make our leader's heart flutter. No expense is spared." The body is pleasing to the eye."

Both Empress Rakshasa and Luochuan ignored King Maya.

"Unknown Taoist Friend is a friend of mine for many years. He is the hermit master who is the real dragon in the Nine Heavens Realm today. Originally, in today's situation, there is no need to bother Wuming Taoist with these mundane matters. Wuming Taoist is here. Help me, I really don’t know what to say,” Empress Rakshasa looked at Luo Chuan and said calmly.

Her voice was neither loud nor quiet, but just enough for everyone to hear.

Unnamed fellow Taoist... today's situation? What is the leader saying?

Everyone in the Demon Palace looked at each other. Full of doubts.

"Haha, I haven't seen my old friend for a long time. I happened to pass by the chaotic sea and came here to take a look. Since my old friend wants to make plans, I will naturally not stand idly by." Luo Chuan stepped on a drop of water and floated into the air. He turned around He looked at King Maya and said in a cold tone: "Look at this person's face. He is the first-born rebellious family slave of the third surname, and he has the appearance of a villain that is deeply hidden. Today, the leader has a game. He will seduce him and all his followers. Exposed, I am filled with admiration.”

Layout... seduction... exposure?

Tens of thousands of monks at the bottom of the Demon Palace finally understood this time. According to what the man said, what happened today was actually done intentionally by the leader, deliberately suffering unjust injustice and inducing King Maya and his men to reveal their flaws!

Many low-level monks showed clear expressions on their faces. Secretly giving a thumbs up, his attitude toward the leader changed again.

After all, Empress Rakshasa has been running the Demonic Palace for more than ten years. The prestige and almost legendary image she has established in these ten years can be destroyed easily.

Noticing the sudden change in the situation with the appearance of the man in white robe, King Maya frowned and then relaxed. He gave a long laugh: "Master leader, where did you find such a false Taoist priest who sings double act? An unknown Taoist? Hahaha, I have many friends and is well-informed, but I have never heard of such a famous person in this world. The character claims to be nameless... Master, please stop hiding it. Tens of thousands of brothers have seen the vision of the sky and the sea just when the two of you were yin and yang."

"Presumptuous! King Maya, you have fallen into the scheming plan of the leader, and you are on the verge of death! You are still so reckless! Use your pig brain to think about the vision of the union of yin and yang. It is clearly used by the leader to lure you into reality. What a brilliant plan! Even when death is imminent, it still doesn't work!" Elder Xun came out and shouted bravely.

Although she spoke forcefully, even she herself did not believe everything she said. If the leader had planned ahead, he would not have escaped with serious injuries. As one of the few true confidants of the Empress Rakshasa, she saw with her own eyes the pain and anger of the Empress Rakshasa at the moment of injury... Furthermore, that "nameless Taoist" seemed a bit mysterious, but his aura was pitifully weak. Speaking of King Maya, he is even inferior to her.

Elder Xun did not expect that his words could scare away King Maya, but they could at least restore some of the leader's image and prestige in the hearts of his followers.

At the moment, the only hope of turning defeat into victory is to delay, delaying time. When the leader returns to full strength, there is no need to fear King Maya.

"Really... When Elder Xun said this, I am really a little scared." King Maya's eyes wandered between the empress Rakshasa and Luo Chuan, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He had tried his best to suppress his anger. Although the Demonic Taoist Palace was within easy reach, what he wanted most was the red pill of Emperor Rakshasa, which was obviously obtained by this hidden white-robed Taoist.

When King Maya thought of this, he was like being eaten by ten thousand fire ants, and he was so angry that he was about to explode. He couldn't imagine how the white-robed Taoist appeared, and he couldn't imagine that the red pill he had been planning for more than ten years, which was coveted day and night, was actually handed over to someone else!

If it were a normal day, he would have exploded long ago.

The only reason he didn't kill the white-robed monk was that the other party could break the sun poison fire and the northern polar light, and he was still safe. It was this that aroused King Maya's vigilance. Without this vigilance, he would not have become the Dark Night Killing Emperor who frightened the strong men of the world more than ten years ago.

"But..." While speaking, King Maya's eyes fell on Elder Xun: "Who are you? Little Second Emperor, how dare you talk to me like this?"

Between the sky and the sea, the air stagnated, the clouds turned, and the night came.

Huh... Huh...

In less than a thousandth of a second, thousands of icy breaths emerged from the air and came to Elder Xun, turning into thousands of icy little hands, wrapping around Elder Xun. Elder Xun never expected that King Maya would attack her, and she had no time to react and was trapped on the spot.


The next moment, a cloud of mist surged out from the night sky above Elder Xun's head, and halfway through it gathered into a dark night mist sword, wrapped in a sharp wind and boundless murderous aura, and went straight for Elder Xun's head!

Between the sky and the sea, sword marks continued, the void collapsed layer by layer, and the sea water and the turbulent void were engulfed by the sword force, besieging Elder Xun!

A commotion sounded, and it was too late for the elders on the side of the Empress Luosha to rescue, and Elder Xun himself showed despair and unwillingness.

But when King Maya took action, who else could stop him in the land of chaos except Daotian Shusheng and Empress Luosha?

King Maya's sword seemed to be a vent of anger, but its real purpose was to test. It would be fine if the Queen Luosha took action, but if she didn't, it would mean that she was strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Similarly, if the Queen Luosha couldn't even protect her most trusted people, her prestige would be gone.

In the center of the whirlpool of the sea, the beautiful female Taoist who made the stars pale in comparison sat quietly, motionless, breathing slowly, and no one knew what she was thinking. As King Maya's sword fell, she still didn't take action, and the diehard elders all looked bitter.

Still not taking action... It seems that the leader's injury is really serious...

The Queen Luosha didn't move, but in the air, Luo Chuan, who was wearing a white robe and covering his face, moved.

From the beginning, King Maya focused most of his attention on Luo Chuan. Rather than saying that he was testing the Queen Luosha, it would be better to say that he was testing this mysterious stranger.

He was full of confidence in his sword. Not only did he release the sword force, but he also triggered the turbulence of the void and the water force, completely blocking the opponent's route. Even if the opponent was a strong man who was not inferior to him, he could not save Elder Xun before he killed Elder Xun.

Not only King Maya, but most of the high-ranking members of the Demon Palace who had surrendered to him were also observing the white-robed monk. They naturally did not believe in the nonsense such as "the leader's layout and lure". The only variable could only happen to the white-robed monk who was not in the plan.

Among the crowd, Jiao Xingba was the most nervous.

At this moment, he could only pray for a miracle to happen, otherwise, he and Tianjiao Cave would become cannon fodder in this fight.


The elder brother's sigh sounded beside his ears, and Jiao Xingba's heart darkened. He clenched his teeth and stared at the white-robed monk who stretched out his hand.

Rationally, he and his elder brother and most of the people present did not believe that Luo Chuan could save Elder Xun from King Maya, especially since he knew Luo Chuan's identity. A cultivator in the realm of the heavens, even if he is a genius and a demon-like existence, has repelled the emperor and the second emperor, and has been called a giant.

But this time he is not facing an ordinary emperor, but a figure in the top ten of the emperor rankings in the past! King Maya, who can fight heartily even against the ancestor Xuanjun!

Jiao Xingba's eyes are fixed on Luo Chuan's straightened right hand. As the right hand sinks and rotates, his eyes also sink and rotate until he sees a black rune.

One, two, three, four... Jiao Xingba's eyes are straight, staring at the four innate Xuan patterns that merged instantly, shuttled through the void and time, and appeared under the dark night fog sword, his head rumbling.

"Heaven... Tianmen cultivator!"


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